Priest sex abuse victims write to Pope: 'Church defending paedophile priests'

La Repubblica publishes letter of victims to Pope Benedict XVI claiming Maltese church 'is protecting paedophile priests'.

A government minister is one of the witnesses summoned by the legal defence of the priests charged with sexually abusing children in their care at the St Joseph’s Home, according to a letter from the alleged victims to Pope Benedict XVI.

The letter, presented to the Vatican’s sex crimes prosecutor Mgr Charles Scicluna earlier this week, was reported by Italian newspaper La Repubblica.

“In Malta church, political power and the judiciary are all one of the same thing… so much so that even a minister is testifying in court in favour of the priests. Few, even in the Opposition, want to defend us: the people are very religious and scared of priests,” the victims are reported as saying in their letter.

On Thursday, the three MSSP priests charged with sexually abusing the children asked the Constitutional Court to enforce a 2003 press ban on their case, claiming their trial was being prejudiced by media coverage. The priests benefit from a ban issued by Magistrate Saviour Demicoli on the publication of names, photos or footage; a ban on the publication of evidence given by witnesses; and a request for the case to be heard behind closed doors. The prosecution had never objected to the ban.

Due to the media ban, MaltaToday cannot report the name of the government minister and the nature of his relationship with the accused.

In a second application filed Friday, the priests also asked for the media ban to apply to the constitutional case they had just filed. They claim media publicity on the case violated their human right to a fair hearing and people, both in the media and elsewhere, were not respecting the ban. Defence lawyer Giannella Caruana Curran also refused to divulge its contents when MaltaToday reported the case Thursday.

In their letter to the Pope, the victims of the alleged priest sex abuse – Philip Cauchi, 40, Joseph Magro, 38, Lawrence Grech, 38, Olivier Goodram, 39 and Joseph Mangion, 37 – claimed that the Archbishop’s curia “is protecting paedophile priests.”

The letter, written in ‘pidgin Italian’ according to La Repubblica, says the victims told the Pope that their abusers “are still running around in the street vested as priests… why does the Maltese church protect these scandals? Why had the priests admitted back in 2003 and everything goes on as if nothing has happened?”

The victims wrote that “everything has stayed as it ever was… using their holy cloth they hurt the human being from infancy and inflict harm all through their life.”

The Papal visit this year speeded up momentum for the abuse victims’ case when the five victims’ allegations were confirmed by the Maltese Church’s response team for victims of priest sex abuse.

Initially, there had been four members of the MSSP who were charged by police: Br Joseph Bonett, Fr Charles Pulis, Fr Conrad Sciberras and Fr Godwin Scerri. However, the letter only mentioned Pulis, Sciberras and Bonett as the accused against whom allegations had been founded.  The three priests are currently residing at St Agatha’s Convent in Rabat.

The scandal led to the abrupt closure of St Joseph’s Home in 2003. Spiritual director Fr Godwin Scerri had earlier absconded to Malta from Canada in order to avoid prosecution over an alleged child abuse violation back in 1983. Scerri had been retained in his post even after news of a Canadian arrest warrant reached the Archbishop’s ears. Then the inevitable occurred: along with Fr Charles Pulis and Bro. Joseph Bonnett, Fr Godwin Scerri was accused of having sexually molested a number of boys at the institute – and this time, the accusations were splashed all over the Maltese media.

