University academics condemn hiving-off of library books

University of Malta lecturers condemn ‘clandestine’ isolation of ‘prohibited’ books at University library.

University of Malta and Junior College lecturers have called for the discontinuation of the sectioning off of selected books from the University’s main library collection, including the Marquis de Sade’s Justine and Opus Dei founder Jose Maria d’Escrivà’s The Way Of The Cross.

“The current discussion on ‘hidden’ books at the University of Malta library is particularly worrying because it is disguised as a protective gesture, carried out by those who ‘care’ so much for the rest of us that they must filter the words we read and the images we look at,” the 26 academics wrote in the letter condemning the practice of keeping selected books in a special ‘cabinet’ within the University library.

FULL list of books sectioned from main collection

They include Prof. Kenneth Wain, Prof. Peter Mayo, Dr Carmen Sammut, Prof. Carmel Borg, and other senior lecturers.

The academics said it was an inversion of education to block intelligent debate by shrouding books in secrecy. “It attempts to repress the option of an educated decision – the decision to read a text or study photographs and reach one’s own conclusions about them rather than being spoon-fed a fixed, authoritarian judgement by someone else.”

The hived off books also included texts dealing with sexuality in art and performance, photography and religion. “The fact they are kept under lock and key within an academic institution like a university is disturbing not only because it implies that the flow of information reaching adults studying there is being regulated according to obscure criteria; but also because the expertise of academics, who actually order these titles for the library, is being undermined by hidden hands that make these books less accessible to their students,” the lecturers said.

They called the decision to isolate the books “patronising” and going “against the spirit of research” for imposing moral judgements instead of presenting arguments for or against ideas.  “The rather clandestine manner in which this has been carried out – without notifying concerned academics – is disrespectful towards them and their students. Such practices are not worthy of a serious educational, tertiary institution and should be discontinued with immediate effect.”

The lecturers who signed the letter are Noel Agius, Dr Andrew Azzopardi, Clare Azzopardi, Dr Ruth Bianco, Professor Carmel Borg, Mario Cardona, Dr Colin Calleja, Dr Mario Cassar, Dr John Chircop, Dr Marco Galea, Dr Simone Galea, Dr Albert Gatt, Dr Isabelle Gatt, Joseph Gravina, Michael Grech, Dr Ġorġ Mallia, Professor Peter Mayo, Dr Duncan Mercieca, Immanuel Mifsud, Dr Carmen Sammut, Dr Toni Sant, Dr Giuseppe Schembri Bonaci, Professor Ronald Sultana, Dr Raphael Vella, Professor Kenneth Wain, and Dr Clive Zammit.

Re comments by vcasi1 and dmicallef, I say it is about time we turn the tables back on the conservatives. They want censorship, well let us give to them and let's start off with all that nonsense about a three layer world as reflected in Gensis), virgin births, resurrections and a plethora of other nonsense that has polluted the minds of normally intelligent human beings. Myths that are taken for history. Yes, I agree that what I proposed was censorship but if these conservatives are so outraged at censorship of the Bible, why are they not equally outraged at censorship of other books. As to censorship of Scripture, do they not recall that the Vatican was dead set against the printing of the Bible in English (during the Reformation)? Do they not also know that Mark was not read during Mass before Vatican II? Short memory when it suits them! What is good for the goose is good for the gander.
Joseph Sant
It would be interesting to know when this policy was adopted. Has this been going on for a long time or is it a very recent policy - and directly connected with the police case against Mark Camilleri? Could it be that this is a ploy by the University authorities to strengthen they flimsy case?
@JCC You are no better than those who have decided to censor these books. Censorship is a behavioral manifestation of the cognitive state of intolerance...and you have plenty of it I'm sorry to say.
@JCC Dear Ignorant reader, this is not the place to advertise your atheist agenda. Respect other people.
Paul Sammut
Is this all the reaction we get from the university academics? Just 26 signatories? Whatever happened to the usually verbally profuse Oliver Friggieri and Serracino Inglott like? And this from a university that DREAMS of selling it's services to foreigners. Dream on.
I am in favour of censorship. And I say the first book that has to be censored is that perverse book called THE BIBLE where a father is ordered by God to kill his son and where that clown called God the Father sent his God the Son to a horrific death when he could have said: 'I forgive you'. Is it any wonder that priests abuse children. F--K your God!
Welcome to the Liberal Party and the Party of European values! Gallons of crocodile tears were shed by PN leaders about European values in 2003; what they meant was nineteenth century retro values!
John Paul Sciberras
What?! Twenty six academics only? No wonder there is this foul, stale air at Tal-Qroqq
Would you expect better from the university of malta having a world ranking of 1019, and based on a rigid bureaucratic system of education where instead of promoting creativity and research, obsolete rigorous study methods are still used and today what is being promoted is more the numbers of students rather than quality. Anyway this unsustainable tertiary education model is at least free of charge and out of the taxpayer’s pocket!!!