Surgeon MP turned down for extension of service, Ministry: 'policy is not to extend contracts'

Consultant surgeon Anthony Zammit, the Labour MP, will not have his contract of employment at Mater Dei hospital extended beyond pensionable age when he reaches the age of 61 in June this year.

Updated at 7pm with reaction from health ministry.

The surgeon was yesterday conjured up as an example by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi of professionals in the civil service who were earning more than ministers and also an MP’s honorarium of €19,000.

Gonzi, who yesterday announced ministers will be paying back €14,000 from a special honorarium they were paid for their work as MPs, said ministers were also government employees who should not be discriminated against.

“Consultant surgeons… we have three of them in parliament, are members of the public service and earn salaries higher than ministers. And they still take home an honorarium as MPs,” Gonzi told parliament on Wednesday evening, in justification of ministers receiving honoraria.

Zammit’s request for an extension to his contract at Mater Dei was turned down last week, when he was informed his last day of work would be on Tuesday.

The surgeon told MaltaToday he is currently taking his three-month terminal leave, but that he had three major cases still to tend to. “I knew my employment was coming to an end so I made sure I could complete as much work as possible, but there are still some 40 hernia patients and 50 colonoscopy screenings pending.”

A long-time patient who contacted MaltaToday said he was “worried” that he would have to pay private fees to continue having his medical condition seen to by Zammit.

MaltaToday is informed that other doctors have been granted extensions to their employment at Mater Dei, but Zammit said he suspected nothing untoward about the decision. “It looks like correct procedure since I am going to be 61,” he said.

In a reply, the health ministry said it was government policy that when consultants reach the age of 61, they are considered as having reached retirement age.

“Should there be the need for a replacement, the Health Department issues a call for application accordingly. Such a procedure provides an opportunity for younger Maltese specialists to achieve a consultant status.

“In line with this, the policy of the Department of Surgery has been not to extend the contracts of consultants beyond the age of 61. This has applied in the cases of previous surgeons and will also apply in the case of Mr Anthony Zammit. In fact, over the last few weeks a considerable number of Maltese surgeons have already applied and been interviewed,” a ministry spokesperson said.

The only cases where extensions beyond retirement age have been conceded were those involving the need to address specific waiting lists’ initiatives, such as in the cases of Orthopaedics and Ophthalmology.

“In such cases, the consultants would be engaged solely to deal with cases pertaining to a specific waiting list and they would not retain their firm as per pre retirement practice,” the spokesperson said. “Waiting list initiatives are not based on the waiting lists of a single surgeon but on the collective requirements of the department.”

On Wednesday Labour leader Joseph Muscat pointed out the irony of Zammit being turned down to continue serving at Mater Dei, in his reply to Gonzi’s ministerial statement on ministers’ salaries.

Gonzi said ministers previously had to forfeit their MP’s honorarium to take up their executive role, while civil servants - such as consultant surgeons at Mater Dei - elected as MPs could still retain their jobs in the public service. “By that reasoning, ministers as government employees should be paid their honorarium as MPs,” Gonzi said.

Gonzi has officially announced that ministers will be refunding some €14,000 in increased honoraria they were paid since May 2008. They will retain a €19,000 honorarium they are paid as MPs every year, and refund the extra money they were paid as part of an 'increased' honorarium of €26,000 they were being paid in the past two years.

