‘Silence on Egrant ownership accusations a mistake’, Muscat admits
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat acknowledges he should have listened to those around him and spoken out earlier against claims that he could be the owner of the Panama company

The decision to remain silent in the face of accusations that he is the beneficiary of Egrant, the mysterious Panama company set up at the same time two secret comapnies were set up for Konrad Mizzi and OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri, "may have been a mistake", Prime Minister Joseph Muscat conceded today.
"Simon Busuttil has been suggesting for more than a year that I am the beneficiary of the secret Panama company Egrant, but finally, we now have clear evidence who the real owner is. I can therefore say, with hand on heart, even if a year late" Simon Busuttil, you are a liar!" Muscat said while acknowledging that he should have challenged the "lies" earlier.
The prime minister said he always chose to ignore Busuttil's claims and innuendos, choosing instead to focus on generating more employment oppurtunities, raising the minimum wage, attracting investment, and solidifying the country’s economy.
“My silence may have been a mistake and many people around me had warned me that people were starting to consider or believe the opposition’s lies, even though they were absurd beyond belief,” he said.
“But now that we know who the owner is, I have no regret it calling the leader of the opposition out: Simon Busuttil, you a liar!”
Muscat's comments were made after Brian Tonna, the owner of Nexia BT, the audit company which opened secret offshore companies in Panama for de facto energy minister Konrad Mizzi and OPM chief of staff Keith Schembri, told MaltaToday that he remains the sole owner of Egrant.
Moreover, a letter supplied by Tonna from Mossack Fonseca president Ricardo Samaniego, dated 16 February, 2017, reiterates the claim that Egrant was acquired by Tonna through his own firm BTI Management on 9 August, 2013, remaining its sole ultimate beneficial owner.
Dismissing accusations that he is the beneficial owner of Egrant, a bullish Muscat insisted that anyone "who had nothing but lies to offer, could not lead a country."
“To this liar leader of the opposition, I still extend my hand in friendship, not for him because the country’s leaders can never bear grudges,” he said. “Let Busuttil hold me accountable, as I will hold him accountable, but let us make sure to keep this political fight between us clean.”
Muscat said he hopes that, even if Busuttil did not accept his appeal, those around the opposition leader would, insisting many would have given up by now on Busuttil listening to them and were considering leaving the Nationalist Party to join the Labour movement.
He warned party supporters that it was their duty to welcome those of different political beliefs to the movement.
“I guarantee there are many people who voted PN in the last election and who are moving closer to the Labour movement, but it is not enough that Joseph Muscat welcomes them,” he said. “It is the duty of all of you to welcome these people to our movement.”
Muscat said that was the basis of the foundation upon which the restructuring of our movement would be built, despite the efforts of “others” to maintain the ‘blue vs red’ divide.
“It will challenge our courage and beliefs, but it will mark our country’s future,” he said.
“One must admire the creativity of Busuttil’s lies” – Muscat
Muscat said Busuttil had also lied earlier this week when he claimed that, under the proposed Media and Defamation Act, all Facebook users would have to register with the government.
Muscat said that if Busuttil had claimed the role of paladin of freedom of expression, where was he when the previous government, on the day of the last election, ordered the arrest of Labour Party youth activists, who posted comments online?
“And where was he when his party ordered that the same journalist he is now defending, be taken to the police depot for interrogation?”
Muscat said the government the law would be amended to ensure that no such thing happen again in the upcoming election, even though the Labour Party had supporters that had even imprisoned for their political ideals.
“This government will continue to guarantee everyone have the right to express themselves,” he said. “On issues like the proposed register, we will wait to hear what groups like the institute of journalists have to say and then decide how to proceed.”
On the issue of the planning application by Nationalist MP Toni Bezzina in an ODZ (outside development zone) area – which Bezzina said he would not withdraw – Muscat said Busuttil would come to regret the unconditional support he had shown for his MP.