Vodafone employee had passed on Christina Sammut's phone bill to killer

UPDATED: (Includes Vodafone statement) telephony company dismisses employee who will be the second man to be charged with murder.

A Vodafone employee who allegedly gave 'private' data to Kenneth Gafà to track down Christina Sammut, whom he shot dead in her car in Mgarr, has been dismissed from the company.

While Maltastar.com reported that the man has been dismissed from the mobile telephony company for giving out the data which led to Gafa tracking down his former lover to kill her, a Vodafone statement denied that the employee had access to such information.

In a statement, Vodafone said that it takes the privacy of its customers’ information "extremely seriously and to this effect, the Company has in place detailed compliance requirements for all of its employees to safeguard against disclosure of sensitive data."

"In this particular case, the individual concerned did not follow Vodafone’s strict data privacy compliance requirements and disclosed Christina Sammut’s itemized bill to a third party. At no point in time did the former Vodafone employee divulge information relating to the subscriber’s location. The employee is no longer employed with Vodafone Malta."

Vodafone Malta sad it was deeply saddened by Christina Sammut’s death and is working closely with the police to provide them with any necessary help in their investigations."

The second man is expected to be charged in connection with Christina Sammut’s murder, who was murdered 11 December when former boyfriend Kenneth Gafà followed her to Mgarr, and then shot her twice in the neck while she was parking her van. He was later charged with murder, to which he has pleaded not guilty, after turning himself in at the Hamrun police station right after the murder.

Sammut had already been threatened by Gafa with a knife, and the police has come under fire for failing to take action on several reports filed at a police station which were never communicated to the Vice Squad.

Fixed, mobile telephony companies and internet service providers are bound to provide police and security services with location data in their investigation of “serious crimes”. Such data includes incoming and outgoing telephone numbers, subscribers’ details, Internet protocol addresses, log-in and log-out times of Internet access and email services, and location data identifying the geographic location of mobile phones.

While the information ostensibly improves police investigators’ crime-solving, the police are legally entitled to request personal data orally in urgent cases, and service providers must provide the data without undue delay.

Even more seriously, such information can be handed over without a magistrate’s order. The only type of query that needed a Court’s judicial review – an effective warrant – is if this was a ‘fishing expedition’ that did not focus on a specific investigation or specific individuals under reasonable suspicion.

Telephony companies and ISPs store data for periods up to two years for any investigation that constitutes “serious crime” – anything that could lead to imprisonment of over one year.

Christopher Briffa
This is a very serious breach. It would be good to know if the principal of least privilege was followed here, i.e. did the person having access to that level of data need to have access to that data for the day to day performing of his job? If this level of access was not necessary, than this was a major flaw.
So what action will be taken against Vodafone or are off the hook on some BS statement about how sorry they are? Are telephone numbers passed to business competitors for example ? Apart from being an annual tax - a law that requires us to PAY MONEY to acknowledge it exist - what does DATA PROTECTION mean in Malta? Did they take action against PN when they were caught breaking this law? On the subject of DATA PROTECTION - did you know that even though you think you are using your own DNS - GO will INTERCEPT your DNS requests and replace them with their own. That means they can track every domain that you visit. WHY are they doing this. WHY does MCA and data protection not lift a finger. What about illegal interception of communications - are the POLICE not interested? Can MaltaToday do a story on this can of shit - if they can spare time from all the other can of shits that constitute our daily live in MALTA?
OK now know about this case, but how many remain undetected. Question is how secure if this very confidential information stored at these mobile companies, if every Tom, Dick and Harry working there can go through my personal file and know with whom i am corresponding. The Malta Communications Authority needs urgently to review this situation and ensure more security with this very personal information.
this is a total abuse of info. i'm sure that this info, supposedly confidential, is being abused even by the people who are there to protect the citizens rights. where is the comm. for data protection?? seems like technology has placed us citizens in the mercy of others who are in a very good position to abuse their authority and powers, placing us in a policing environment of paranoia.
this is a serious breach of privacy and it's refreshing to see that the person is being held responsible. I also think that the leeway given to the maltese authorities with telecom companies in requesting data on users is too wide. There are no checks and balances on how data us requested (no warrant required, data ciuld be requested verbally??!! what if corrupt cop asks for info? Who will be held accountable if there's no trace of the request?? I bet this provision has been abused of, time and time again!!)... Someone should compare the powers accorded to the authorities under local legislation with that in other EU countries to see how we compare. I'd imagine that our laws need a good dose of progressive liberalism
Qedin sewwa in nies mhux biz zejjed li il kumpaniji tal mobiles qedin IQAXRUNA hajjin bi t tariffi gholjin li ghandna issa gejna ahjar ukoll ghax certi impjegati jaghtu taghrif personali li tkun ghamilt lil certi nies kriminali ukoll Dan mhux sewwa ghax ahna sippost ghandna ikollna it data protection biex certi informazjoni tibqa SIGRIETA