So a minister is giving evidence and nobody knows who this is - so much for democracy. Shame Shame Shame - i suggest some one names him/her. To avoid any legal repercussions use a non maltese web site.- or send the data to WIKILEAKS
The Church delays and delays and tries not to act for one reason only: its ranks are filled with pedophile priests. This is the tip of the iceberg! I know of one very senior monsignor who used to meet a friend of mine at his shop in Sliema and when a 12 year old boy used to walk by, the monsignor used to say: kemm hu helu! kemm hu helu! This monsignor who held an important administrative position in the diocese of Malta (I say 'held' because he is now deceased) used to spend quite some time praying at St John's Co-Cathedral. Need I say more? What a joke. I can understand a human being doing the wrong thing and I can accept his or her apology. But I cannot accept a Church that protects them. It is time for governments to act. It is good that the victims are taking their case outside Malta ... shaming the country, the government and the Church, as they should. This nonsense about the Court ban on any publication surrounding the case should be challenged, perhaps in front of an international court, given the fact that the victims have now come out and identified themselves. The ban appears to be there to protect the priests and the Church.
anthony buttigieg
It's disgusting when people who are supposed to be good examples of human virtues lack the very same virtues.
Ghaziz Mr Vella bhala gurnalist ta Maltatoday nixtieq ninfurmak illi today st joseph's home hija full up u qatt ma kien hemm mument li d-dar ghalqet il-bibien taghha. Tajjeb li qabel wiehed jikteb ikun jaf l-informazzjoni sewwa u jkun sensittiv ghal fatt li hemm ammont sostanzzjali ta tfal u zghazagh li din hija d-dar taghhom.
Jon Sciberras
I am a catholic and very proud to be one. I on the other hand think that all people are human, whatever they are and whatever they wear. Therefore, life has shown us that nature will take its course. For a few bad apples, the others will soon be seen as bad, and then unfortunately it will not matter how much they plead and cry, no one will believe them.
The truth, however, is that there are paedophiles everywhere. Sure enough, and thankfully so, they are and will always be in a minority. Their sickness is not overly spread across the social spectrum. They are shady, devious, customers at best, downright nasty criminals at worst. You find them in church institutions, the Boy Scouts Movement, football nurseries, wherever they reckon they can have happy (and secluded) hunting grounds. In a very rare case regarding sexuality, Jesus denounces them and their despicable vice declaring they would better hang a millstone round their neck and jump into the ocean rather than obstruct the development of one of his little ones. It would puerile to think of the Church and the other institutions as condoning this abnormal sexual activity. They should however (1) exercise more care where youngsters in their care are involved; (2) condemn harshly and remorselessly all those who offend in this most despicable of ways. If these institutions carry out the necessary monitoring etc they would be reducing scandals that do nobody any good, neither themselves nor the rest of society. Having said that, one cannot but mention the fact that, by now, it is too late for the scandal erupting with the revelation that the four MSSP priests indulged in these crimes against God and humanity (the Pope's words) to be concealed. What needs to be done is meting out the appropriate punishment to said offenders. Corradino Prisons Library can still accommodate another four inmates for the duration of time seen fit the law courts.
Joe Tanti
Jekk sejrin taqraw il-link on line li refera ghalija sehibna Brancaleone fl-ewwel comment tieghu aqraq bit-taljan ghax meta taghmel "translate" sabiex taqrawa bl-inglis issibu certi zballji koroh fit translation ghal l-inglis per ezempju: fejn l-0riginali bit -taljan tghid li hemm ministru sejjer jixhed favur il-qassisin .bl-inglis gabuha l-kontra uzaw il-kelma "failed" li jidhru .Pero l-Malta Today gabitat tajba bhala translation.Oqoghdu attenti mit-translations tal-Google ghax ma tistax tafdawa.
Keith Goodlip
Paedophiles are the worst, most despicable, scum in the world- which says a lot for a church which is protecting them.
Try as I may I cannot fathom the Curia's treatment of these cases. Just have a look at this: "The victims of past sexual abuse by priests at St Joseph’s Home, Sta Venera, have been notified by the local church that their allegations were founded." (Maltatoday, 29/10/10) The Curia itself acknowledges the abusive priests' guilt. What is it waiting to declare that it has no intention of defending these despicable acts committed by these priests and defrock them? Why are they still at St Agatha's in Rabat? They should be sent away asap and let the court of law decide what should befall them. Not all of us agree with lynching these unchristian fellows, but for Christ's sake (and this is not intended as a "swear word") the public is breathlessly awaiting the outcome of this notorious case. The public wants to know whether our law courts are there to defend the young and unprotected or to gloss over the misconduct of sex maniacs who enter the Church in order to commit sexual abuse on the defenceless.
Michael Gauci
The Church in Malta is digging its own grave with the attitude shown here. As for the government...............they can share the same section of the graveyard.There is no place in civilised society for child molesters or those that defend them.
This is the link to the online La Repubblica report should anyone be interested in reading it: