PN backbench distances itself from Farrugia's angry email to Prime Minister

Prime Minister's backbench supporters reveal clash of MPs over salaries increase.

A parliamentary assistant who spoke to MaltaToday on condition of anonymity has claimed the Nationalist backbench was not supportive of the outburst by Nationalist MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia in the email he sent to the Prime Minister, being reproduced here (READ EMAIL) for the first time.

“Informally, we rebuked the tone of the email,” the parliamentary assistant said, after a group of MPs met informally in parliament this week to discuss Farrugia’s email. “I can say that nobody reacted to his email and that we were in solidarity with the Prime Minister… I don’t know how he (Lawrence Gonzi) could tolerate such behaviour.”

But while the PN backbench may find itself surprised at Farrugia’s anger at their salary increases, the MP’s public credibility has skyrocketed after declaring he would donate his raise – up from €19,000 to €26,000 and two years of arrears – to charity.

“I’m writing to the entire group,” Farrugia wrote on Tuesday to the entire backbench late at night, at 11pm. “Now whoever leaked the email back in February wants to do the same he can do what they like,” he said referring to the email last year that described the Prime Minister’s inner circle as being “pig-headed”.

How could ever Cabinet member take a monthly €600 raise as MP over and above the sharp rise in their salary while knowing other MPs were not receiving it – not for a month, or a year, but an entire two and half years.

“And now it is to be imposed just so they don’t look bad. The PM doesn’t even have the courage of convening the Group. What leadership. So much for GonziPN!

“Whoever really loves the PN and the country will resent the frontbench. You should be ashamed of yourself!!!”

Jean-Pierre Farrugia's EMAIL

"Jien qed nerga’ nikteb lill-Grupp kollu – issa jekk min illeakja l-email fi Frar li ghadda jrid jerga jaghmel l-istess jara hu!

Kif kellu l-wicc kull membru tal-Kabinett jiehu zieda ta’ 600 Ewro fix-xahar bhala Membru parliamentari over and above iz-zieda qawwija ta’ Ministru/PS waqt li jaf li l-MPs l-ohra mhux qed jehduha – mhux ghal xahar, mhux ghal sena, ghal sentejn u nofs.

U mbaghad jigu jimponuha issa b’dal-mod biex ma jidhrux koroh huma. Il-PM lanqas kuragg ilaqqa’ l-Grupp ma kellu. Dak leadership. Imbasta Gonzi PN! Ikun jaf il-frontbench li kulmin tassew ihobb lill-PN u lill-pajjiz se jistmerrhom ghal dejjem. Imisskom tisthu!!!"

Farrugia has been vocal in criticism of the Cabinet salary increases, which were never officially announced back in May 2008. Ministers were awarded a new allowance of 20% on the Scale 1 civil service salary, and their honorarium as MPs which they previously forfeited upon being appointed ministers. However, their honorarium was at 75% of the Scale 1 salary, while their colleagues kept receiving the standard 50%.

Additionally, many MPs like Farrugia say they were never aware that Cabinet members had been earning a higher MP's honorarium; which is why Gonzi is offering two years of arrears to MPs.

While MaltaToday first revealed the increases back in 2008, it was only until PQs by Labour MPs in 2010 that the increases grabbed all national headlines.

While Joseph Muscat declared he would forfeit his salary increase and donate it to a party fund created for assisting families in need, Jean-Pierre Farrugia said he would donate his increase to charity.

