Labour leader 'knew of salary raise' in 2010 - PN whip

Joseph Muscat 'aware' of prospective raises for parliamentary secretaries according to parliamentary report.

Nationalist organ In-Nazzjon’s front page reports Labour leader Joseph Muscat’s agreement as early as mmid-2010 on a salary raise for ministers. that was to be extended to former ministers and parliamentary secretaries.

The newspaper said Muscat was aware of the increase in ministerial salaries well before December 2010, according to a document from the Association of former Members of Parliament presented to parliament’s welfare committee.

The document, tabled on 20 April 2010 by the association’s secretary Lino Debono, a former Labour MP, was revealed by Nationalist whip David Agius on PBS Friday.

The document was agreed upon by the deputy prime minister as Leader of the House, the Opposition leader and the two whips.

In-Nazzjon says Muscat was aware of the document’s contents, which refers to “the salary raise awarded to ministers and parliamentary secretaries for their work as Members of Parliament, must be extended for purposes of pensionable income even former ministers and parliamentary secretaries.”

Hbieb, dak li jfisser li tkun membru fil-mishuta Unjoni Ewroepa. Hemm bzonn naghmlu kuragg u nfittxu nitilqu kif ghandna dritt i dmir li naghmklu ghalina nfusna, ghal uliedna u ghal pajjizna. Araw dan il-video tal-Parlament Ewropew li hemm link ghalih fuq il-pagna tac-CNI, il-Kampanja Helsien Nazzjonali Il-olitici taz-zewg nahat kienu jghidulkom li ma nistghux imma issa wara li nkixfu fil-gideb qed jghidulkom li ma jaqblilniex. Ftakru biss li dawk qed jigdbu u jghidulkom hekk ghax qed jimpalaw il-mijiet ta' eluf ta' euros fis-sena waqt li inthom thallsu ghalihom u mhux jibqalkom biex tghixu. Ftakru li meta jghidilkom ghalina u ghal uliedna jkunu qed ifissru "GHALIHOM U GHAL ULIEDHOM". Araw kif waqt li jriduna nbatu bil-mizuri ta' awsterità, huma dejjem iżidu s-salarji fenominali taghhom, ibda mill-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej, il-Kummissarji tal-Unjoni Ewropea u l-haddiema taghhom u spicca fil-Membri Parlamentari Maltin. Araw kif barra t-taxxi u t-tbatijiet li qed inbatu minhabba ll-Unjoni Ewropea intlejna bil-haddiema u settlers barranin u klandestini li qed jehdu xoghol u hobz il-haddiem Maltin u l-familja taghhom. Hemm bzonn li nfittxu nitilqu halli nqalftuhom 'il barra u nahdmu ahna l-haddiema mhux il-barranin qed jehdulna artna u xogholna u anki pajjizna.
Is this supposed to put things into different perspectives? As far as I know J.Muscat has declined to take the increase as did a number of other labour MP's together with Pn MP Jean Pierre Farriuga. That's what matters. Whether Muscat knew or not is of little consequence. Those who accepted the increase (especially the one given to Ministers) "jaghmlu il-kontijiet ma Alla u mal-poplu" as former PN treasury guy Peter Darmanin said on a comment he left on Facebook.
A must seen clip
I do not get this. Assuming for one moment that Muscat was aware of this rise in parliamentary salaries, does it necessarily mean that he agreed with it?
What were the taxes that were introduced in and after the 2010 budget? In the Budget we had an increase in the Water and Electricity bills, a drastic increase in the car licenses which are increasing every year, followed by a drastic increase in the gas cylinders. In this budget the Government made a drastic increase in the Fuel (zied is sijsa), alcohol, Cigarettes, and instead of giving the energy vouchers he deducted these vouchers which amount to 11million a year. The government also made a first time buyer suffer most with the drastic increase in MEPA tariffs followed by a drastic increase in Cement which surely will increase the property prices. After the Budget we had a drastic increase in the National Insurance who gains Eur1600 a month. A drastic rise in fuel prices and gas cylinders where the Ministers and the Prime Minister were given a Eur600 weekly increment-in their wages. The Prime Minister committed himself to make a new Parliament and an open roof theater and paid millions to Renzo Piano. Hope that Gonzi listens to the unions and not introduce the obligatory" Second Pillar Pension" in the next week Pension Reform which means that we have to pay an extra free apart from our National Insurance thus decreasing our Net Wage.(tonqos l-paga) Do you agree with the direction our country has been taking? Can you identify yourself with the present administration? Do you feel that the government is acting according to your needs?
Luke Camilleri