@briffy Ghaziz briffy, l-ewwel haga li ha naghmel nisguza ruhi mieghek. Haga li hawn Malta 'apologija' fid=dizjunarju milli jidher ma teziztix. It-tieni, ghal xi raguni l-ewwel sentenza ma deheritx. Li kienet tghid xi haga hekk "Jekk it-tahseb li m'hawnx min qed ibati ghax int taqlaqha sejjer zball". Dak il-hin gie f'mohhi dawk il-familji li lanqas ghandhom dawl u ilma u lanqas biex jghixu. Jekk qed tahseb li qed nizbalja kulma ghandek taghmel huwa li ticcekja ma nies, imma mhux ma dawk it-tip ta nies li jaghmel x'jaghmel il-gvern tal-gurnata (hu min hu) joqghodu ghal kollox. Fuq id-demokrazija jiddispjacini ma naqbilx mieghek!! Saqsi lil dawk li ghax ghandhom opinjoni differenti min hadiehor jaraw kif jeqerduh. Le ma hawnx 'Freedom of expression'. Tajtek l-ezempju tieghi imma f'mohhi kelli ukoll anke ohrajn, bhal per ezempju, Alex Vella u ohrajn. Le my friend ma hawnx freedom of expression xejn. Ezempju iehor huwa ghandna zewg politikanti li wiehed qal li ghandu d-dritt ikun jaf x'naghmel gos-sodda u l-iehor jikmandani x'nara. Li nista nghidlek huwa li, int personali, ipprova mur kontra il-kurrent u tara x'jigri. U ha nghidlek prosit fejn int ghidt li ma hemmx xejn hazin billi wiehed jikteb bil-Malti u bl-Ingliz. Jekk thossok komdu biex tesprimi ruhek ahjar, ghala le? Ha nispjega x'tip ta bniedem jien. Jien kont hrigt qatta bla habel kontra kif il-gvern malti kien qed jittratta il-kwistjoni ta l-emigranti illegali. U qabel xi hadd jaqbez fuqi li jien xi razzist nghidu "Le minhiex". Anzi. Imma meta naf li hawn min bil kemm hawn min ghandu jghix u mbaghad dawk kollha li jigu hawn ILLEGALMENT, dak jiddispjacini Le. U fuq esperjenza personali alla hares nghid minxiex ghadit it-tifla tieghi ghax miz-zewga iswed (li jien tajt il-barka tieghi). U ghadhom isoffru il-konsegwenzi sa llum. U kieku ma kienx ghal David Aguis (u anke haddiehor) ma nafx xkien ha jigri minhom. Pero meta Frattini tkessah ma Malta u ried juri kemm hu 'bully', TAJT L-APPOGG SHIH LIL GVERN MALTI. U hawn tohrog l-ipokrazija tat-Times of Malta. Ghax meta ktieb ma gabuhiex jew bla sens. Li kelli nirrikorri ghas-site tieghi fuq myspace. Kien hemm hafna Taljani li qablu mieghi bhal ma kien hemm haddiehor li prova jitkessah ukoll ghax lill-Frattini ghajjartu faxxist(barra affarijiet ohra)! Meta spjegajtlu ghala, illum sar wiehed mill-hbieb tieghi. Qed nghid dana kollu sabiex hadd ma jahseb li jien kontra xi hadd partikulari, IMMA KONTRA MIN JAGHMEL HSARA LIL DAWK TA TAHTU GHAX GHANDU XI POTER!! Dan jista jkunu politici, avukati, magistrati, 'judges', pulizija, xi sinjuri etc. Fil fatt kont ili snin nghid li Malta qed titmexxa min qabda FAXXISTI/ NAZZISTI!!! Nota: Ghalhekk ma naqbel xejn mieghek fuq l-ahhar sentenza tieghek nru:5 U NERGA INSOSTNI LI VERU HAWN L-ISPIJI!! Nispera li spjegajt ruhi bizzejjed.
Dear Tony nistax nifhem ghaliex qed tindirizza lili. Ma nafx x'ghandi x'naqsam ma' dak li qed tikteb fl-artiklu. I'm sorry.
To those who are hitting back at me and calling me all sorts of names I say that (1) I did not insult or denigrate anybody neither was I the one that brought politics into the picture; I just said that Malta is a good place to live in - in fact many foreigners have decided to settle here (2) I never ever said that I am pleased at the alleged refusal of a consultant's request (my assumption?) to stay on after retirement age. What I said was that a public officer's retirement age at the moment is 61 which nobody can deny (3) It was a comment about my being comfortably sitting on a sofa by a gas heater etc etc that prompted me to point out that in Malta the 'cold' months are very few and that one doesn't need bagfuls of money to heat an average sized house for a few weeks ;(4) what's wrong with writing an article partly in Maltese and partly in English and why, may I ask, should one call me all sorts of names because I congratulated one commentator on his quasi-perfect Maltese. Indeed the ortography of that commentator is refreshing to note particularly when one is frequently confronted by atrocious spelling, syntax, grammar in English as well as in Maltese. The way people express themselves speaks volumes about the writer; it gives the reader an insight into that character. Coming across as aggressive and using capital letters betrays vehemence and does not strenghten one's argument (5) thanks to the fact that we are living in a democratic country we can comment freely without risking any reprisals. Hope we all realise and cherish our freedom of expression.
