Medical students at University of Malta almost double since 2010
The number of students from other states within the European Union and European Economic Area registered the largest increase

The number of students reading for a degree in Medicine at the University of Malta this scholastic year was 808, up from 767 last year and 488 during the 2010/2011 scholastic year, according to Education minister Evarist Bartolo.
The minister was replying to a parliamentary question put to him by Opposition MP Chris Said, who asked the minister how many students had enrolled in the course, asking the minister to specify how many were of a foreign nationality.
Bartolo said that the number of Maltese students during the scholastic year 2016/2017 amounted to 568, while non-Maltese students reached 240.
There was a 35% increase in Maltese students since 2010, while foreign students increased by 247%, increasing from 69 students to 240.