School libraries' manual 'contradicts' ban on Mario Azzopardi works - publishers

Publishers say libraries head who recommended Mario Azzopardi penned manual contradicting controversial decision.

Obscene or sexual literature for young adults does not disqualify it from inclusion in secondary school libraries, says a report penned by Joseph Boffa, a former head of the School Libraries Section (SLS), who is purportedly behind the ad hoc banning of Mario Azzopardi’s short stories for teenagers.

In a statement, Horizons Publications referred to a document titled Manual for School Librarians and bearing the signature of Joseph Boffa, a retired official who until recently was head of the School Library Services within the Education Division.

The statement comes in the wake of an alleged SLS directive which Horizons Publications claims was issued to not include two works of fiction by Azzopardi in secondary school libraries.

The two books are Vampir u rakkonti ohra, published by Horizons and Alicia titkellem mill-Imwiet, published by Merlin library, which have been classified as 16+ by the SLS. The latter was awarded the teenage category award by the National Book Council in 2008.

The decision to ban the book from secondary school libraries may have been taken unilaterally by former SLS head Joseph Boffa, who is retired but who - according to Horizons Publications - still strongly influences its running.

Current SLS head Marisa Calleja appears to be keeping a low profile in the matter, denying that an official directive had been issued. The matter later prompted education minister Dolores Christina to call for an investigation into the decision.

Horizons' spokesperson Anna Camiller said a section in the school manual was plagiarised from an internet site, but that it invites the SLS to consider books for school libraries on whether "the material presents life in its true proportions, in an artistic way.”

The books banned by Boffa, which Camilleri said was on approval of SLS head Marisa Calleja, "are far from being obscene, certainly do meet the criteria of artistic merit, as attested by professional critics and by the fact that Azzopardi has been awarded national recognition for his ground breaking, young adult literature."

Camilleri added that the manual  refers to the Public Library Regulations of 1974 which consider students of 14 years and over to young adults. "Therefore the banning of adolescent literature books in secondary schools runs counter to this assumption."

She also pointed out that the manual itself however maintains that “a balance should be reached between “the freedom to read” and “the legal framework of laws regarding minors,” and that any “complaints” should be resolved informally “at the individual school level.”

“The unilateral decision to ban Azzopardi’s books 'officially' contradicts this tenet and does not leave any space for librarians’ professional discretion,” she said, adding that the manual recommends the teacher-librarian selects books for the school.

Camilleri said a list of 70 foreign authors recommended in Boffa’s Manual for School Librarians includes Philip Pullman, a "self-confessed, avowed atheist" and a writer identified for his strong anti-Christian bias. “It defies all reason why an atheist is deemed fit to feature in a list of books for school libraries while at the same time, issue literature for young adults by an awarded veteran local author is subjectively shunned," she said.

Camilleri urged the education authorities to “look closely into the anomalies featured in the Manual circulated by the SLS and to publish the result of the investigation promised by the Ministry of Education.”

The spokesperson also requested that the National Book Council make public the contents of an “internal report” which was prepared some weeks ago for the consumption of interested parties, including Horizons Publications, but which still has to pass to the public domain.

This is beside the point. What is at stake is the common sense of decency. If we are, really and unequivocally, trying to keep this kind of writing away from minors, no author, whether s/he be Maltese or foreign should be allowed to prey on the minds of those who are still unprepared to discuss "adult" subjects. At their age sexuality should only be discussed and analyzed by serious professionals, not authors who are used to discuss "adult" subjects with adults. Publishers too should be careful and act responsibly when choosing their material for minors. If they fail to do that they can only be suspected to attempting to make money out of the sensationalism created by such controversial subjects. Really now, whom do they think they're kidding?
Abdullah alhrbi
@victor micallef The only fact worth noting is the two weights and two measures with which censorship is applied. As Mr. Laiviera rightly brought to readers' attention, it is books for young adults written in Maltese by an established author that are being banned from schools. It seems some would prefer Maltese to fossilise as the language of sacred texts or dry translations from Brussels. What is it about narrative description and text in Maltese that is so objectionable to some august eyes and ears? Really,what better way of ensuring wider function use than good literature for young adults? The comatose Kunsill Nazzjonali tal-ilsien Malti doesn't really help matters either. It seems committed to the idea of Maltese as a minority language.
The fact remains that the author is still at his vampire ways: oozing money (thank God not literally blood) at every opportunity he detects. He is a past master at this kind of game.
hmm!! I smell a red herring here. what's this diversion for? and again an author doesnt retire. Is someone being too envious of MA? we live in an extended Village and everyone knows what ticks. lets start minding our own business and keep the world circling. Books are meant to be read and enjoyed or simply read and discarded, they reflect the Authors' thoughts, I for one simply enjoy reading, but I form my own values ( mainly based on Christian morality) and keep books for what they are there for : an author's opinion and perspective.
Carrying out smear campaigns against writers as some of the comments below are attempting to do smacks of the tactics of the worst types of dictatorial regimes. The argument has been factually developed in Nestor Laiviera's piece and it revolves around the contradictions in the School Library Services Manual and the actual application of these guidelines, as the Vampir case has shown. Any other consideration, especially one that tries to connect Mario Azzopardi, or any other local writer, to money-grubbing displays a seious lack of knowledge of the publishing industry in this country.
Jon Sciberras
Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. Quote by Albert Einstein
You don't seem to be too much in, Sir. Mario Azzopardi is precisely one of those the Govt seems unable to go without. He should have retired five years ago but is still hanging on with one excuse or other. Besides, he works part-time for the PN press and still asks the Income Tax Dept to reduce his rate given that he buys some sort of stationery for the Press. You should update yourself before commenting.
Albert Zammit
Wheter Mario Azzopardi makes money through his literature or not, is neither here nor there. It's none of my business. Anyway, what's wrong with making money out of the books you write? Perhaps Victor Micallef can follow this profession and start making loads of money - if people will bother to read his works! That having been said, my question is: what is Joseph Boffa STILL doing, working when he has gone out on a pension? Is he one of those experts that the Government 'cannot do without'? I don't think so. And what is the present encumbent doing in all this? The mind boggles!
The original comment was that Mario Azzopardi has always found a way how to make money out of literature. His financial problems with the MQL back in the 70's is sufficient proof that he always sought to strike a hero's stance through skirmishes with censorship by way of making money on the side. The MQL's Il-Polz is the proof.
What's wrong with the comment?