Freedom Press building to make way for new road
The new road will ease traffic congestion in Marsa and Paola
The Freedom Press building in Marsa is to be demolished and replaced by a new road which Transport Malta says will improve the traffic problem in Paola and Marsa.
The transport authority is advising the public that Triq il-Labour in Marsa will be closed as of 9.00pm on Friday 6 January and will remain closed until the following morning at 5.00am. The road is being closed as a safety measure during the demolition of the building.
Passenger vehicles travelling from Triq Aldo Moro to the south will be diverted either through the industrial estate, which will be set on two-way traffic, or through Dock 7.
Heavy vehicles will be able to pass through the industrial estate only.
Once the building has been demolished, temporary traffic management will be set until Sunday 8 January at 4.00pm. Traffic in passing through Triq il-Labour will be limited to two lanes while the industrial estate road will not be affected.
Traffic through Triq Aldo Moro will proceed through two lanes up to the traffic light junction, with traffic proceeding as usual beyond this point.
Drivers are being advised to proceed with caution and to follow the instructions of officials on-site.