Investigation launched into discontinuation of Living and Comedy channels

Consumer Affairs Directorate within the Consumer and Competition Department (CCD) investigating discontinuation of Living TV and Comedy channels.

A total of four complaints have so far been registered by the Consumer and Competition Department over the suspension of the Living TV and Comedy channels from the GO and Melita digital TV platforms after it was found that the channels had been broadcast illegally.

The Directorate said it has been in touch with the service providers with the aim of reaching an amicable solution. “Over the past days the CCD has repeatedly attempted to set meetings with both Melita and GO. However the management of both companies has so far been unavailable for discussion. Meetings will take place next week.”

The CCD investigation will establish whether the service providers had the rights to provide such service, the terms and conditions under which this service was sold, and ultimately, whether they are effectively in breach of consumer law.

“If the behaviour of the service providers is effectively found to constitute an unfair commercial practice, the Directorate will act in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Consumer Affairs Act, which also empower the Director to impose an administrative fine should an infringement be found,” the CCD said.

The CCD also wants to establish whether both companies were in breach of the agreements entered into with their paying clients and whether customers should receive refunds after the discontinuation of the mentioned channels from their respective platforms.

If this "day robbery" would have happened abroad, the issue would have been solved within 24 hrs. Here in Malta? Everything is original!! Everything works just the opposite. No wonder consumers think that authorities are set up to defend the "suppliers" whilst enjoying their "minimum wages" and other breadcrumbs!! And the consumer..........enjoying the day robbery!! Happy new year, dear authorities and wish you every (more) luck.
Keith Goodlip
Both of these companies should accorded the crime of handling and profiting from stolen property; but will they? I think not.
jien ma nafx kif dawn iz zewg kumpaniji ma JISTHUX jitkellmu kontra is satelita meta huma qedin JISIEQU IR RIGHTS lil kumpaniji ohrajn u izzommu il flus lin nies meta ma ghandhomx ACCESS biex ixandruhom u ma nafx ukoll kemm ir REGOLATUR ser idun RIEQED daqs kemm hawn affarijiet HZIENA u ghar REGOLATUR qiesu nhu qied jigri xejn HAZIEN
Alfred Galea
[“Over the past days the CCD has repeatedly attempted to set meetings with both Melita and GO. However the management of both companies has so far been unavailable for discussion] They don't care about a government agency, imagine how much they care about their customers.