Defiant JP Farrugia lambasts ‘GonziPN’

Nationalist MP Jean Pierre Farrugia has harshly hit out at Prime Minister and party leader Lawrence Gonzi, over the recent €600 increase per week to Cabinet Ministers.

In what appears to be a direct challenge to the Prime Minister, the Floriana doctor who has refused to accept the increase in his MP honoraria, said in an email posted yesterday and circulated to all his colleagues within the PN Parliamentary Group, that it was a shame for ‘GonziPN’ to approve a €600 increase per week in salary. Then to give an increase to all MP’s two years down the line, so as not to put the Ministers in a bad light.

In his email, Jean Pierre Farrugia specifically used the words: “Lanqas jisthi! dak leadership! dak GonziPN!”

He started off his email by saying that the MP who leaked his controversial email last year, could do so this time round.

Replying to this email, Zebbug MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando added fuel to the fire, by cynically commenting that now, the budget for ministerial salaries was down by €1.5 million – in a clear dig to Prime Minister surprising statement that the national coffers had saved money with a reduced Cabinet.

Reacting to this email today, at around 09:30am, Jean Pierre Farrugia referred to Nerik Mizzi, the former PN Prime Minister who remains revered for his integrity.

He queried: “What would Nerik Mizzi think of all this?” and then proceeded to remind the Prime Minister of having had the cheek of commemorating the late Mizzi at Castille itself.

He ended by stating “Dak political correctness!”

The email was also copied to PN secretary-general Paul Borg Olivier.

'I don't recognise the PN anymore'

In an interview with MaltaToday last Sunday, Jean Pierre Farrugia stressed that he does not recognise the PN anymore.

Farrugia, one of the PN’s longest-serving MPs and a former President of the party’s executive committee, has admitted he is at odds with the performance of the party and the government.

He recently broke ranks by renouncing an annual €7,000 salary increase in his MP’s honorarium, after the government found itself in a maelstrom of accusations of secretly increasing Cabinet ministers’ salaries by €26,000.

Farrugia says he no longer recognises the party and that the PN is no longer what it was in the past.

He also  identifies with what the former president of the PN’s administrative council Carmel Cacopardo declared in his resignation letter, that he “did not recognise the party anymore”. But the MP, a popular GP in the first electoral district, says he still hopes the PN “recovers its identity”.

Farrugia said the increase in honoraria for MPs, to be effected with two years’ of arrears after ministers were awarded a higher parliamentary honorarium in 2008, had shocked people from all society’s strata.

“I am stopped by people in the street who are stupefied by the way the government is cut off from their realities. I am sad about this. But this is the way people feel…”

Farrugia also said that by increasing their remuneration, the Prime Minister had exposed himself to the charge made by Lino Spiteri of ‘buying silence even from the Opposition benches’.

“I’m only quoting Spiteri… I’m not saying this is the case,” Farrugia says. “But it’s one of the worse aspect of right-wing politics, that of thinking that one can do anything one likes with money.”

Farrugia, referring to the ongoing debate on divorce, was adamant in stating that the PN’s identity was not based on moral conservatism, but on Christian-democratic values of social justice. “I am a Christian-democrat and a Catholic. But I am not a moral   conservative. The Nationalist Party I know is not confessional. It is a party which whenever confronted by an issue it does not stop from studying and tackling it…”

eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
If Dr Farrugia contested elections with AD he would be much more in the right place. Having said that, still got 100% admiration for one of the only (if not only) honest elected politician we have in Maltese Parliament!
Forget it, Surfturtle. The Gonz will keep on sinking deeper in the political mire. That's the way of the world, after all, the more you descend the harder you dig, not to go up but to do deeper and deeper. The result of this desperate conduct will emerge only at the hustings. That's where the Gonz will learn his hard lesson. Getting rid of John Dalli and Louis Galea was relatively easy. Coming to terms with the crushing defeat that awaits him will be somewhat harder. RCC knows it. But try as he may, like instructing the Bidnija Witch to swerve further to the right and support the nascent LE movement pitted against divorce legislation, he will not succeed. Not this time round, Dicky. Even the police officer guarding your property at Mdina knows it. He no longer takes you seriously. Neither does the handyman who opened that doorway into your old residence (with whose permit by the way?)
Pauline Moran
There is only one solution left for you to save face Dr.Gonzi---Call an election! keeping this awful position in government you are only drowning your own party deeper into political oblivion. People remember heroes not hardheads!
Maureen Attard
I always voted PN from 1976 general electons till last general election, but I am attending the protest organized by the PL. Next general election I am not voting PN because of the cost of living created by 'Par idejn sodi' and GonziPN. Tlift il-boxxla socjali u Kristjana Prim.
Joe South i totally agree with you, the proof of the pudding is in the eating. I also think Lee 's suggestion that JP Farrugia should go independent makes a lot of good sense.As far as Censu Gageg goes "You belong in the zoo"
Chicken brained censu gageg..... all the comments posted seem to think it my way. I think I seem to have understood everything because I see through clear eyes and not those tinted blue like yours. You are a dying breed of apologists that have bile and hatred for anyone that's not pn. And rest assured my breeding goes far beyond your nome de plume of a ganga. I was as they say to the manor born....sleep well in your gagga
i was thinking ... JPO, JPF .... I think Gonzi's demise will have something to do with the letters JP. God may be trying to send Gonzi a message. Any ideas what the letters J & P could mean? Boy - this is just like the old testament - jolly!
Dr Farrugia is a decent person. I think that he woke up to the fact that party for whom he had worked has betrayed his values and his life's work. At least he had the decency to say enough is enough - like the good thief on the cross, he may have redeemed his good name and dignity back when his trust and values had been so shamefully disgraced by Gonzi and the tru-bred criminals that now lord it over this country.
Joe Tanti
AZZJONI U MHUX PAROLI dr.Farrugia ,meta nisma jew naqra li vvottajt kontra l-arroganza ta Gonzi fil-parlament hemm nemmen li int genwin fi kliemek,il-bqija ghalija int jew qed tonsob ghal xi post ahjar jew ghal qed tilghab ghal gallarija. Ejja Dr.Farrugia, urina li int genwin,almenu itlob siggu bhala indipendenti fil parlament ,hekk jew hekk postokk fil-parlament ma naha tal PN f ellezjoni ohrazgur ma hux se jkollok.Jekk terga tohrog mal-PN se tigi bojkottjak u tibqa L-art kif kienu ghamlu lil mibki-Dr.Mario Felice, in-nazzjonalisti ma jinsewx u ma jahfru lil hadd.Mela ghalaq il-karriera politika tieghek billi tkun l-strument li tehles lil Malta min dan il-gvern li fi kliemek stess" lanqas jaf jisthi".Forsi tkun mistmer u maghjar traditur mil ftit Nazzjonalisti li fadal jilaqqu lil Gonzi ,imma ghal bqija tal poplu Malti tkun eroj u salvatur u tibqa mnizzel fl-istorja bhala bniedem ta kuragg, ta stoffa li habb lil fqir li fih sab ix-xabla u t-tarka ghal glieda tas salvazzjoni tieghu.Kuragg u tibzax....ibda billi tissieheb mal-poplu nhar il-gimgha.
Despite the barrage of comments, the Hon. MP Jean Pierre Farrugia, deserves the respect of the nation for spelling it "like it is" to his own party. It was sickening enough hearing the PN whip last week on a mid-day TVM program, hosted by Ray Vella, defending this vile increase in the honoraria for cabinet members.
Luke Camilleri
Join us next Friday at 6:00 PM Valletta. Your place is there with us!
Mill-hamallagni tieghek Micei tidher x'int! Milli jidher ma fhimt xejn jahasra. Problema ta' DNA nahseb, jew ghallinqas nispera.
Gonzi awards himself all that money and the Eu wants Governments to cut more public spending as reported in the latest EUobserver news. Brussels demands yet more austerity from member states Today @ 19:01 CET EUOBSERVER / BRUSSELS - Despite hundreds of billions having already been slashed from EU member-state budgets in the wake of the economic crisis, the European Commission on Wednesday said the cuts have not been deep or radical enough and demanded still more austerity from European governments..... Go read it people to know how the EU wants us to be like slaves.
