PN backbench distances itself from Farrugia's angry email to Prime Minister
Prime Minister's backbench supporters reveal clash of MPs over salaries increase.
A parliamentary assistant who spoke to MaltaToday on condition of anonymity has claimed the Nationalist backbench was not supportive of the outburst by Nationalist MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia in the email he sent to the Prime Minister, being reproduced here (READ EMAIL) for the first time.
“Informally, we rebuked the tone of the email,” the parliamentary assistant said, after a group of MPs met informally in parliament this week to discuss Farrugia’s email. “I can say that nobody reacted to his email and that we were in solidarity with the Prime Minister… I don’t know how he (Lawrence Gonzi) could tolerate such behaviour.”
But while the PN backbench may find itself surprised at Farrugia’s anger at their salary increases, the MP’s public credibility has skyrocketed after declaring he would donate his raise – up from €19,000 to €26,000 and two years of arrears – to charity.
“I’m writing to the entire group,” Farrugia wrote on Tuesday to the entire backbench late at night, at 11pm. “Now whoever leaked the email back in February wants to do the same he can do what they like,” he said referring to the email last year that described the Prime Minister’s inner circle as being “pig-headed”.
“How could ever Cabinet member take a monthly €600 raise as MP over and above the sharp rise in their salary while knowing other MPs were not receiving it – not for a month, or a year, but an entire two and half years.
“And now it is to be imposed just so they don’t look bad. The PM doesn’t even have the courage of convening the Group. What leadership. So much for GonziPN!
“Whoever really loves the PN and the country will resent the frontbench. You should be ashamed of yourself!!!”
"Jien qed nerga’ nikteb lill-Grupp kollu – issa jekk min illeakja l-email fi Frar li ghadda jrid jerga jaghmel l-istess jara hu!
Kif kellu l-wicc kull membru tal-Kabinett jiehu zieda ta’ 600 Ewro fix-xahar bhala Membru parliamentari over and above iz-zieda qawwija ta’ Ministru/PS waqt li jaf li l-MPs l-ohra mhux qed jehduha – mhux ghal xahar, mhux ghal sena, ghal sentejn u nofs.
U mbaghad jigu jimponuha issa b’dal-mod biex ma jidhrux koroh huma. Il-PM lanqas kuragg ilaqqa’ l-Grupp ma kellu. Dak leadership. Imbasta Gonzi PN! Ikun jaf il-frontbench li kulmin tassew ihobb lill-PN u lill-pajjiz se jistmerrhom ghal dejjem. Imisskom tisthu!!!"
Farrugia has been vocal in criticism of the Cabinet salary increases, which were never officially announced back in May 2008. Ministers were awarded a new allowance of 20% on the Scale 1 civil service salary, and their honorarium as MPs which they previously forfeited upon being appointed ministers. However, their honorarium was at 75% of the Scale 1 salary, while their colleagues kept receiving the standard 50%.
Additionally, many MPs like Farrugia say they were never aware that Cabinet members had been earning a higher MP's honorarium; which is why Gonzi is offering two years of arrears to MPs.
While MaltaToday first revealed the increases back in 2008, it was only until PQs by Labour MPs in 2010 that the increases grabbed all national headlines.
While Joseph Muscat declared he would forfeit his salary increase and donate it to a party fund created for assisting families in need, Jean-Pierre Farrugia said he would donate his increase to charity.