[WATCH] Muscat's ministers, parliamentary secretaries take oath of office
The 24 newly-appointed members of Joseph Muscat's Cabinet will be taking their oath of office this afternoon in a ceremony presided by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca

The newly-appointed ministers and parliamentary secretaries, selected by Prime Minister Joseph Muscat to form his Cabinet, are taking their oath of office this afternoon.
The swearing-in ceremony is being held at the Palace in Valletta and presided by President Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca.
The 24-strong Cabinet includes two more parliamentary secretaries - but also two fewer ministers - than the previous one.
Muscat yesterday reiterated that his choices were based on the competence of the MP in question, their personal result in the general election, as well as parliamentary experience and the need for even representation of all Malta’s citizens.
Among the most unexpected changes was the demotion of Anton Refalo, who will no longer be Gozo minister, and his replacement by Justyne Caruana. Refalo was elected on the first count with over 4,800 votes.
This is the full list of Cabinet appointments:
Joseph Muscat (OPM), Prime Minister, financial services, digital economy and innovation
- Silvio Schembri, parliamentary secretary for digital economy, financial services and innovation
- Julia Farrugia, parliamentary secretary for reforms and citizenship
Chris Cardona, minister of economy, investment, small business and competition

Evarist Bartolo, minister for education and employment
- Clifton Grima, parliamentary secretary for youth and sport
Joe Mizzi, minister for energy and water management

Helena Dalli, minister for EU affairs and equality
- Aaron Farrugia, parliamentary secretary for EU funds and social dialogue

Edward Scicluna, minister of finance

Konrad Mizzi, minister for tourism
Michael Farrugia, minister for home affairs

Owen Bonnici, justice, culture and local government
- Silvio Parnis, parliamentary secretary for local government
- Deo Debattista, parliamentary secretary for consumer affairs and Valletta 2018

Jose' Herrera, minister for the environment and resources
- Clint Camilleri, parliamentary secretary for agriculture, fisheries and animal welfare

Chris Fearne, minister of health

Carmelo Abela, minister of foreign affairs and promotion of trade

Ian Borg, minister for transport, infrastructure and capital projects, including planning and property market
- Chris Agius, parliamentary secretary for planning and property market
Justyne Caruana, minister for Gozo

Michael Falzon, minister for the family and social solidarity
- Roderick Galdes, parliamentary secretary for social housing
- Tony Agius Decelis, parliamentary secretary for disabled and elderly persons

Moreover, Muscat yesterday announced the following appointments:
Byron Camilleri, government whip
Robert Abela, PM's personal legal consultant
Keith Schembri, chief of staff