International oil prices beyond government's control - Gonzi

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said that fuel and gas prices are of “extraordinary importance” to government, but has limited control over the fluctuation of prices which are in the hands of the international market.

In a recorded radio interview with journalist Mark Azzopardi on party station Radio 101, Gonzi said that the Labour party is making “a strategic mistake in giving the impression that increased prices of commodities are a result of government decisions.”

“We buy oil from international markets, and we have no choice but to buy it if we want electricity,” Gonzi said. “Government took a decision in order to not remain susceptible to unstable oil prices, given that Malta and Cyprus are the only EU countries that depend on other countries for oil.”

Government’s decision was to buy enough oil for 2010 in advance as well as for 2011. “This way, we can buy a supply of oil for a few months at a good price. We’ve already done this for 2011, when the price was $80 a barrel- now it’s around $100 a barrel.”

“Another solution government is looking towards is an interconnected cable between Malta and Sicily for oil supply. We released a tender for this and will follow it up in due time,” the Prime Minister said.

Asked whether it would be better to revert to subsidies in difficult times with such high commodity prices, Gonzi said “We could do that if we want to end up in the same situation as Greece, or the UK which increased VAT, or Cyprus which increased VAT on food.”

“We will continue to give energy benefits to families who really need to soften the blow of the effects of energy prices on their quality of life, but otherwise we must keep our feet on the ground.”

Gonzi went on the mention the planned protest by the Labour party on increased fuel and gas prices. “This is a democratic country and people have the right to exercise their freedom of expression, but I believe that the move is a step backward rather than forward.”

He continued by appealing to the Opposition to “work together and find solutions together, but let us not hide important decisions from the public which concern them.”

The frequently debated increase in the pay of ministers was raised, where Gonzi defended that the “public deserves clear answers on this”

“The increase in ministers’ pays was agreed two years ago, so it is wrong that people believe it has surfaced now.”

“I took the decision around the same time that I decided to have a smaller cabinet. When John Dalli left for EU commissioner, I did not replace his position,” Gonzi said.

“Since the beginning of this legislature, we’ve saved almost €2.5 million every year in ministers’ wages, and are spending €1.5 million on honoraria, therefore there is €1 million in reserves.”

Gonzi talked about the reduction of unemployment and the increase of full-time workers, which are “good indicators” for the Maltese economy.

“We had a record in tourism this year, which means more jobs in hotels and restaurants,  as well as the highest increase in retail trade in EU. The average salary in Malta also increased from €13,800 a year in 2009 to an average of €14,466 in 2010.”

With a noticeable drop in unemployment, Gonzi said “I prefer investing millions to bring work and attract investment in this country, then giving subsidies, which is a waste, just to make a few people happy at the cost of the country at large.”

What Gonzi did not say; When the surcharge was introduced the oil was at 90 dollars per barrel. It was stated that at 60 dollars per barrel of oil there was no need for surcharge. What is the rate of oil bought last for today's rates.
What Gonzi did not say. For our population, the cabinet is still large. When the increase decision was taken it was also decided to give an income tax reduction. Their increase stayed and the people increase was deferred. Such an increase should be offered prior to an election. Those in office knew what was the honoraria when they opted to be candidates for the elections. maybe some knew beforehand and could afford to spend more for the campaign,,,, who knows.... It is becoming the order of the day to move the lasti during game such as what happened with the BWSC. L-aqwa li viva gonzipn.
Alfred Galea
“I took the decision around the same time that I decided to have a smaller cabinet. When John Dalli left for EU commissioner, I did not replace his position,” Gonzi said. Yes he didn't but then he gave his mutineering backbenchers some goodies to appease them, which probably cost more than replacing Dalli. And he says all that with a straight face too.....
Joe Tanti
Tajjeb ,mela qal li ffranka miljun Ewro u xghamel bihom? Ma xtarax xi magni tal-kliewi,jew bena xi appartamenti f Londra ghal ta Puttinu ,hemm hafna affarijiet siewja li seta ghamel bdawn il-miljun Ewro li bihom kien ikun ta gid li jitgawda mil-poplu kollhu! Min dan ma ghamel ghamel kien li qassamhom bejn il-klikka tieghu.Tista tipparagunah ma missier li wirret somma flus u flok ha hsieb uliedhu morda jew fil bzonn ,mar xorrobhom. Soddi l-par idej,soddi seww ghax ma harablux min taht idejh dak il-miljun.Dik l-unika weghda li zamm GonziScrooge, dik li ghamel sentejn ilu :li izid lilu u lil shabu E600. L-anqas lil missierek ghaziz ma tahfer kieku jghamel bicca xoghol tal-misthija bhall din .ahseb u ara kemm sejrin ninsew ahna meta nigu ghal vot.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
AD has been calling the Government to invest in natural energy for 2 decades. And that WAS NOT beyond government control.
Priscilla Darmenia
Mr Prime Minister, you can fool some of the people some of the time but not all the people all the time. Please remember this – you and your faithful pet Tonio. I remember fuel prices going up when the price was around $120 a barrel. The price since then came down to even below $80 a barrel, however, wonder of wonders even when the international price went down, our fuel prices went up.
Mr Scrooge and Grinch, if you think you can fool the people any longer then you are only fooling yourself. Even if the price of oil on the international market is beyonf your control, TAXES which you can reduce or even do away with are under YOUR control
So maybe soon he will decrease the cabinet even further and pocket half or more of that too? So here we have a prime minister who instead of saving all the 2.5 million for the people, helps himself to more than half of it for him and his entourage to fatten their pockets. I feel like were back in Mintoff's days except that then arrogance was supported by criminal elements. In this case its lawyers and brazeness thats the worry. Defenitely history repeats itself.
"now it is about $100 a barrel". Stop trying to take us for fools Mr.Prime Minister. If you refer to "Crude Oil and Commodity Prices , today at 9.30 am the price was quoted at $88.48 a barrel. So please go on fooling your converted gullible lot, but stop treating others as some gullible nincompoops.