Valletta bus chaos on New Year's Eve

Public transport plans for the New Year's celebrations in Valletta left revellers stranded as chaos led to arguments marking the first few hours of 2011.

Labour organ Kullhadd reports that the public transport service announced in the run-up to the New Year celebrations for Valletta and Floriana had failed to deliver, with no buses to be seen after the midnight countdown.

It was only after considerable crowds started to gather at the Valletta bus terminus that buses started to arrive and take on passengers.

But the increasing demand for transportation left many buses unable to take all passengers at once, and heated arguments ensued as tired party-goers vied for the few seats available. Exhausted with the long wait, some members of the public had to look for alternative means of transport such as taxis.

According to similar reports by The Times, one woman reported that when she attempted to ask ADT officials on site about the insufficient transport system, she was told that "they (bus drivers) decided not to show up and spend time with family."

Or perhaps they just garaged their trucks and brought out their taxis???