MEP writes open letter to European Parliament president to formalise his status

Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri tells EP president to offer him a concrete solution to his predicament as observer MEP.

Labour MEP Joseph Cuschieri, the sixth Maltese MEP to be elected according to the Lisbon Treaty, has written an open letter to European Parliament president Jerzy Buzek, who will be visiting Malta presently, complaining of the “inefficiency and lack of concrete initiative” to formalise his election to the EP.

Cuschieri was elected in June 2009 when the Lisbon Treaty had not yet been ratified, but over a year since then Cuschieri has not yet taken his seat in the Brussels parliament. In his letter he tells Buzek to offer a “concrete solution to the observer status predicament” rather than “more rhetoric”.

“I have been unjustly deprived from commencing my work in the European Parliament due to both the inefficiency and lack of concrete initiative that the European Parliament has embraced, and the excessive and unwarranted bureaucracy in some EU States that has prolonged the process of the ratification of Protocol 36. In reality, the latter does not directly depend on you. Yet, the former does depend on you a great deal,” Cuschier said.

Cuschieri’s seat in the EP is guaranteed by a report approved by the European Parliament prior to the signature of Protocol 36 by all EU states in the June 2010 Intergovernmental conference.

“It is entirely in your remit as President of the European Parliament to find a solution without any further procrastination and invite me, pending the ratification of Protocol 36, to represent the Maltese and Gozitan families as an observer member of the European Parliament,” Cuschieri tells Buzek in his letter.

“Had I not been elected democratically, I would not have underlined the democratic deficit which the European Parliament is sustaining by not taking the sixth Maltese MEP on board,” Cuschieri wrote.

Cuschieri resigned from parliament in 2008 to make way for the co-option of Labour leader Joseph Muscat as Opposition leader, and then was elected as MEP in 2009.

“The Maltese people are very patient, intelligent and capable of assessing the articulation of political discourse. Yet, patience is running out. It is unacceptable that the Maltese and Gozitans are being taken for a ride regarding their sixth EP seat.”

If the EU can't keep a simple promise how can one believe that it keeps the rest, unless they concern taxes.
Dahhalna fpost sabieh Fenech Adami go BRIMBA kollha korruzjoni Il gvernijiet ta hafna mil pajjizi ta UE kollha ITAMBRU biex lil popli taghhom jaghmlu is sagrificci u huma IPAPPUWA SEW u kullhadd jahtaf Xi tghidilna Dr Fenech Adami kemm ghamilt STORBJU dak in nhar bl-Irlanda kemm kienu sejrin tajjeb ghax dahlu go UE issa kullhadd jaf xgara go l-IRLANDA
The only way out of the corrupt EU and its equally corrupt leaders is to leave as we have every right and duty to ourselves, our children and our country.
does one tend to admit by this letters' admission that the EU parliament is in effeicient and bureacratic ? do you want to be part of this rhetoric institution? lets face it, are the EU citizens better off in their social standard of living? now not on an idividual basis but on a country by country basis. if yes prove it concretely, if not will it make any difference if we will be holding only a minority of 6 eu members?
ghidlu naqa l Buze!!! Ha npappuha ahna ukoll mela hu biss!!! ;)