Joe Tanti
jAlla dan Briffy u dawk kollha li hadu pjacir ghax Mr.Anthony Zammit ma gedidluhux il-kuntrat ta xoghol fil Mater Dei QATT (u dan nejda bsincerita) ma jkollohom il-bzon ta xoghol tieghu proffesjonali. Fejn is-sahha tal bniedem ma ghandhux indahhlu il-politika kif saret ma Dr.Zammit. Min Gonzi nistenna kollox pero bhal din il-pika politika QATT ma stennejta ,ISTHI Gonzi.
I left to whom my comment was directed to. To: Mr briffy
U NISPERA LI M'INTIEX XI SPIJA LI QED JIDRU DAN L-AHHAR FIL-MALTATODAY. U NGHID GHALA! Wara li m'hilux ktieb hawn fuq it-Maltatoday u fl-ahhar sentenza kont ghidt li nispera ma nigiex targetted, ma tantx mort zmerc. Ghax minhabba xi 'animal monstruz' spiccajt bl-ambulanza urgenti biex nittaqqab. U DAN SAR DIK IL-GIMGHA META HAFNA POLITIKANTI MARRU JIXXADINJAW FUQ IT-TELEVISIONS!! U toqghodtx titkellem fuq demokrazija!! Qed tissemma Tunesia, nghidlek li sirna ghar min stat dittatorjali! X'cuc hi ic-Cina hdejna. Ghax spiccajna ma tistax titkellem ghax issib ruhek imdawwar ma hafna "Vultures" lesti biex joqtluk!! U kif diga spjegajt lil wiehed membru tal-parlament, qed nipprova NASSUMI LI L-PRIM MINISTRU MA JAFX X'GARA WARA LI KELLI KUNTATT MIEGHU BL-EMAIL!!! Veru qed nipprova!! U qed nipprova ghax naf kemm kien jahdem fost il-handikappati qabel ma libes il-libsa tal-monstri tal-politikant!! Fil-fatt illum qed naccetta ghala hafna jiktbu taht nicknames!!! X'DEMOKRAZIJA!! Dan gara anke fuq dik il-hmieg suppost indipendenti Times of Malta. Ghamlu min kollox biex jaghlquli halqi!! Sa anke ippruvaw jirridikulawni (min ghalihom) meta ippruvajt niddefendi lili nifsi bhala bniedem 'handicapped', li kelli nirrikorri barra min Malta sabiex naghmel dan. Ara meta b'cajta kien ghadda xi membru laburista (anke jien kont nitbellah allavolja 'handicapped') malajr fethu facebook acct. Meta kien hemm dak il-hmieg kollu f'din is-suppost gazzetta indipendti, HADD ma fetah halqu!! Anzi kien hemm min kwazi skuzahom. U ghal informazzjoni, kemm taht gvern laburista u anke taht gvern nazzjonalista ipprotestast (allavolja ghandi hbieb miz- zewg nahat) u forsi ghalhekk HADD ma gie din l-ahhar elezjoni GHAX GIA KIENU JAFU KONT HA NILQAHOM BIL-BANDA!! U mhux gewwa dahri, imma barra halli jismani kulhadd!! Jew f'xi pjazza minlija nies! FUQ KOLLOX HADD MA JISTA JAJJARNI LAGHQI BHAL XI WHUD. Ta l-ahhar kif ga avzajt lil Maltatoday naghmel stqarija aktar il-quddiem. NISPERA MA JKUNX HEMM XI SPJUN IEHOR!!!
Dear MR Briffy & Gonzi (Flimkien kollox possibli) It seems that thank god you have never needed the service of Mr Anthony Zammit. But I needed his service & can speak from my experiance. He is the best surgeon that Mater Dei have ever had & in my opinion Mater Dei hospital & we as patients & their families can't afford to loose. Also it is true that with 300 euros you can by enough supply to heath your home for the whole winter BUT WHO HAVE 300 EUROS?? Regarding corruption there is no need to say that Malta is full of it & I don't know why we are so surprised regarding the Tunisia Corruption. Since in my opinion Malta is a great competitor to Tunisia. Regarding the salarys. The difference between Mr Zammit & Dr Gonzi is that Mr Zammit is paid for a job very well done & Dr Gonzi is paid to continue what Fenech Adami started that is SINKING OUR COUNTRY. It is true that we are lucky that we live in Malta because thank god we have short distances & since the fuel is getting higher & higher we will have to walk from place to place & since we don't have enough money in our hands we can afford not to buy a car. Good Climate: What's the use to have good climate & we can't go for a walk due to the black dust in the air? Relatively easy life: For those that lost their jobs. It is an easy life since they don't have nothing to do. The only thing that they have to do is to try to find a job & something to eat. It is easy to write it here but in reality everybody knows how difficult it is to find a job. Mr Briffy. I think that you live in Filfla since I think that is the only place where the criminality is low. It's indeed a miracle that we have such hard workers in Malta because if otherwise I can't imagine the state that we will be.
Lino Camilleri
