Ministers' honoraria were paid as ‘allowances’ directly from ministry budgets

The Office of the Prime Minister has exposed itself to the charge of having misled the public by paying government ministers €26,000 on top of their €40,000 salaries in the form of a ‘parliamentary honorarium’ that was instead being paid out of the ministerial budgets.

The OPM admitted this week with MaltaToday that ministers were paid out of an ‘allowance’ budget from their own ministries, and not from the budget allocated to the House of Representatives.

This led to an explosion in the OPM’s own budget, from €400,000 in allowances in 2007 to €650,000 in 2008, and then €1 million in 2009. From here, the prime minister and his two parliamentary secretaries were each paid €26,000 in the form of an honoraria and another €8,000 as duty allowance.

This means that when MaltaToday first revealed the unannounced Cabinet decision in November 2008, the OPM misleadingly told this newspaper the salary increase was due to ministers receiving an MP’s honoraria.

What was in effect a 50% salary raise was defended in parliament this week by Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, who said it was “unfair” that ministers lost their honorarium while other MPs earned salaries from public employment.

And while the Cabinet memo tabled in parliament indicates that the same changes had to apply to the Speaker and the Opposition leader, no such honoraria were ever legislated in parliament.

Which is why the finance ministry simply decided to pay out the alleged honoraria from the ‘allowances budget’ of each government ministry, and for two years never needed to legislate the increase, while MPs who voted on two successive budgets never knew they were effectively voting in favour of increased salaries.

The Speaker of the House has yet to reply to a letter from former Labour leader Alfred Sant, who is accusing the government of being in contempt of government. Sant said that while other parliaments had transparent processes and parliamentary resolutions to regulate salaries, while these never existed in Malta, Parliament “had never been treated in this way before”.

MPs are paid €19,000 in honoraria apart from other benefits. But previously civil servants were not allowed to continue in their employment if elected as MPs. When this anomaly was removed, in 2008 the Cabinet decided to pay ministers the MP’s honorarium they previously forfeited when appointed. They were however paid a €26,000 honorarium which other government MPs, it was revealed this week, were unaware of.

While MPs are still going to retain their €19,000 raise, they are now going to have to refund the extra €14,000 they cashed in over the past two years as part of Lawrence Gonzi’s damage-limitation exercise.

2008 ‘hush-hush’ decision

In November 2008, MaltaToday revealed that Lawrence Gonzi had given his ministers, parliamentary secretaries and himself a lavish pay rise of over 40% in a decision taken after March’s election.

The decision, which remained unannounced by the government, was incorrectly reported to have cost €14,966 extra for each of the eight ministers and six parliamentary secretaries. The increase turned out to be €26,000.

The increase was expected to stir controversy – it never did back then – at a time when the government was imposing tough measures on the people in the face of economic austerity. It contrasted with the meagre €4.08 cost of living adjustment given in the 2008 budget; today the COLA is a weekly €1.16.

A spokesman for the prime minister had defended the decision, justifying the ministers’ role as members of parliament as a separate job. “The discussion on the ministerial wage and MPs’ honorarium must be viewed within the context of the anomalies which were experienced in the past legislatures; wherein government employees that were elected to parliament could no longer retain their public employment, and wherein elected MPs that had been given a ministerial portfolio would have to forfeit their MP honorarium,” the spokesman had said.

MaltaToday's digital edition.