From where did david Agius copy that? By the way, the public apology David Agius made for being caught three times copying does not mean that it was accepted. Quite a role model to go by this Gonzipn whip and a true example to all - if you are caught copying, try and try again! The boy has perseverance, you must give hime that....that and a salary raise !
David ma jkollokx minn xhiex tisthi jekk tikkopja lil Joseph Muscat u mhux tinghaqad ma` l-ipprivileggjat li jieklu b`hafna hluq u li jkollhom pensjoni MHUX ikkapplata. Isthi jekk tikkopja f`xi ezami biex tiehu vantagg ingust fuq kandidati ohra! M`hemmx post ghall-ipprivileggjati fir-Republika ta` Malta fejn kulhadd suppost indaqs. Jekk trid thoss il-polz tal-poplu taccettax kundizzjonijiet superjuri minn dawk tal-poplu...pensjoni mhux ikkapjata, dhul minn kull bieb u tirqa.. HALLINA int u min jirraguna bhalek! Malta zghira u n-nies maghrufa !
Brandon Johnson
What's important is not whether or not a person knew about it but whether or not he is actually going to accept it. Dr Joseph Muscat refused it straight away, as did a number of Labour MPs and also some MPs on the government's side. This fact alone shows that these MP's, although they may have known about the wage rise, are against it; for a reason. This reason being the fact that at the moment when people are being asked to make sacrifices the government went on an irresponsible spending spree to favour his ministers. How can you ever justify getting 2 wages for the same job? And then looking people in the eye and telling them that they have to do sacrifices because we are facing hard times... We are either all in the same boat, or else the ministers are throwing us overboard so that they can ride higher in the storm. I'd rather throw them out because they way the country is being run is leaving our pockets dry...
Alfred Galea
@ianzahra....did you read the report?? If yes, tell us exactly what Muscat knew, if not then shouldn't you just STFU??
"Obligatory Second Pillar Pension" Vicin hafna, noqghodu attenti ghax ma nifilhux tnaqqis iktar mil Net Income peress li terga tghola il-bolla!! Issa ghadni kif nara News tan Net. Alla Hares jghamila l-gvern din ir Riforma tal-pensjonijiet li qieghed jghid. Hafna hafna familji ser jitkissru jekk tghola lbolla ghax ma nifilhux tnaqqis iktar mil paga taghna. Bizzejjed qeghdin nhallsu bolla! Jekk jghamila ha jkisser lili u l-familja tieghi u eluf ta negozjanti!
Joe Tanti
Li jimportana Sur Agius mhux meta jew meta kien jaf Joseph Muscat ,li fuq kollox mhux sejjer jaccetta iz-zieda fil-onorarja ,imma xsejjer tghamel int,il-famuza onorarja tieghek li hi ta Euro28638 fis-sena,jew xi Euro550 fil-gimgha ,jew Euro13.8 fis-siegha dejjem jekk f gimgha ta 40 siegha li zgur dawn ma jsirrux fil-parlament u dan barra telefon u internet bxejn, 100 envelop bil-bolla filgimgha u 250 litru petrol fix-xahar. U AHNA kull ma hadna hu biss mizerja ta Euro1.16 fil-gimgha li tfisser MIZERJA ta Euro60.32 fis-SENA. Mela mhux ahjar TIKKOPJA lil DR.Muscat sur Agius ara hemm jekk tikkopja kullhadd ifahrekk,xi tghid lest li tikkopja darba ohra?
PN apologists, even if Dr Muscat was aware of the Ministers salary increase, it doesn't mean that he was aware of the amount because he may have been told that salaries will be increased but he may not have been told by how much.
Ghidilhom, Matrix, lil dawn il-qatta' laghqin tal-Gonz! Ahna mbaghad nuruhom fl-elezzjoni. Kif nghidlek jien ghandhom mill-inqas 40 sena fl-Oppozizzjoni wara t-tkaxkira li naghtuhom fl-elezzjoni li gejja.
Zack Depasquale
L-importanza mhux meta kien jaf Dr Muscat, issa kien jaf f'Dicembru u kien jaf f'Jannar x'jinterresah il-poplu. Il-poplu imma jinterresah li ghal-Ministri u Membri Parlamentari money no problem u fejn jidhol il-poplu Eur 1.16 u jrid iqis lilu innifsu iffortunat li ha din iz-zieda, u biex forsi jinghata farka milli hadu l-bella compania ta'Gonzi irid jistenna rapport li forsi johrog f'Marzu umbghad irid jistenna ftit iehor biex forsi jigi mwettaq u ghal-Ministri jahasra jiehdu zieda backdated b'sentejn. Dan li jinteressa l-poplu.
Watch this really interesting
@ianzahra You'll get your answer at the hustings, buster. I have no time to waste with your kind.
@knocker No, he has proven that it is not true that PL wasnt aware of the salary rise. 'Laqizmu mal-poplu dak'
And what has the hare-lipped Whip proven by his latest idiotic stance? Has he proven that the Maltese people are not hard pressed by the economic crisis which the inefficient GonziPN is unable to alleviate?
The report does not lie. He knew and that's it. Yesterday David Agius on 1205 (TVM) showed the report to Joe Mizzi and he refused to see it.
Min Kollox et jghamlu biex ikissruh lil Dr Muscat. Jiddispjacini ferm li gidba ifabbrikata li qeghda fuq in nazzjon tigi bi prominenza flaqwa gurnal eletroniku. Qatt ma pretendejta minnkom!