MRA should protect consumers , not government – Joseph Muscat

Opposition leader Joseph Muscat accused the Malta Resources Authority is not protecting consumers, whilst promising that the Labour Party will go through all available democratic means to clear out how prices for fuel and gas are worked out.

In a 20-minute speech focused on the increase on fuel and gas, Muscat said that Labour Whip Joe Mizzi is asking MRA to publish its books and explain what method was used to work out the increase in prices.

“Government is artificially increasing water and electricity rates through the formula used. This formula can be changed to favour consumers, but the MRA did not say anything,” he said, adding that government has not yet clarified from where and at what price it is purchasing the oil.

Referring to the latest utility rate hike, Muscat accused MRA of being a group of regulators driven by the Prime Minister who does not uphold consumers’ interests. He claimed that there were several questions MRA needs to answer, especially in its workings on the calculation of prices.

“A future Labour government will want explanations. A future Labour government will defend citizen’s interests and this is why we need a parliamentary select committee which investigates the gas privatisation process and what led to the price surge.”

Muscat stressed that the Labour’s aim is to defend consumer’s interests: “we call for a method which is stable and coherent when the gas price is being evaluated and chosen. The committee shall not only investigate but also seek testimonies and evaluate the choices made.”

The Labour leader also called on government to introduce now, and not wait until March, energy benefits to everyone.

“Gonzi found solidarity with his people by increasing their wage by €600 and he found solidarity with you by awarding you €1.16,” Muscat reiterated.

Muscat recalled how government had said that after the gas price increase in December, the price would soon drop as the operator was changing its suppliers.

“However, this has gone up again and will rise to €24 per cylinder by the end of the year,” he said, claiming that Maltese are paying European prices but are not paid European salaries.

“This financial burden is leading to uncertainty where no one knows if they’ll make it till the next month. Employers are not keeping up with the costs and are either letting off their workers or transferring the cost onto the consumer,” Muscat said.

Reminding the national demonstration which is to take place next Friday at Valletta, Muscat promised that a Labour in government will be a government close to its people.

“I stand with you with facts and not words. I could have accepted the wage increase and stayed quiet. But I didn’t. Money does not blind me and I am not for sale. I’m in politics for you and if you trust in me, I’ll stand with you through the whole five years,” Muscat stressed, promising to share the benefits Malta has yet to produce.

We need a promise that whatever contract these incompetents are given by Gonzipn they will be kicked out without any compensation. That is the only way to deal with these incompetents.
Dear Dr Muscat, Hope that the PL disagrees with the Government regarding the introduction of the Obligatory Second Pillar Pension. We cannot afford more deduction in our wages.Introducing the Second Pillar Pension means that we have to pay an extra free apart from our National Insurance thus decreasing our Net Wage. Every worker no matter what is his Political view agrees that our wages should increase not decrease. We cannot afford the drastic deduction in our wages. This would be the biggest and most drastic austerity measures ever! What is the PL stand. My family,friends and I are very worried reading the below article. Article link: