‘Proud to tell EU leaders of Malta’s success,’ Muscat says
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says that reducing the number of people registering for work is the administration’s ‘biggest summit’
The summit of the heads of government of the 28 member states of the European Union, being held in Malta this coming Friday, will be a good showcase of the country’s success in various fields, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said on Sunday.
In a phone-in on One radio, Muscat said that he would be proud to tell the European leaders about Malta about and the success achieved, but insisted that the largest summit under this government was the summit of work created
“We inherited a situation where 7,000 were applying for work, but with a lot of hard work, we reached this record in our country’s history,” he said. “Being pro-business means being pro-worker, and we have succeeded in assuring parents that their children will find employment once they leave school.”
Muscat said the government had managed to reduce drastically the number of youths registering for work, as well as the number of disabled persons and persons over 45 years of age.
The government was now working on improving wages and providing a better quality of life for families, he said.
Muscat welcomed this week’s approval of the Marsa Junction project, which will complement the Coast Road in the North and the Kappara Junction in easing the flow of traffic on the country’s roads.
He also referred to the government project, through which school children today were enjoying free tablets and access to technology.
“The ffect of this decision will be felt years into the future when these same children grow up and join the workforce,” Muscat said.