Issa hadd m'ghandu jkollu xi dubju. dawn is-sinjuri li qeghdin fuq in-naha tal-gvern fil-parlament, jafu biss jippriedkaw, izda meta jigu biex iwettqu dak li jippriedkaw, ifittxu dak li jaqbel lilhom u lil buthom, mhux x'inhu sewwa u fl-interess tal-poplu Malti !
Alfred Galea
briffy, the reasons that gasoline is more expensive than other countries are the taxes imposed by the govt. When oil was 147.00 gasoline in Malta was cheaper than it is now when oil is at 90.00......same goes for gas. YOU are the one who brought the energy prices/COLA into the equation to sort of justify the obscene raises in salary and honoraria by those pigs at the trough.
Joe South....So we agree that the salaries of MPs have no bearing on the price of energy, fuel and on the COLA. It follows therefore that we also agree that Malta has no say whatsoever in determining the price of oil, independently of the administration. I fail to understand therefore why you are getting hot under the collar and resorting to name-calling.
Alfred Galea
[Iz-zieda lill-ministri u lill-bqija tal-membri parlamentari mhix ser teffettwa bl-ebda mod la l-prezz tal-energija u tal-fuel u l-anqas il-COLA] Briffy, is someone here saying different?? In your haste to kissass and apologise for these corrupt bastards you seem to forget that your party is incompetent, arrogant, corrupt and unaccountable. I don't know if you're trying to dazzle us with your brilliance or baffle us with your bullshit.
Iz-zieda lill-ministri u lill-bqija tal-membri parlamentari mhix ser teffettwa bl-ebda mod la l-prezz tal-energija u tal-fuel u l-anqas il-COLA. Il-prezz tal-energija jiddependi fuq il-prezz taz-zejt, l-ispejjez tar-raffinar, it- trasport; skond l_enemalta dan jirrapresenta xi 60% tal-ispiza tal-produzzjjoni tal-energija. Il-bqija tal - ispiza maghmula mill-pagi ta' l-Enemalta, manutensjoni tal-impjant u tad-distribuzzjoni tad-dawl, hlas lura ta' self li l-Enemalta hadet ghax-xiri tal-impjant etc etc Il-prezz tal-fuel ikopri ukoll l-VAT, fuel tax li jmorru fil- fond konsolidat, minn fejn johorgu l-ispejjez kollha tal-gvern, inklusi salarji, pensjonijiet, servizzi tas-sahha u ta' l-edukazzjoni, etc Il-COLA tinhadem fuq formola miftehma bejn il-gvern u l-unions u tkopri l-gholi tal-hajja tas-sena ta' qabel. Ma ninsewx li din is-sieda hi kemm hi trid tigi mhallsa wkoll liil dawk li jahdmu mal-privat u ghalhekk trid bil-fors tigi mrazzna biex Malta tibqa' kompetittiva u biex l-impiegi jigi salvagwardati. Ma ninsewx li fic-Cina, l-Malasja, l-Indja u anki l-Marokk, l-Algerija, it-Tunezija il-pagi huma il-kwart ta' dawk ta' Malta. Allura fix-jidhlu is-sa;arji u l-honoraria tal-membri tal-parlament f'dan kollu? U x-ghandu x'jaqsam il-partit li jkun fil-gvern? L-pozizzjoni f'Malta ma titbiddilx.
Prosit Solidarity ridt nghid mhux knocker!
Prosit knocker. Jiena ghandi hafna hbieb u familjari li min dejjem kienui ta twemmin politika mal-partit nazzjonalista u issa inghaqdu mal moviment imexxi min Dr Muscat. Dr Muscat ibqa sejjer hekk u ibqa konsistent ghax cert li Dr Gonzi ha jkollu sfida iebsa. Nispera li Dr Gonzi jbiddel l-id cards li skadew u ma jkunx permess mobiles fil kmamar tal-votazzjoni.
@ Knocker The truth is one the fact. The Speaker of the house who is appointed by the PN stated that the proceedings where abnormal and irregular? Note in law and as such in parliament any abnormal or irregular procedure even if one knew about it is null and void and not even considered for discussion. All procedures which are made according to regulations are all understood and discussed. So I ask why was the procedure abnormal and not in contempt of the house if the PN is so proud of the self increase? Further more the main argument is that no one in any private and governmental position must pretend an increase since the country is 5 billion euro in debt (Average of €12500 per person including new borns) and at the same time asking the people to sacrifice and live best they can with €1.16 per week. I believe the best option for the PM is to sacrifice his income as us and once the per head debt is acceptable we all take a rise.
Ask Joe Mizzi, Capricorn. Someone has suggested that he knew about the whole whodunnit. He still has to tell when, how and where he learnt about it, above all, why he did not tell the Leader of the Opposition about it. There your are, you have the when, how, where and why. Mr Mizzi should whip up enough courage and tell us all he allegedly knew. If he doesn't come up with a good explanation we will be justified to think he does not even deserve the pay he currently receives, let alone the honorarium he might be about to get. Sorry to write like this, mates, but the truth is one and we cannot play about with it as if it were a measly local council affair.