@briffy L-ewwel nett tkunx pastaz u taghjjar lil proxmu tieghek kif jikteb. Diga hawn qied turi xint. It-tieni nahseb li int qied barra mir realta tal hajja taghna. Mela ghax komdu int u ma jimpurtakx mill proxmu ifisser li kullhadd bhalek. Jiena la nahdem fil minjieri tad deheb u lanqas ghandi xoghol iehor iebes. Kelli xoghol dicenti xi darba imma siehbek gonzipn baqa sa kemm haduli u faqqarni ghax qal li hemm bzonn ghal gid tal pajjiz. Jekk trid tiftahar kemm ghadna low unemployment nghidlek li int mazzun bhal shabek in nazzjonalisti li jemmnu kull statistika li johrog.j iena naf hafna haddiema imorru ghax xoghol 6 sieghat biss fil gimgha. Dak xoghol eh. Rigward il lottu ma ma naghtix tort minn jipprova xortih forsi jirbah xi haga tal flus u jkun jista jghix hajja komda bhalek. Wara kollox kien dan il gvern li dahhal u hajjar lill kullhadd jilghab bid dhul tal loghob li hawn. Jiena illum il gurnata nifhem lill fqir ghax garrabthom it tnejn. U int titkellem hekk ghax ghadek ma tafx xigifieri ghax kieku zgur li kliemek kien ikun mod iehor jew inkella int mintiex xi cittadin komuni
Luke Camilleri
Decizjoni state-of-the art ohra ta' Gonzipn & CO. Min sejjer jitlef fl-ahhar mill ahhar Dr. Gonzi bl-arroganza tieghek u ta' dawk ta' madwarek? Il-POPLU u bil-vot tieghu jurik kif qieghed ihossu meta jasal il-mumment tal-prova!
“Consultant surgeons… we have three of them in parliament, are members of the public service and earn salaries higher than ministers. And they still take home an honorarium as MPs,” Gonzi told parliament on Wednesday evening, in justification of ministers receiving honoraria. Gonzi, you are only doing a single job, that of a Prime Minister. Yet YOU and your Ministers are taking TWO SALARIES. The Consultant surgeons are doing TWO JOBS, so how do you expect them to take one salary when for ONE JOB you are taking TWO SALARIES? Get a life Gonzi. Resign like the Irish Prime Minister did if you have the slightest trace of decency and call for a general election.
let it be known that no one is entitled to earn more than the prime minister in this country. Our prime minister has been bred from the finest stock and giving the most thorough preparation imaginable to such an extent - that even in a society based on meritocracy, such as ours - where only the very best would do - GONZI quite simply was the very best. And let's not forget, the important posts given to Gonzi - such as the president of the catholic association. No silver spoon for our Gonzi - just the toughest assignments for the very best man for the job. No wonder this country runs on 'rubini'. Thank you oh great divine holy leader!
When bitterness takes over the Party in Government, it is a clear sign of failure.
briffy@maltanet qed taqa flivell baxx u pastaz xtindahal kif jikteb persuna, mahniex il bodd mi tunezija itunezini ilom 23 sena taht dittatura ta listess president, u ahna ilna 25 sena taht dittatura ta listess gvern, gvern li jahseb al ftit u mux al hafna. al listess 4 kuntratturi li jattu donazzjoniet lil pn al dawk jahseb dan il gvern profs zammit wihed mil laqwa proffesuri tal kancer u se tkun telfa al poplu malti. laqwa li nhallu nies fuq il waiting list go mater dei u nies gol kulutiri
Il-hmieg ta' dan il-Gvern m'ghandux limitu! Dejjem ghaddejjin bil-motto: "Il-Gvern taghna u naghmlu li rridu". Pero' ghad jasal iz-zmien tal-kontijiet ghal kulhadd!
Desiree' Attard
To my way of thinking, the matter is really very simple. Mr Zammit's request to have his service extended was refused was just because he's a Labour MP. Nothing more and nothing less!
Mark Fenech
But then there are plenty of clericals within the Ministers' Secretariats who are well over 61 and they are kept in service, as if they are officials who the country cannot part with.
Mario Pisani
irrispettivament mill-kulur politiku tal-Prof Zammit, dan huwa wiehed mill-aqwa professjonisti li hawn Malta u jopera u huwa ta' servizz ghal Maltin ta' kull kulur apparti li jaf imur man-nies li hija importanti meta tkun f'certi kundizzjonijiet ta' sahha. Hija hasra li l-isptar se jitlef l-esperjenza u l-kwalitajiet ta' persuna bhal din.
briffy@maltanet ma TISTAX TKUN TAN NEJK aktar milli INT mela meta ikollok bzonn xi haga hekk taghmel int tikteb nofs l-ittra tieghek bil MALTI u wara tkompli bl-INGLIZ mhux kullhadd jaf li il Profz Zammit huwa MP Laburista bli ser jaghmel GONZI huwa li ser ICAHHAD LIL POPLU MALTI min wiehed mil ahjar PROFSURI li ghandna fil KURA TAL MARDA TAL CANCER ghallura min ser ibati il Pyofs zgur li LE ghax joqod ghal KWIET JISTIEH
