PBS censors satirical clip making fun of politicians

Political censorship appears to be back on the agenda at Public Broadcasting Services, with a satirical sketch on the national station TVM unceremoniously excised from a production aired late on Monday night.

The clip in question portrayed AD’s former chairman Arnold Cassola ‘finally’ winning something at the expense of the other two parties. The incident took place during this week’s edition of ZOO’s satirical programme ‘VIPShow’, when a three-minute segment was ‘blacked out’ of the programme without any warning or explanation.

The censored clip was available for viewing on Youtube until Tuesday, represents a spoof quiz show in which contestants are invited to throw shoes at images of Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, Opposition leader Jopseph Muscat and President of the Republic George Abela – a clear parody of the famous ‘shoe-throwing incident’, involving former US President George Bush and an Iraqi journalist, at a Baghdad press conference two years ago.

On the spoof version in VIPShow, the final contestant happened to be the Green Party’s EU spokesman, Arnold Cassola.

In order to make sure he ‘won’ the quiz, the targets were brought forward right up to his panel, so that all he had to do was knock them over with the shoe without actually throwing it.

The entire episode was replete with references to Alternattiva Demokratika’s repeated failure to ever win any ‘serious’ political contests, making the butt of the joke very clear to all viewers: the Green Party needs all the help it can get to overcome its political rivals.

VIPShow producer (and presenter) Chrysander Agius yesterday confirmed that ZOO had nothing to do with the decision to censor the programme.

“There’s nothing to explain,” he said when contacted yesterday. “They didn’t want that part to be aired, and I didn’t want Arnold Cassola to think that we had cut it out ourselves. As far as we are concerned there was nothing at all wrong with the clip; on the contrary,we purposely did it in such a way to make it look like AD ‘took over’ for once…”

But TVM evidently failed to appreciate the satire, and in its zeal to remove it from the show indulged in what can only be described as sloppy editing.

“You should see how skillfully they edited it out,” Agius sarcastically remarked. “Just fade to black… they let it pass, and boom! Back up!”

On his part, Cassola told MaltaToday that the incident shows how little progress we have achieved in public broadcasting over the years.

“This kind of attitude shows how backward we still are when it comes to humour, and how politicians are still considered ‘untouchables’ in Malta. Can you imagine a similar incident happening in countries like France, with its satirical newspaper le Canard, or Italywith Striscia La Notizia?”

Cassola pointed out that the clip actually exposed himself and AD to ridicule, and not the bigger parties at all.

“The whole point of the clip was to make fun of myself and AD: that we are a small party, and so on. I myself was belittled by the joke, but so what? It’s just a joke, and we can take it…”

Cassola added that the political set-up of the Broadcasting Authority makes political censorship of this nature all but inevitable..

“This is sort of thing we can continue to expect, so long as the BA’s board members  remains appointed by the two parties. It doesn’t matter that they are intelligent and conscientious people; if they feel they are answerable to the two parties, this is what will continue to happen.”

eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
The PNPL have literally hijacked democracy. Their control over every aspect of Maltese life - worst of all the media - is incredible. They feed on people's hatred (or fear) of the "other party" as if there is a difference between them. Their main aim is that 3rd (4th or more) parties will never make it to Parliament so that they can continue their charade!
Malta must be the only country where, in carnival, there are no floats depicting the main politicians, bishops and other well-known faces. There are no comedy shows poking satire at them. It seems that the only people making fun of big names are the newspaper cartoonists.
Luke Camilleri
@Gecko Lou Bondi grilling Joe Pirotta about this one ? Profs Joe Pirotta is one person which neither Lou or anyone gives him a grill! Ever heard him do a Newspaper review on Campus FM ona Friday, especially when BWSC makes news? He just skims over, and takes the BWSC defence ......without mentioning that he is in-law to Joe Mizzi of the €4 million commission fame : )
Jiddispjacini ghall-kummenti li jidhru hawn taht izda naqbel mal-pass li hadu l-PBS ghall-fatt li l-persuna tal-President tirrapprezenta lill-pajjiz, u ghalija zgur mhux permessibbli li jigi xi hadd u juri disprezz lejn pajjizi billi jwaddab zarbun lejn il-persuna li tirrapprezenta l-pajjiz, specjalment fl-istat ta' President. Mhux il-persuna personalment ghax m' ghandi l-ebda dubju li Dr. G. Abela jaf jiehu cajta.
Joseph Sant
It seems that Arnold Cassola's complaint is totally misdirected. To start with the term of office of the Broadcasting Authority Board came to an end on 31st December and there is currently no Authority Board of any shape, type or composition. Mr Cassola should direct his complaint at the PBS editorial board since it is that board that decides what goes on the air or not. I would love to see Lou Bondi grilling Joe Pirotta about this one - ROFL that would be the day!
Alfred Galea
M-I-C-K-E-Y M-O-U-S-E. PBS....Pure Bull Shit.
Keith Goodlip
@CitizenX A nice bit of satire of your own, congrats are in order.
Luke Camilleri
Kemm saru touchy..... tghid dan il-kaz ta' censura jigi diskuss minn ta' Bondi + - x Gurnalizmu kwazi fuq kollox? Kieku mhux daqshekk tal-biki, tad-dahk! Raguni aktar biex ma tithallas il-Licenzja tatT.V> Keep up the good work Zoo...qabel ma Gonzi jintaxxa l-umorizmu!
I really think its inappropriate to make satirical shows on our political class. These are people who have pulled themselves up from the dredges of our society to become the new princes of our country. New political dynasties have been created were before we had school janitors, now their progenity are presidents. And let's now forget the respect they have show to our democracy. Even when enriching themselves, they have done so with very tactfully and with class. Its not for their children only that they serve this country. Our children also benefit from this inspired leadership.
Hekk jonqsu GonziPN, ftit sketches satirici ha jigi ottu! Sinjuri, tal-PBS qeghdin hemm biex jiehdu hsieb tal-Gonz mhux tat-telespettaturi li jhallsu t-taxxa kontroversjali fuq ir-recezzjoni tad-dardir, skuzi ridt nghid xandir Malti. Meta se tindunaw? Intom sew jew?