Emmy Bezzina to face fraud charges on inheritance dispute

Prominent lawyer Emmy Bezzina is expected to be arraigned in Court for fraud and misappropriation of funds, over an inheritance dispute with siblings.

Illum newspaper reports that the case revolves around thousands of euros left in inheritance to their children by Bezzina’s parents - which should have been split between the siblings.

Illum is informed that police were requested to investigate Bezzina, the eldest among six siblings, after discrepancies were found on how the inheritance was to be divided.

Bezzina, 63, was reported to have been subject to a lengthy interrogation by the Police Force’s Economic Crimes united in the HQ in Floriana, during which he also made a statement.

It is also understood that the Attorney General already issued the charges that will be eventually brought against Bezzina - and he expected to be arraigned within the coming days.

Contacted by Illum, Bezzina refuted the accusations, maintaining the case is a “family issue”. He however admitted that it dealt with family inheritance. “In the circumstances, the case involves strictly family assets and does not involve non-family members,” Bezzina said.

Jon Sciberras
There seem to be a lot of Political executions and mud-slinging lately. It seems the only way the other party can win, the cowards way. Something the once famous Prime Minister Strickland was notorious for. In his case it was good political strategy, in these times, its simply stupidity at the expense of the tax payer and the citizen.
Maltesecross says: "As a lawyer he should know better." I take it you have already found him guilty! Justice Maltese style.
It is a family matter. The money after all belongs to the family and not tax payers. Still if there was fraud, justice needs to be done. Incidentally, Dr Bezzina's has championed a number of important causes - at great personal sacrifice, and deserves respect for his efforts.
Alfred Galea
Salib, Public persons have private lives too.....if it involved public funds then you might have a point but it didn't so you don't.
Priscilla Darmenia
Dr Bezzina is considered as a public figure. He is a political person as he attempted to be elected in parliament. What he does, even in family circles, is of public interest especially if he committed a crime. As a lawyer he should know better.