As Gonzi approves MP honoraria for Cabinet, Cameron blocks MPs' pay rise

A political furore has erupted in the UK after British MPs vowed to overturn a plan by Prime Minister David Cameron to deny them a £1,000 pay rise.

The official body which sets MPs’ wages is next month expected to recommend their salary of £65,738 goes up by about £20 a week.

But according to reports Prime Minister David Cameron has intervened to scrap the rise to show politicians are tightening their belts like the rest of the country.

The move provoked an angry response as backbenchers from all three main parties condemned it.

The move contradicts the method by which Maltese Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi approved of his Cabinet Ministers taking home a hefty payrise, besides allowing them to also take their honoraria as MPs.

The pay freeze plans in the UK were rapidly drawn up after Ministers were surprised to discover that the Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) intended to increase MPs’ salaries – even though all public-sector workers earning more than £21,000 are subject to a pay freeze.

The SSRB works out the MPs’ increase using a special formula based on the level of wage increases given in the previous year to 15 groups of public-sector workers, such as judges.

Under reforms introduced three years ago, MPs no longer vote on their pay but simply accept what the review body decides.

But in a confidential letter sent to Mr Cameron just a few days ago, Commons Leader Sir George Young called for a Commons ‘resolution’ to rescind that decision and return the final say on politicians’ salaries to the House. That would then allow the Commons to take a formal vote in the next few weeks rejecting the SSRB recommendation.

A Downing Street source said: ‘We did think about leaving it to individual MPs to forego the rise. But that would have turned into an absolute bunfight with local papers pursuing this MP and that MP to find out if they’d taken the cash or not.

Ministers in the then Labour Government, along with senior Tories and Lib Dems, declined to take the rise.

@maltacross You may be VERY right my friend. PL go into power and have to enact massive austerity measures. We would have waited for so long to get rid of the 'marmalja' ta GonziPN and then to find that its impossible to stay in this country any longer.
Priscilla Darmenia
I bet that when the PL is in government we will learn that Malta is in the same situation as Greece is today. We shall learn of a huge amount of deficit which is being hidden today. - Please God deliver us from evil AMEN
The difference between a true and honest politician and a HIPOCRITE.
Qiesu Cameron Gonzi ma jisthijx lil poplu iridu jaghmel is SAGRIFICJI u jigi jaghti lilu innifsu u lil shabu 600 ewro fil gimgha ghandom zejt fwicckom Dr Tonio Fenech u Dr Gonzi . Dr Gonzi zgur li dawk li huma avukati jew periti ghax qedin fil parlament ma huma jitilfu XEJN mil QLIEH taghhom ghax hafna minnhom KOLLHA ghandhom FIRMS jahdmu ghalihom u sehom xorta ghadu diehel fosthom insemmi lil Herrera u lil Franco Debono dawn kollha ghandhom avukati ohra jiedulhom HSIEB IX XOGHOL TAGHHOM ghalhekk kollu SKUZA li ghidu li qedin PM qedin jitilfu il flus
To clarify my previous comment. Gonzi needs to bribe the backbenchers who are not getting their 'fair' share of the loot from running this country into the ground. That is why he is forced to give this massive increase. For the ministers - it is pocket money. Cameron is not presiding over a hereditary democracy like Gonzi. We don't expect Tony Blair's son to step in to power on the UK anytime soon. Jordon Brown took power without standing for election and the brits howled until they kick him and his party out of power. Gonzi took power from Eddie a week after the election. We are not comparing apples and oranges here. We are comparing a functional state with a banana republic.
Tal Hamrija is right. This is pocket money for them. The legal offices associated to ministers collect hundreds of thousands of euroes per month in 'retainer fees' or other fees. Call it bride, protection money, share in business dealings, kicking money upstairs mafia style - its why being in politics is a road to riches in Malta.
Isabelle Borg
.......and now another 1500euros for flight tickets. Izzejjed man.
Michael Gauci
It is all cosmetic.These people make more money away from their basic salary.Directorships etc etc, knowledge of contracts passed on to 'friends'. Dont fall for this bullshit, they are on the gravy train and all live in shameless luxury while the people scrimp and scrape.
Luke Camilleri
And Obama did the same.. Obama calls for 2-year freeze on federal pay By TOM RAUM, Associated Press Tom Raum, Associated Press – Mon Nov 29, 9:47 pm ET WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama on Monday proposed a two-year freeze of the salaries of some 2 million federal workers, trying to seize the deficit-cutting initiative from Republicans with a sudden, dramatic stroke. Though signaling White House concern over record deficits, the freeze would make only a tiny dent in annual deficits or the nation's $14 trillion debt."Small businesses and families are tightening their belts," Obama said in brief remarks at the White House. "The government should, too." The administration said the plan was designed to save more than $5 billion over the first two years.
Cameron wants to dig deeper( for his rich friends) and does so astutetly, whilst our Gonzi is so dull and flat, that he could not see beyond his tip of his nose. What a mediocre leader!
It is the transparent manner in which Cameron has tackled the issue that matters more.
These greedy money thirsty government has no shame at all. Given the current economic scenario in Malta gonzipn continues to squander money on its lucrative greedy needs. It is similar to the Titanic sinking and they are playing the music trying to distract people from what is really happening bringing up stupid issues like divorce etc… etc… The government in Malta is unique in the fact that it does exactly the opposite of what is happening abroad. Every thing is taken for granted in Malta. We have free medicine. Free university and education establishments that pay its students to study. This is a free for all country where any one just does as he pleases! But then the government has asked ST MICROELECTRONICS for pay cuts last year. Now soon it will be AIRMALTA’s turn and later perhaps other establishments as things get from bad to worse and the overall Maltese National Debt increases. Dr. Gonzi should note that the average maltese wage is below standard except for the elite few like MEPA directors, university professors, medical consultants and other directors. I think the situation is now completely out of control, but do not worry people out there are not idiots!
Another case of Only in Malta. Don't you know that we have the one and only original Gonzi?
The difference between a greedy politician and a genuine one!!!!!!!!!!!
A moot point indeed.