Mario Galea mum on €14,000 ‘refund problem’

Parliamentary secretary Mario Galea has refused to comment on his declared difficulty to refund €14,000 he earned in the past two years from a special €26,000 yearly honorarium ministers were awarded in 2008.

Galea declared his difficulty during last Wednesday’s emergency Cabinet meeting, when Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi asked his ministers and parliamentary secretaries to refund the difference in honorarium they were taking home more than MPs.

Contacted by MaltaToday, Mario Galea stressed he had no comment to make and that he would not reveal what was discussed in Cabinet.

When pressed on the matter, Mario Galea said that “everyone will make the refund, including myself.”

He stressed that whoever claimed that he had declared his difficulty to refund his honorarium “was wrong to have spoken to the media.”

Meanwhile, Cabinet members and Nationalist MPs have rallied behind Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi as he faces the fall-out of the political and administrative mess connected to the honoraria increase.

In comments to MaltaToday, PN parliamentary group whip David Agius, who also sits on the House Business Committee that will discuss the allowances and honoraria for MPs, expressed loyalty to the PM. “I am behind the Prime Minister and the statement he made in Parliament last Wednesday evening, however I will go before the parliamentary committee with an open mind, hoping to engage with the Opposition and find a solution to the issue.”

The same opinion was expressed by Gozo Nationalist MP Frederick Azzopardi, who is also a member of the House Business Committee.

Two emails sent to transport minister Austin Gatt remained unanswered, while rural affairs minister George Pullicino declared a “yes” in agreement with the Prime Minister’s statement.

Sliema MP Robert Arrigo stressed that his position “is that of the parliamentary group” while MPs Francis Zammit Dimech and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando declared a “yes” in agreement with their Prime Minister and party leader.

Parliamentary secretary Jason Azzopardi stressed that while he agrees with the Prime Minister, he hopes that the media “investigates the Opposition’s deceit when saying that it will forward eventual increases into a charitable fund, when in fact all that was agreed was that Labour MPs will contribute how much they wanted to this fund.”

Other ministers and MPs declined to return replies to MaltaToday’s questions.

A political and administrative mess

The Prime Minister’s U-turn on honoraria has led to the forfeiture of approximately €1.3 million in increases to MPs for this legislature.

While many MPs across the political divide have privately expressed frustration that they now risk losing a substantial amount of money in honoraria, the increases now risk being blocked as government and opposition sit to discuss the matter before the House Business Committee.

While Labour leader Joseph Muscat has declared he will forfeit all of his increase, and other MPs declaring they will forward some or all of their forecasted increase to causes close to them, many argue that no agreement will be reached in committee.

The committee will meet under the chairmanship of Speaker Michael Frendo, who also has the task of delivering rulings requested by former Prime Minister Alfred Sant and PL whip Joe Mizzi, on whether government acted in contempt of parliament when approving the honoraria increase without MPs knowing.

Unanswered questions

Questions have been raised as to why didn’t the secretary to the Cabinet, who communicated the minutes of the Cabinet agreement on honoraria to the finance ministry, never informed the Opposition leader and the Speaker of the approved raises – which also applied to them.

Such a failure justifies Labour’s claims that Cabinet’s approval of the increases was done with “stealth”, while also proving Alfred Sant right in his claims of contempt of parliament.

Other questions being raised are whether any formal correspondence exists to support the Prime Minister’s claim that the former Speaker Louis Galea had some brief to engage with the Opposition and discuss the increases within the House Business Committee.

While Louis Galea refused to comment on this matter, saying that he is “out of politics,” the matter still merits an answer from the Speaker’s Office, mostly regarding the possibility or not of the existence of any formal correspondence, including any terms of reference for discussions within the House Business Committee.

But as ministers claim that they never knew MPs were not receiving any increased honoraria [MPs were paid €19,000] it remains to be seen as to why finance minister Tonio Fenech or his permanent secretary didn’t inform parliament when the ministry authorised the Treasury to increase the allowances to Cabinet.

