Accused in church abuse case dies
Brother Joe Bonett, who stands charged together with another three members of the clergy with abusing a number of children while under their care at St. Joseph Home in Sta. Venera, has died.
Bro. Bonett, who was 63, died yesterday at Dar tal-Kleru in Birkirkara after years battling with bone cancer.
Throughout his life, Bro. Bonett was involved in the running of a number of youth centres, among which the Depiro Youth Centre, the Depiro Football Nursery and subsequently the St. Joseph Home in Sta. Venera.
He also set up the Sta. Venera Football Nursery.

Don't be silly Knocker. This is a case of priests protecting their own. After all this is only the tip of the iceberg and this is why the Church prolongs such matters. Even so, my greater issue is with the Church that sweeps everything under the carpet.

You're 100% right, Skocciz. These so-called "priests" brought shame to the priesthood - how come one of them was looked after at the Dar tal-Kleru? He should have been disowned and sent somewhere else, not be allowed to soil the home where so many revered priests currently reside.

@Kevin u @ Kummentatur
Ma nahsibx li kien ikollkom listess fehma li kieku kellkom tghaddu minn xiex ghadew dawk l-imsieken tfal meta kontu tfal minghajr difiza bhalhom

Strieh fil-paci Brother Bonett. Il-Mulej jilqghek fi hdanu. Ma nisew qatt il-gid li wettaqt fin-nursery ta' St Venera snin ilu. Int wettaqt hafna gid li ftit jissemma. Grazzi ta' kollox

Hallu t'tfal jigu ghandi.......u la tkeccuhomx!
Ghax taghhom u ta' min hu bhalhom hija s-saltna tas-Smewwiet....