[WATCH] Labour deputy leader race heads to a run-off between Chris Fearne and Edward Scicluna
Helena Dalli obtained the lowest number of votes in the three-horse race

Some 750 Labour Party delegates will have to cast their vote again tomorrow after none of the three candidates contesting the post of deputy leader for parliamentary affairs obtained over 50% of the vote.
Health minister Chris Fearne obtained 296 votes, followed by Finance minister Edward Scicluna with 249. Equality minister Helena Dalli got obtained a significantly smaller number of votes at 199.
“Helena Dalli has a great deal to contribute as Europe and Equality minister. Good luck to Chris Fearne and Edward Scicluna for tomorrow,” tweeted Prime Minister Joseph Muscat.
With all three of the ministers having performed well in the last legislature, there was no clear-cut favourite to win, although many party insiders had pointed to Dalli as being the favourite.
Attention will now turn to who delegates who voted for Dalli will choose tomorrow.
In a joint statement, all three candidates thanked delegates for their support, adding that despite the competition being well-fought it was ultimately a competition between friends.
Scicluna said that despite there being a winner, the closeness of the vote showed that it had been a competition between three strong candidates.
“This process has continued strengthening the party. It was a process that we started together, and whatever happens next Monday we will have a stronger party than we had last week because we are closer to the delegates,” said Fearne.
The Labour Party’s extraordinary general council kicked-off yesterday with Prime Minster Joseph Muscat and MEP Miriam Dalli, announcing plans for the party to significantly increase female representation among Labour Party candidates for in national elections.
Voting started immediately after the announcement, with voting continuing until 8.00pm today, with the Labour Party confirmed that 745 out of a total of 756 delegates voted in the election.
In addition to the election for deputy leader for parliamentary affairs, the party’s delegates were also required to reconfirm leader Joseph Muscat and deputy leader for party affairs Chris Cardona in their respective votes.
Only seven of the delegates cast their vote against the leader, with the remaining 738 voting in favour.
Chris Cardona was also reconfirmed, having won the approval of 639 or 88% of the party’s delegates.