Updated | PN wants parliamentary committee to investigate Wasteserv jobs
Three PN MPs have written to the public accounts committee requesting an investigation into the employment of workers with Wasteserv

PN MPs Karol Aquilina, Kristy Debono and Claudio Grech have asked the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee to investigate the employment of workers with the national waste agency, Wasteserv.
The request follows reports that Wasteserv employed 87 new workers at its Maghtab and Marsascala plants on the eve of the June elections.
Debono and Grech, as PAC members, and Aquilina – as environment spokesperson – asked PN MP Beppe Fenech Adami to investigate the contracts.
Fenech Adami is chair of the parliamentary committee.
The letter asks the PAC to analyse all fulltime and part-time recruitment with the company, contracts of service, contracts for service and those who are employed through a contractor.
In a reaction, environment minister José Herrera welcomed the request, adding that workers were an integral part in addressing the challenges that arise from waste management. Herrera said he will fully cooperate in the discussion.