In the education directorate there are Asst Directors who are beyond the age of 61 and Consultant surgeon Anthony Zammit, the Labour MP, will not have his contract of employment at Mater Dei hospital extended beyond pensionable age when he reaches the age of 61 in June this year. Why is this happening in Malta? What is going to happen if the PN will the next general election. The Second Pillar Pension will be the First Blow to the employers and workers!
Mr Anthony Zammit is definitely an excellent surgeon and a real gentleman!!! To treat him like this is very unfair. Just to explain things we have UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS WHO ARE BEING GIVEN EXTENSIONS BEYOND EVEN 65 YEARS OF AGE!!! BUT AGAIN THIS IS CORRUPT MALTA!!!
@jerry Nahseb li int xi wiehed li tahdem fil-minjieri tad-deheb zewg mili taht l-art jew xi tip ta'xoghol iehor iebes. Tidher li m'intiex nieqes mill-iskola ghax ftit ghandek zbalji fil-kitba ( qeghdin mhux qedin; 'l boghod mhux il boghod). Ma nuzax heaters tal-gas ghax jistghu jisplodu, nippreferi tal-pitrolju. Hawn Malta taghmel festa bi Eur300 pitrolju fis-sena ghat-tlett xhur tax-xitwa u anke jekk tixtrihom LPG ikollok xi tuzzana cilindri li zgur iservuk ghax-xitwa kollha jekk ma tkunx toqghod f'xi villa ta' 10 kmamar. As for corruption this is ingrained in human nature; one can only keep it in check but not eradicate it. It stems from human greed and jealousy. But the level varies from country to country. The level of corruption in Tunisia is extremely high, I would advise you to do some research before rushing to comment. And we are lucky to be living in a place like Malta - short distances, good climate, relatively easy life, good quality of life, excellent health services, every adult has a car, most families have more than one large TV, A/Cs in council houses, lots of people can afford to spend Eur20 a week on the lotto, people are spoilt and born with a silver spoon in their mouth, no real poverty, very low unemployment rate, low incidence of crime, no epidemics, people are well-dressed. It's indeed a miracle that this little arid rock without any raw materials except globigerina manages to sustain almost half-a-million people who lead a sheltered and comfortable life; their expectations are so high that they spend the day moaning and groaning, and complaining about petty inconveniences.
Lino Camilleri
@gscerri When someone is unable to accept the real situation they all come up with your statement.
Joseph Pellicano
Lino Camilleri
@briffy Nahseb dan jidher xi wiehed min dawk il-komdi bill qeghda fuq is sufan jissahhan bxi heater tal gas magenbu. Money no problem. Ftit qedin il boghod mit-tunezija. (mhux distanza) I know that there is a whole world out there. But it's full of corruption uncluding malta.
The Civil Service should be asking surgeons like Dr Zammit to remain in employment and not the other way. Patients who came in contact with Dr Zammit know what I'm talking about. Malta's loss!
Whom they have injured they will also hate.
What's the fuss about a consultant retiring from public service at the stipulated age of 61? Unless these people retire as they usually do there will be no chance for the younger ones to take over and occupy the posts vacated by their seniors. This is in the nature of things. And what's this event have to do with Ben Ali and Tunisia? What does knocker know about life in Tunisia? Has he ever lived there to get to experience the repressive administration in Tunisia? I am sure he didn't, otherwise he would not have come out with such stupid comparisons? And he wouldn't have dared call the PM an ignoramus if he were in Tunisia, would he? Some people need to educate themselves and try to understand that there is a whole world out there besides their little cocoon they live in.
Igor P. Shuvalov
U mbaghad nghidu li l-Isptar ma nistghux inlahhqu ma' l-operazzjonijiet !!!!!!!!
This will only bolster Prof Zammit's political chances on his constituency. GonziPN shows its real reptilian nature when it turns so savagely on those who lie outside the party's precincts. Or rather, it has grown used to feeding only those who lie inside the innermost core. Not too different from Ben Ali's way of doing things. But Ben Ali's example does not rub on the hardened GonziPN. JPF was right in being unable to recognize his own party since its leadership was taken over by an ignoramus like the Gonz who turns to arrogance and 'hdura' in order hopefully to make up for his innate incompetence and inefficiency.