DrGonzi qabel il-Baġit 2010 ghamel surcharge ta 195% fil-Ilma u fl-Elettriku u nehha is sussidju li kien jaghti fuq il kontijiet tad dawl u ilma. Kellna żieda drastika fil-liċenzji tal-karozzi li qed jiżdiedu kull sena sakemm il karozza taghlaq dsatax il sena, segwit minn żieda drastika fil-ċilindri tal-gass . F'dan il-baġit il-Gvern għamel żieda drastika fis sijsa fuq fuel,fl- alkoħol, Sigaretti, u minflok ma ta il-vawċers tal-enerġija huwa nehha dawn il-vouchers li jammontaw għal 11million fis-sena. Il-gvern għamel ukoll xerrej li ha jixtri ghal ewwel darba propjeta jbati l-aktar biż-żieda drastika fit-Tariffi tal- MEPA segwit minn żieda drastika fil-Siment li żgur se jżidu l-prezzijiet tal-proprjetà fis suq. Wara L-budget kellna zieda fic cilindri tal gas, rega ghola l-fjuwil, gholiet il bolla ghal min jaqbad 1600eur. Il-Ministri inghataw zieda blura ta Eur500 fil gimgha bil mohbi f’allowances dirett mil minestri mhux mil budget allokati lill-Kamra tad-Deputati. Il-Prim Ministru hajagħmel Parlament ġdid u teatru bla saqaf li ha jiswina 100 miljun. Ajhar naqqas it taxxi min fun in negozjanti biex jaqtalom naqa l-ispejjez b'hekk jincentiva lil haddiem.L-Gvern ha jintroduci "Second Pillar Pension" is-sena diehla jigifieri jkonna tnaqqis obligatorju fil-pagi taghna ghax tghola iktar il-bolla dan habbara il-gvern. Nkwetat hafna ghal shabi haddiema tal-Air Malta, gvern dawn haddiema kapacissimi ibza ghalijom!
Fejna l-oppozijoni kemm IRQATTU jekk ma jsix naqra xi haga il GONZI ser jibqa JIRROMBLA u JAHTAF il FLUS kemm irid ghax l-oppozizjoni RIEQDA tigux tghiduli xi TRIDHA TAGHMEL taghmel dak li il EX KAPO taghhom Dr DWARDU FENECH ADAMI kien jghamel igalu lin nies li dawk li jghamlu ir reklami fuq il gazetti taghhom nghamlulhom BOYKOTT u imissu JIBBOJKOTJA il parlament ghax dawn qedin JIKSRU il LIGIJIET kif iridu ma tarahx GONZI qed ghidilna li iz zejt qed jinxtara bil gholi kemm fih TAXXI LITRU FUEL MHUX GHID ghalhekk Dr Joseph Muscat jekk TRID TIGBED lin nies WARAJK AHNA mhux bdil ta ARMI IRRIDU imma li TQUM NAQRA FUQ TIEGHEK U MA THALLIEX LIL GONZI FILMENT IKOMPLI JIRROMBLA MIN FUQ IL POPLU VILMENT
The PN made their way to have their pockets packed with euros by using a 'side road'. This is a sly way of siphoning off our money!!! I wish election time is tomorrow so that we can get rid of these sort of people totally out of parliament once and for all!!!!
Dan huwa FRODI ghax il-flus tal-Ministeri ma jistghux jintużaw hlief ghall-iskop li ghalih ikunu vvutati mill-Parlament. Dan ifisser li Gionzi ghamel frodi minn flus il-poplu. Jekk ghandek l-icken hjiel ta' dicenza fittex irrizenja u sejjah elezzjoni. Jew ghalhekk qed ittawwal biex tibdel l-ID Cards halli tkomplu tfottu fl-elezzjoni? Isthi jekk taf tisthi.
Jeffrey Vella
Aktar ma johorgu cifri ta' eluf ta' ewro li l-ministri u segretarji parlamentari qeghdin jiehdu bhala salarju,jien nibqa' mistaghgeb kif il-PM ghandu wicc jigi jaghti zieda ta' 1.16 ewro lil haddiem komuni. Mela fejn irid,il-PM ghandu flus x'jahli.Ma' l-haddiem jitqammel !
Ia Airmalta employees had to make a request for an increase in wages today undoubtly everyone would say are you crazy? Definetely not. With two billion euro debt the PM should be ashamed to make a request for pay rise and since he done it we will all say the same answer as for the airmalta workers. Are you crazy? definetely not. After 25 years governed by PN governments Malta finances are a mess fix your mess then when you bring the 100 million euro net from EU and reduce the debt level than yes let's all have a good raise. What do you think shall we work harder for good results?
Biex jirrezenja wiehed irid ikollu ftit zejt f'wiccu. Andikun Gonzi uzah kollu f'xaghru! Jew qed juzah biex jidlek idejn shabu l-Ministri. Kienet x'kienet ir-raguni, Gonzi ghandu jkun maghruf bhala l-akbar 'conartist' politiku go Malta! Hafna u hafna Maltin qed jindunaw li ghalkemm fuq it TV Gonzi jidher li jirragunaw bil-hlewwa, dak u ghamad biex jahbi li kull ma jaghmel politikament huwa bi hsiebijiet ulterjuri u biex jipprova jzomm il-Partit flimkien!
Nahseb issa zgur jirrezenja ta u jhabbar elezzjoni wara li ghamel hekk!