Nationalist backbencher Jean-Pierre Farrugia to ‘veto’ honoraria bill

Nationalist MP Jean-Pierre Farrugia has warned his party that he will veto any financial bill that would finance the increment to ministers and parliamentary Secretaries honoraria as MPs.

Farrugia made himself clear with PN parliamentary whip Whip David Agius during last Tuesday’s sitting, that was summoned to approve a long list of estimates that were scheduled for vote under the ‘miscellaneous’ title.

Speaker Michael Frendo and the Clerk of the House were also engaged by the Nationalist MP, to ensure that the ministerial honoraria increase was not included in any of the financial estimates that were to be voted on.

The vote was eventually postponed to another day, as parliamentary secretary Mario Galea was indisposed, but Jean-Pierre Farrugia made sure to remind the party whip that he wants to be briefed on the content of every ‘miscellaneous’ list when involving a financial vote.

Following Tuesday’s sitting, Jean-Pierre Farrugia hit out harshly at Prime Minister and party leader Lawrence Gonzi, in a scathing email he circulated to all members of the parliamentary group.

In his email, Farrugia said that it was a shame for ‘GonziPN’ that  ministers and parliamentary secretaries had been receiving their higher parliamentary honoraria since the decision was taken in May 2008. On the other hand, the rise that was meant to be given to the other MPs had yet to be given to them.

See full story on MaltaToday

Jean Pierre is a whimp and a gas balloon. Why stop at simply vetoing the bill? If the bill is wrong and shameful as he described it himself there is no other way but vote against it. By vetoing it he is still giving his government the chance to pass this criminal act with the speaker's vote and Jean Piere still gets his money. In my book Jean Pierres dramatics are simply a smoke screen. A lot have been taken in by his holier than thou attitude but all in all he's a whitewashed tomb like the rest of his clan.
The problem with backbenchers is that they are working for a party where power and appointments are handed down father to son. They too have their aspirations, ambitions and greed for power - yet clearly there is no prospect for them within this party. This is why opportunists like JPO are challenging their party - quite simply they have little to loose and a lot to gain. They want the card pack to be reshuffled, not content with being obedient bystanders. Gonzi has attempt to bribe them with money and to involved them in a minor role within ministries - but its clear that the ministries will remain in the hands of the blue blood families - and the back-benchers know this too. Jean-Pierre Farrugia is actually an exception. He is truly disgusted at the morons that have betrayed what he believed in and the fetid smell of corruption is bothering him. He is from another generation. The ministers that have taken power over from their fathers have no interest in morality, political theory, fair play or democracy.
is this considered a financial bill? does this mean that if not approved the pm will have no choice but to go to the polls? if this is the case then the pm will soon get a change of heart....he will be listening to the people (sic) and make a uturn.
J.P.F. is a true nationalist. The whole point is not whether the M.Ps deserve a raise in their honorarja or not. It is the timing. They have waited for more than two years, now they should wait till the next general election comes. If so, I hope that this issue will be entered in the electoral program, so the citizens will have the right to confirm this raise.
Dr JPF is a real gentleman. Period.
I will vote for any MP like Dr Farrugia without hesitation as he is the real MP who is understanding me and representing my concerns in Parliament.
I congratulate Dr Farrugia not because his opposition may help the MLP but for the sole reason that a stance like his will alert his party that it must Not take the vote of parliamentarians for granted. In many ways, Dr Farrugia is doing more for his party that those 'yes men and women' who simply nod to anything their leaders say. I believe that parliamentarians should not be paid peanuts but this is the wrong time to go about such changes. Malta's poor are increasing daily ... and the rich are getting richer.
At last, a nationalist MP with real balls.
Priscilla Darmenia
I admire Dr JP Farrugia. He is going against the current to protect the Maltese people, the same people that elected him. I wish he was a candidate in my district. Even if he is kicked out of the PN and offers himself for election, he would surely get my first preference on the ballot paper.