Franco Debono calls for video and audio streaming of BWSC hearing in PAC

PN MP Franco Debono has called for the video and audio streaming of the Public Accounts Committee hearing of the BWSC contract for the Delimara power station contract.

Speaking in Parliament this morning, Franco Debono stressed that the people have a right to follow "what rightly interests them."

He said that such broadcasts would enhance transparancy.

The PN MP's claim comes hours before the Public Accounts Committee meets again this evening after the Christmas recess where MP's will continue to hear the Auditor General who had investigated the controversial contract.

It is expected that a number of witnesses will be summoned before the PAC by both government and opposition.

It's a very good idea, but do you beleve that the government will accept this? After all the arrogance shown by Minister Dr.Austin Gatt,during the PAC meetings, do you realy beleve that this will materialize? Sorry my dear Franco, but you must be dreaming or out of your mind.
Helenio Galea
Whatever.... This guy likes to show his face around.
Methinks Austin Gatt's hour of truth is fast approaching.
definitely a good idea... Could show the interested Maltese public what sort of people are running this country. Do they put the right questions to the ppl summoned? Are they well spoken? how well researched are their questions? Anyone opposing such streaming would be exposing themselves as incompetent persons who are scared of being held accountable. Why become a politician then? If not for the love of one's country and a true belief in the democratic system which is in fact based on public scrutiny?? The truth is that our political class is motivated by power, cash and glory and they scorn the public and their modern tools like the Internet... I hope they prove me wrong!
Luke Camilleri
Ask for aufio of Dr. Justyn Caruana's vote on the increase of surchages on W & E bills which Doctor Gonzi voted in favour of with all his HEART! Aapology to Justyn still not forthcoming!
jaqaw qieghed fuq il board?
Prosit. Doing whats right for the people and not whats convenient for the politician.