Truth seeker. I agree with you if you talk about a personal issue. But the honoraria IS NOT a personal issue. Yes, they did worst than robbing a bank. Why was such a issue hidden for more than two years ? You are a truth seeker - so you surely know the answer.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
On this I agree with Michael001. And NO, I don't support the PN. Not after the complete mismanagement of the country. However the problem here is the honoraria themselves, not what an individual politician has done with the money and his personal life.
Michael001: and you call others "veritable charlatans". Please don't point your fingers to others because you have another three point at you. What do you mean "as if they robbed a bank" ? Are you serious ? Yes Michael 001, the party in govenment is making a mess and it's time to step down.
wine? beer? vodka? whiskey? thats what i call booze
GonziPN is now making a mess of everything and are victims of their own spin. Polarization is taking root again in this country which is far worst then the 80's. We are a bankrupt country financially and morally. What's next? God help us.
Alfred Galea
Mikey, if they had robbed a bank there would've been the possibility of them being found guilty and serving it is they robbed the taxpayer and there's no chance that they'll ever pay for it, voters being what they are, especially PN voters.
@Michael 001: Charlatans are those who vote for boozers who obtain the money they need to tend to their boozing habits. Who knows? We may look forward to a Trevor Zahra novela titled "Il-Ministru" in the wake of his earlier novel "Is-Surmast". In it we might expect to find episodes involving the Minister's crash into a Floriana building coming up with the excuse that he collided with a careless driver, another might be an episode involving his boozing driver damaging the ministerial car after which he nonchalantly alleges he it was damaged by a Labour fanatic only to be found out that he has seriously lied to the police. Who knows, with the funds accrued from selling the novel the Minister will be able to refund the €14,000 he earned in the past two years from a special €26,000 yearly honorarium ministers were awarded in 2008. Do you agree to this scenario, Michael 001?
This is a good article. It tells me that a high earner cant manage his salary well enough. The value of the article is that this person is cabinet of the chosen ones. If he cant manage his salary well enough, let alone his responsabilities!! HAD to be a cabinet member to divulge this inforamtion to the seems someone is not happy with Mr Galea. But anyway, I guess we all know how Mr Galea spent his money!! Who knows how many other cabinet members spend it the same way!!
Speaker Michael Frendo pronounced himself on the honoraria raise issue and whilst stating there was no contempt of Parliament, he also says that "it is an anomaly that the Speaker and the Clerk of the House were not informed of any increase". Nobody knew about the Eur500 increase except Dr Gonzi and his ministers!
Albert Zammit
Sometimes, and most unfortunately, may I add, these electronic commentaries tend to be hijacked by veritable charlatans, having nothing to do other than to put their noses in where they don't belong. But all this has to do also with the way journalists 'ta' erba' soldi' write. Can anyone tell me what public interest lies in this article? Is it impossible for an individual member of the Cabinet not to be prepared to have to make this pay-back? I am among the first to express myself against this salary-increase. But hell, it's not as if the Ministers in question robbed the bank! So, let's just keep things in perspective.
Galea cannot refund the 14,000 euros because he has spent them to keep up with the higher cost of living. Imagine how we are to cope with 1.16 euros
Are you kidding? Galea has long spent them on the booze, what?
Who thinks there is no way round for Mario................ since the increase of €600 weekly seems like to be made poor Mario would have to do without the increase for the next 22 weeks. Now the joke is, if anyone of us takes his time to pay his Water and Electricity bill we'll be charged an extra 6% penalty will dear Mario or any other minister, parlaimentary segratry or ministerial segretaries be paying same 6% over and above the amount.?
So Galea found it difficult to refund €14,000 so what!!! He was not entitled to it anyway!!! Not even the hefty weekly pay rise. Our dear prim minister justified this pay rise as our poor MPs are the lowest paid in the EU. If that's the case dear gonzi, raise our wages to those of the EU as they are also the lowest!!!!!!!!!!!! Not forgetting the 1,700euros they are now each getting per year instead of the free air tickets, poor souls!!!!
Ghandek ragun Olga. Karmni li tbiegh xi ftit krafes jew ftit haxix, Rita li tbiegh xi ftit hut li jaqbad zewgha beix tghin lill-familja, dawk malajr jittellghu l-Qorti u jintefghu l-habs, imma kuntratturi kbar hbieb ta' Gonzi li jkollhom jaghtu l-miljuni f'arretrati tal-Income Tax, VAT u tal-Bolla dawk Alla jbierek jibqghu ghaddejjin jew jinhafrulhom jew jinghataw zmien twil biex ihallsuhom, sakemm ma tohrogx xi amnestija u jinsew kollox ghax ma jhallsu xejn.
Ara kieku jkun xi bejjiegh tal-Bigilla, li ma jkollux biex ihallas xi kont lil tal-VAT, dak jittella l-Qorti u jintefa l-Habs.