Archbishop snubs the far-right after ‘patriots’ request meeting
Far-right party that claims it ‘fights against immigration invasion’ wanted to discuss ‘moral deficit’ with Maltese archbishop

Malta’s far-right ‘patriots’ grouping – the Moviment Patrijotti Maltin – wanted the blessing of the Archbishop for a spiritual pastor. So Charles Scicluna snubbed the anti-immigration zealots, suggesting they can approach any priest for “the Church’s teaching on social justice”.
Now having registered themselves as a political party, the MPM has complained that Scicluna’s snub had “prevented” it from having an appointed spiritual leader, after it requested a meeting to “discuss the country’s moral and social deficit”.
On his part, Archbishop Scicluna said the doors of the Church would remain open to anyone seeking guidance on the Church’s teaching on social justice, a subtle hint at the MPM to brush up on the Catholic Church’s teaching on the treatment of others such as refugees, migrants and poor.
“While encouraging Christian politicians to practice their faith, it is not the Church’s remit to appoint spiritual directors for a political movement,” the Maltese Curia said.
The MPM were ready to take the sleight to hyperbolic proportions, complaining that their party was being ‘interdicted’ by the Church for “fighting against the invasion of illegal immigrants”, harking back to the 1961 interdiction of Labour politicians.
Archbishop Charles Scicluna had blessed the ‘Phoenix’ vessel used by the Migrant Offshore Aid Station (MOAS) in Marsa, where he met founders Christopher and Regina Catrambone, and the crew of the vessel and a number of volunteers.
“I only have a few words to share, to leave this to the beauty of the liturgy, especially on this ship, which I baptised as a ‘New Door of Mercy’. The Holy Father has proclaimed ‘A Year of Mercy’ and I strongly believe that this is the ship of mercy,” Scicluna said during the service.
“That is also a door of mercy, it is a door of life, and the Lord blesses that door and whatever you do in saving lives... This is a high point in being human, giving our lives, what we have and who we are, to be companions to other people. May your example be a shining light to all,” he added.