Priscilla Darmenia
Ture, very true that Dr JP Farrugia won the respect of the nation. I wish he contested my district, I would surly remember his courage to stand up and be counted. I would vote for him even if is kicked out of the PN and contests as an independent
Benjamin Sant
Front Man I agree with you 100%. My family too has LOST FAITH in both parties. Both parties are the same. My family too WILL NOT be voting anymore.
Both political parties are the same. LP MPS as well as PN MPs have taken their rise. I have had it with the lot of them. Lies lies and more lies from all of these people. Come 20113, I SHALL NOT vote. I have lost complete faith in all politicians. I have had enough of being treated like a fool and told so many bloddy lies. PN and PL, you have lost a cotizen. I am not alone. I think that there are many like me out there
I just like the rest of the people like to know who from the LP mp side are accepting the salaries increase. Am sure they will be voted out comes the next election.Mr Muscat must tell us.
Alfred Galea
Matthew, there is NO reason for a PA to remain anonymous when saying something that happened before tens of others. I can understand if he had said something AGAINST the PM coz then he'll be in for some sort of punishment but he was SUPPOSEDLY telling the truth. He has nothing to hide, he didn't break any laws and he wasn't obstructing justice. Or is it perhaps THAT THIS PARLIAMENTARY ASSISTANT DOES NOT EXIST?? Happened before you know, where journalits/reporters quote persons who never exist.
the parliamentary assistant in pole position is the most envious one - the one who always puts his foot in it. The pro-hunting MP from Zebbug who is already on record to have scolded the little one from Ghaxaq and the tough one from his own hometown, who like him saw MEPA spoil his credibility. That's all 9 of them patliqmentary assistants. Who is the lackymost of them all?
Can it be someone who had his marriage annulled? People, remember those who supported the Prime Minister on this theft of our taxes from our hard-earned money at election payback time. Only vote for those who declare that they are NOT ACCEPTING this increase and this applies to the MPs of both sides of the political spectrum.
or the Gozitan who had to accept such a trivial post when his colleague joined cabinet as soon as he got elected first time round?!
or the one who can't understand how the sons of other PN stalwarts made it to Cabinet while he has been left outside happy to be a parliamentary assistant ?! Surely he didn't need the cash!
or the one who can't understand how the sons of other PN stalwarts made it to Cabinet while he has been left outside happy to be a parliamentary assistant ?! Surely he didn't need the cash!
or the one who went missing one night but who the PM has been babysitting eversince?!
or the one who made sure a Mayor employed his driver?!
or the one who was already an adult MP when caught red handed copying in University exams?!
Or was it the one on the payroll of the group of companies which are the agents of BWSC?!
How pathetic and cowardly for the back bencher to remain anonymous. Like Farrugia he should have the guts and stand to be counted if he really supports his asinine leader. The only reason he agrees with him is because he had his mouth filled by our money. And all MPs who take this cursed increase will be remembered in the next election. They will be remembered for their compassion and sacrifices they made to relieve their fellow countrymen from hardships.... What goes round will come round.
Or was it one of the Parliamentary assistants - the two family doctors who just found themselves in Parliament to already miss 75% or 100% of the first four sessions this year?!
No back bone amongst PN back benchers wud be a good title to this article. Everybody has a price and the PM has hit the right chord that everybody ( well almost) can be bought for €600 a week. Ratify an injustice indeed... A message to Dr. Jean P. Farrugia. Not even the mud slinging of Mrs Barry can belittle your courage and integrity. You may become the outcast of a party but you have won the respect of a nation.
Joseph Caruana
@ Joe South You do realise that you benefit greatly from anonymity afforded on these comment boards... which is why some MPs use anonymity to communicate as freely as possible when necessary.
Is this Parliamentary assistant the same one who leaked the email?!
Alfred Galea
Barry, this is about JPF and the backbenchers not about IVF and embryos and fetuses. Please take your preaching someplace else.
Life is a Gift from above. Dr Farrugia has lost the plot if you ask me. Who is he to suggest that human embryos are not as importnat as human fetuses? Since when is this so. I see trouble ahead. I will not vote again for him.
Jeanne Pierre's status has plummeted in my mind due to his personal agenda to insist on the freezing of fertilised human embryos. I find it distasteful and very insulting that he would try to use part of the fund we, the people gave him from our taxes for this illicit act. NO to any form of anti-life culture. Dr Farrugia is not God, he cannot decide alone on such offensive actions. Only God can decide. Freezing people is sinful? Is it not?
Dr Farrugia is a person who gives sanity to many who could easily go insane through the many actions of a Government that is seriously detatched fro our reality. The events in Tunisia with a Government that has held on to power well past its sell-by date, remind me very much of what we are going through.
Maureen Attard
Oqbra mbajda. Nippriedkaw mod u naghmlu iehor. Alla ma jhallasx bin-nhar ta' Sibt. Kulhadd irid jidher quddiemu xi darba. Mhux billi nidhru li ahna Kristjani.
Igor P. Shuvalov
“Whoever really loves the PN and the country will resent the frontbench. " And what are the PN backbenchers doing about it in Parliament?..... Giving them a vote of confidence. Who is resenting who?
Luke Camilleri
Il-Back-Benchers juru SOLIDARJETA MA l perkacci u dhul extra mal pozizzjonijiet ta' Segretarji Parlamentari li newlilhom GONZI biex joqghodu kwieti .... Min qieghed jithaq b'min?
Alfred Galea
[A parliamentary assistant who spoke to MaltaToday on condition of anonymity] Why speak anonymously?? Is he/she afraid of JPF or is he/she full of shit?? I mean he/she should come out in the open then Gonzi will give him/her a promotion, might even make him/her a minister and he/she will be entitled to all that money. Is this the best MaltaToday can do?? Quote anonymous sources?? Or does someone have an agenda??
Din iz zieda hija vera tal misthija min dak li jipprietka li ghandna krizi!!!!Huma jithanzru fil gid waqt li l haddiem irid jara kif jghaddi!!!! ISTHU!!!!! L-elezzjoni tasal u tibqawx tpappuwa zgur!!!
Kull backbencher li juri solidarjeta' mall-Prim Ministru wara din il-hnizrija li ghamel biz-zieda fis-salarju tieghu u ta' shabu l-Ministri, huwa komplici mieghu u traditur tal-poplu Malti kollu. Kif qatt jista' xi hadd japprova zieda ta' €600 fil-gimgha li ta' lilu nnifsu u lil shabu lill-Prim Ministru meta haddiem komuni nghata biss loqqma ta' €1.16 fil-gimgha. Imisskhom tisthu! Il-poplu mhu se jinsikhom QATT.
Michael Gauci
Keep your noses in the trough, arses in the air, grow fat while people continue to struggle.Pay the price at a later date.
“I can say that nobody reacted to his email and that we were in solidarity with the Prime Minister… No back-benchers, your only solidarity is with your MONEY.