Nurses' union says increase in births 'not seasonal' in row over induced labour
The increase in birth rates that is putting pressure on the Mater Dei maternity ward 'is not a seasonal problem', says nurses' union boss Paul Pace.
Paul Pace, secretary general of the Malta Union of Midwives and Nurses (MUMN) has said the maternity ward at Mater Dei Hospital is under pressure because of doctors inducing labour unnecessarily, in response to a statement from the health ministry that lack of bed space was due to a seasonal increase in births.
Though Pace said he agreed that in some instances inducing labour was medically necessary, he said there are no official standards and procedures that have to be adhered to, resulting in doctors abusing the system and inducing birth unnecessarily. “We are having to deliver babies in rooms that are not set up as delivery suites, putting both the mother and child at risk. In the event where something goes wrong and a mother is lost the responsibility ultimately lies with the midwife. The hospital is accommodating consultants and not patients.”
Head of Paediatrics at Mater Dei Hospital, Professor Simon Attard Montalto however said that doctors only induce labour if there is a medical reason to do so. "But I do agree that Malta has the highest rate of induced labour and resulting Caesearian deliveries in Europe and this merits discussion. But the union's intervention is not the right way forward."
The MUMN threatened industrial action yesterday if the government did not address the problem of doctors inducing labour unnecessarily.
The Ministry of Health has appealed to consultants, doctors, midwives and nurses to continue to work whilst dialogues are taking place to ensure the safety of mother and child, especially over the festive period.