Pay teachers more to solve educators’ crisis, union tells minister

Malta faces a drastic reduction in teachers, so union tells education minister to pay educators better salaries and give them better working conditions

The Malta Union of Teachers wants the Maltese government to give educators a radically-improved pay package at a time when the island’s economy is booming.

The MUT was referring to statements made by education minister Evarist Bartolo on the drastic reduction in students following courses leading to the teaching profession at the University of Malta.

“The government is now acknowledging the issue openly and looks forward to discussing the improvement in salaries, allowances and conditions of work of educators to counter this worrying trend,” the MUT said in a statement.

“Apart from attracting the best people to the profession, the government as the model employer and regulator, has to work to retain current educators by making sure that adequate salaries, allowances and proper conditions worthy of the educational profession are provided to all teaching grades including KGAs, LSAs, teachers, SMT, EOs, technical grades and all other related grades.”

The union complained that a working group established to evaluate the teaching profession had not yet gathered momentum and would require added investment and resources to meet its terms of reference.

The MUT has already carried out discussions on pressing issues with the ministry, specifically on the Learning Outcomes Framework (LOF) which will not be implemented as expected from September 2017. “This shall enable both parties to discuss its implications in the context of the sectoral agreement negotiations which will include a wide-ranging consultation process by the Union with members.”