New 'expensive cars' cost MEPA €440,278

The employment of full timers to do away with the conflict of interests associated with part time boards will cost MEPA an annual €440,278.

The full time employment of the nine members of MEPA’s Environment Planning Commission will cost MEPA €440,278 a year.

In reply to a parliamentary question by Roderick Galdes Prime Minister  Lawrence Gonzi revealed that Commission chairpersons Sandra Magro and Franco Montestin will earn an annual salary of €54,043. This sum includes a €38,184 basic salary, a €1,980 petrol allowance and a car, and two additional non pensionable allowances of €13,879.

The other board members will receive € 47456 a year each. This includes a basic salary of €32,456, a petrol allowance of €1,980, a car and two additional non pensionable allowance of €13,020.

All board members and their families are covered by a health insurance and have free mobile phones and land lines.

The board members are Bjorn Bonello, Claude Borg, Saviour Borg, Elizabeth Ellul, Anthony Ellul, Anna Maria Montaldo and John Mangion.

Not all members of the commission were chosen through a public selection process. While nine persons were selected through a public call  the government resorted to head hunting after  two of these refused the appointment.  Three persons were approached but only two accepted.

The appointment of full time boards was a key element in the MEPA reform. The members of the commission had to give up their private profession to avoid conflict of interests. Previously when part time architects used to sit on the DCC boards they were often involved in decisions effecting potential or past clients.

MaltaToday is informed that  in the absence of a lucrative financial package very few architects or planning professionals would have accepted  to give up their private practice to take this public post.

Back in June, when asked why he “deserved €93,000 a year”, MEPA Walker did not mince his words. “It all depends,” Walker said. “If you decide to buy an expensive car, than you have to pay for it.”

U 'l-povru haddiem ikollu jitqanna b'paga mizerja u jigi mahlub u t-terrorizzat fuq il-post tax-xoghol ghax jekk jiftah halqu juruh il-bieb ta' barra. L-unions qeghdun hemm biss biex jiehdu l-mizati. Mhux zgur jafu l-ligijiet tal-UE dwar id-drittijiet tal-haddiema specjalment fejn tidhol is-sigurta' u t-heddid mill-management. U tara lil dawn il-qabda lpup jithanzru u jsiru miljunarji fi ftit zmien hafna minnhom mhux ghax kapaci imma ghax laghaqa tal-potenti u bit-tessera. Nisthajjilni fi zmien MUSSOLINI !!. Min jaf l-istorja sewwa ma jistax ma jaghmilx dawn il-paraguni !!. Thanzru thanzru, sakemm ghad ghandkom ic-cans, ja qabda reddiegha w sangwisugi . Povru haddiem !!. Ghad irid jasal iz-zmien tar-rivoluzzjonijiet biex dawn il-hnizrijiet jispiccaw . U wara ma noqoghdux nilmentaw meta tasal sieghetkom, sinjuri privileggjati !!.
Dawn l-affarijiet se jibqghu isiru u ma jiftah halqu hadd? Kulhadd jikteb fil-blogs u hadd ma jiehu inizjattiva jinvestiga. ZGUR ZGUR ZGUR li hafna mill-irjus li hawn f'Malta jaqraw dawn il-blogs u jidunaw kif inhu mxebba' l-poplu. NAZZJONALISTI KBAR bhali l-elezzjoni li gejja m'humiex se jivvutaw PN...................... LE LE u LE. Mela ahna naghmlu s-sagrificcji, u intom hemm fuq terdghu t-taxxi taghna. Kif ma jisthux dawn in-nies! Dawn nies bla qalb! Dawn nies li jahsbu li ahna injuranti...... ISSA VERA DAQSHEKK!!!!!!!
Joe South maybe it was a flight of fantasy or maybe Cristina and Debono are straight, one wonders.
he looks more like an expensive sausage actually. Well he got the expensive part right at least!
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Austerity anyone?
Luke Camilleri
Jekk trid taghmel is-sagrifficji, isagrifika lill-Dan Wenz. Zgur jaghaddi ahjar il-pajjiz minghajru! Ma fiehx hobz u l-pajjiz ma jaffordjax dawn il-pagi kif ma jaffordjax lillek u l-ta' mieghek!
Zack Depasquale
Ghal min iridu, kemm insibu flus, ara dawn jahasra hadu € 47456 fis-sena paga u €1,980 petrol allowance u karozza, ara dawn il-qtates hoxnin humiex sejjrin igergru ghax joghla l-petrol u il-licenzji tal-karozza u ghal haddiem €1.16
Joe Tanti
There are those who suck and there are the suckers,no need to identify who the suck they are the ministers,chairmpersons,commision members and the friends of friends along with their respective families and we must not forget the greatest Blood Sucker of them all;our dear ex-catholic action president the honourable (???) Dr.Lawrence Gonzi. The suckers are the inhabitants of these islands, who just got E1.16 wage rise.
Alfred Galea
These guys are only the the sharks half a million euros are pocket money. Before, the minister was in the forefront, now they sit back and enjoy the fruit of these guys' labour. You guiys ever ask wht Tonio F got a "flight" with those involved in the gamiong business and not, say, Cristina or Debono??
NO wonder Mepa has become a money sucking machine that is only capable of producing rich gravy......for its passengers on the gravy train!
Michael Gauci
Surely they already get enough inside the brown envolopes.
Mark Fenech
Imbagħad għalhekk ninħaraq meta Saviour Balzan nhar il-Ħadd, staqsa x'jista' jagħmel Joseph Muscat li Gonzi mhux qiegħed jagħmel. Sur Balzan, jekk Joseph lest li jagħti ezempju tajjeb, ikun bizzejjed, imma mhux bħal Gonzi, lil kbar iħallihom jisolħu u aħna tar-triq nerfgħu s-salib. Jekk irridu nerfgħu s-salib, dan irridu nagħmluh kollha f'daqqa,
Jon Sciberras
That everybody is called "MILKING THE COW". Warning: When you milk the cow too much, two things could happen, 1. Cow dies and you follow. 2. Cow refuses to let you milk it, and then you die too.
Hekk trid sur austin walker il haddiem MEJJET ghal QATRA u INTI TIXXAHXAH TIFFANKA fil karozzi lussusi kullhadd XORTIH go dan in naqra pajjiz la hawn l-oppozizjoni RIEQDA IMMISKOM TISTHU dan il pajjiz FAQQARTUH jekk jitlla il LP imissu igalkom troddu kollox lura ghax dan kollu SERQ ta flus il poplu
Joseph Pellicano
What is missing in their wage packet is something for the DOG
Kulhadd ihokk dahar xulxin. Dik hija l-"power of incumbency" li tant kellu ragun dwarha Dr Alfred Sant. BTW, ghan-nies tat-triq din l-espressjoni tfisser "Il-gvern taghna u naghmlu li rridu".
Generous with the chosen few, a Scrooge and a Grinch with the rest of us. Don't worry Gonz. We shall NEVER forget.