Former ‘Gakketta blu’ enforcer appointed to board without public call

Gejtu Cuschieri, also known as ‘Gejtu l-Ħajta’, former police officer and a founder of the 1980s ‘Gakketta blu’ group of PN enforcers, was appointed to the board of directors of Malta Air Traffic Services Ltd.

Cuschieri is well-known for this past activism in the Nationalist Party in the 1980s and 1990s. For years he was the head of security within the PN headquarters and, along with minister Austin Gatt and others, where he founded a section within the party known as ‘tal-Gakketta blu’.

Sister newspaper Illum reports that sources are baffled how government keeps filling strategic posts within inside men, when Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi himself had said in the latest election was he would be insisting on “greater transparency.”

In the electoral manifesto, the PN vowed that “appointments to government boards would be done only following a public call for applications.”

Alfred Galea
Always has been and always will be the PN's way of doing's in their DNA. Compared with other stuff involving ex-police officers, two of whom were convicted of torturing certain Vella brothers, this is mild. A couple of them involved in "security" contracts, traffic wardens' companies, etc., etc. The most corrupt administration in Malta's history.
Joe Tanti
Tiftakru meta instabu l-armi mohbija wara hajt falz fil Headquarters tal Partit Nazzjonalista? Jista xi hadd jghidli kif kien baqa dan il-kas,niftakar anki kienu mdahla xi kumpanija tal gar ta l-ahwa Vella.Jaqaw kollox miet fuq ommu?Niftakar nara ritratti ta dawn l-armi imgezwra f karti ta gurnali nazzjonalisti.Jekk hawn xi hadd jaf kif kompla dan il-kaz jinformana ghax in-nazzjonalisti ghandhom habta kif certi affarijiet jipprovaw inessuhom ,jghamlu muntanji min hotba laburista pero jispiccaw qishom bid dimenzja meta jkun hemm bhal dan il-kas ta l-armi fil H.Q taghhom,fejn huma l-laburisti halli dan l-affarijiet ma nessuhomx u nkomplu nikxfu l-ipokresija ta GonziPN u klikka.
Tony Sultana
Another case which exposes Gonzi’s inability to do what he claims. Conclusion; either this Prime Minister is so weak that he is incapable of administrating the country or Gonzi as Muscat claimed is just another liar which would not be surprising considering that he does the opposite of what he claims publicly.
All these appointees must be given the order fo the boot by teh next PL government because they are being planted there for the PN to continue to control everything from the opposition.
Issa zgur ma jonqosna xejn! Aktar ma jghaddi z-zmien aktar il-Partit tal-"Hokkli Dari" jidher li se jibqa' l-istess. Min jaf x'kontribut siewi se jaghti Gejtu l-Hajta!
The" holier than thou" PN- led government strain out a gnat , but then swallow a whole camel!
What this country needs is a good broom and tip the rubbish over the highest cliffs of Dingli!