Censu Gageg. Your views might be despicable, but the choice of your pseudonym is perfect. It portrays you extremely well. You're either the type that carries birds in cages in the village square or else you live a cagey life that induces you to forgive or least to gloss over the inadequacies, inefficiency and utterly deplorable conduct of the current excuse for a government. One hopes Labour is looking closely enough into the ID cards issue so that we won't have a repeat performance at the hustings. For now, sahha, Cagey Vince, I mean Censu Gageg. (How I love your nom-de-plume, I really do!)
Censu Gageg bhal mhux ser ninsew il-hdura ta' Gonzipn li qieghed jiehu zewg salarji barra l-perkacci l-ohra u zied lilu nnifsu €601.15 fil-gimgha tac-cucati li ghamel u tad-dizastru li gabna fih. Hawn xi haddiem li jista' jaghti lilu nnifsu zieda kemm irid jew ikollu joqghod jiggieled bis-sahha tal-unions biex jiehu zieda zghira li jaqilghulu qalbu ghaliha jekk ma jkeccuhx ukoll?
Censu gageg Kemm Il sorm ilaqt? Ftit fadal tigieg tal gageg bhallek bla mohh. Nahseb Li int xi wiehed minn dawk li gawdew mil klikka tal pn. Jien qatt ma ivutajt labour f hajti. Imma iktar ma jghamlu shabek iktar Qed nasal ghal dak Il punt. Qazzuna bil hnizrijiet u l arroganza.
@Censu Gageg Noqodu sejrin hekk mela l anqas il laburisti ma missom jinsew ta l interdett ta zmien 60's li il familja tieghi kien minn ta quddiem li sofra dan ghax kellek oppinjoni differenti mill gvern bil backking tal knisja u d dnub il mejjet! u ghax il progress ghal pajjiz ahjar jista jibghatek l infern. U ejja Vera nies bhalkom titfaw il pajjiz lura ta
Lino Camilleri
@Censu Gageg. Dak li ghamel il labour man nazzjonalisti ghamluh u ghadhom jaghmluh il partit nazzjonalista lill laburisti. Din hi il politika maltija siehbi. Punto e basta.
Dr JP Farrugia walks tall while the Gonz can only cringe and hide behind his schoolyard bully Austin Gatt. Let's hope JPF will show more clout when he is asked to vote during Budget time. But even if he doesn't, he has already shown his integrity - a strange word for people like Fatso Pullicino, Lone Ranger Gatt and that twerp who goes by the nickname of Whip!
Michael001 Dak li qedd tghid hu typical Labourite cliche' li ilna nisimghu dan l-ahhar 3 snin....naf hafna nazzjonalisti li mhux ser jivvutaw..etc etc...jista jigri dan...mhux ghax verament qedd tisimghu int pero'. L-aktar li ser jitilfu voti huma pulcinelli bhall-dan, JPO u Jesmond Mugliett fost erba hallelin ohrajn li GONZIPN ra li ma haqqhomx Segretarjat jew Ministeru. Veras sirna demokratici illum...ingergru fuq 600 euro zieda. Qabel hadd ma kien jissogra jgerger jekk Gvern Laburista jisraqlek bicca art ghall-hbieb tal-hbieb, jew ma jhallikx issib xoghol ghax mhux tesserat Laburist. U ahjar ma jmerini hadd ghax dawn mhux affarijiet li smajt bihom izda li garrabbna ahna. Il-Hdura laburista mhux ser tintesa u tihafer qatt!
Albert Zammit
Censu Gageg, fil-fatt, le, ghandek ragun, PN voters will not forget ghax naf hafna u hafna nazzjonalisti li elezzjoni ohra, jqattghuh il-vot, jew inkella jhalluh hemm biex juru lil kulhadd li ma hargux jivvutaw.
Maybe JPF is a bit sour for not being given a Ministry? Hafna paroli fil-vojt. Flippin Clown! PN Voters will not forget!
Ghandna ohra !! Kieku jien noqghodx ghal dawn ir-rikatti.. nitlob vot ta' fiducja fil-parlament u nsejjah elezzjoni ! Madoff dal-Prim spicca qisu bicca laham f' idejn haddiehor... Min-naha l-ohra Dr. Farrugia ghandu kull dritt u ragun jahseb li Gonzi PN m' ghadux il-partit li jirrapprezenta l-valuri Demokratici u KRISTJANI li jhaddan ! Ma tantx tista tkun Kristjan meta tghaddi legislazzjoni li tagevola daqstant lil hutek fil-parlament (anki biex forsi taghlaq halq uhud minnhom) u tghakkes sal-faqar lic-cittadini ta' pajjizek
Alfred Galea
Unless one of these MPs tables a motion to roll back the increases it's all just hotair. Goes for the PL MPs too.
It seems that there are still honest politicians in this country. And it has to be a doctor with a finger on the pulse of the depressed areas and not a bunch of scheming lawyers. Lawyers are only good at sweetening words and twisting the truth. You have to hand it to Farrugia he has what it takes . Show the other a** lickers what REAL men are made of. There was a time the people forgot. But like the people did not forget the last few days of labour they will not forget the hardships they went through under the last few days of the pn. The scandals will not be forgotten.
Lino Camilleri
Prosit Jean Pierre. Hekk ghandom ikunu il membri parlamentari bis sinsla bhalek mhux laghqa ta xi kapo. Ahna nies onesti u ta integrita irridu fil parlament biex imexxu lill pajjiz. Hafna (kwazi kollha) ghal gildom jahsbu biss u mhux ax ihobbu lill pajjiz. Ara meta tkun riesqa l-elezjoni kollha jiggieldu biex ma jitilfux is siggu. Pero jiena ma nistax nifhem kif Gonzi ghadu ma rrizenjax meta qied jara dan kollu kontrih. Kieku jiena nisthi nohrog barra niltaqa man nies. Imma dan sewwa jghidu li l-anqas zejt f'wiccu ma baqalu jekk forsi xi darba kellu.