Finance ministry says 26,000 benefited from energy benefit in 2010

Ministry contradicts claims by Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis and General Workers Union organ l-orizzont

The finance ministry said some 26,000 were paid an energy benefit in July 2010 as compensation for price increases for water and electricity costs due to the high international price of oil.

The ministry contradicted claims in General Workers Union organ l-orizzont, saying it paid out energy benefits of €25 in July 2010 to some 13,000 whose household included one pensioner. Other families were paid €15.

The ministry said the increase in the international price of gas and the disadvantageous euro-dollar exchange rate had been compounded by a huge rise in demand due to the cold that spread over Europe.

“Competition in the domestic market for gas has left its mark: both companies have offered prices below the maximum set by the Malta Reousrces Authority,” the ministry said.

Labour MP Anthony Agius Decelis today said the inflation of fuel, gas and milk prices this week would leave a severe impact on the elderly. “Their pension serves solely for the purchase of medicines they should be entitled to for free, and which are frequently out of stock, their home rents, basic needs, and utility bills… over 22% of our elderly are at the risk of poverty.”

Agius Decelis said the price increases had not been predated by a “serious study” on the social impact on pensioners and the elderly.

In its counter-reply, the ministry said measures taken in favour of the elderly in last year’s budget included making pensioners eligible for fuller social benefits, a COLA equivalent to workers’, and permitting the retention of the government pension even during full employment.

Luke Camilleri
And may the same number benefit again in 2011! Not all get honoraria.... Heqq!