Zaren Vassallo to become Selmun Palace’s new owner

Labour organ Kullħadd reports Selmun Palace has been awarded to construction magnate Nazzareno Vassallo without a call for tenders being issued.

The newspaper says that claims that a public tender had been unsuccessful will be used to justify the award of the hotel to Vassallo, a former Nationalist candidate who is also the main subcontractor for Danish firm BWSC, recently awarded the controversial power station extension contract.

The hotel is property of the Selmun Palace Hotel Company Ltd, a subsidiary of Air Malta. Selmun Palace, built in the late 18th century, is made up of some 150 rooms, two swimming pools, a fitness centre, tennis courts and volleyball pitch.

Jiena nahseb li meta kienu qedin jemendaw il kostituzjoni il PL kien rieqed u ser nghid ghaliex (1) mela sewwa ghandna Gvern li la ghandu Maggoranza tal poplu u lanqas kellu maggoranza ta siggijiet (2) Il kostituzjoni ghanda tigi emmendata li meta partit ma gbix maggoranza ASSOLUTA 50% +1 ghandu jiggverna min ikollu MAGGORANZA TA SIGGIJIET kieku il PL ma kienux REQDIN DAK IN NHAR LI GIET EMMENDATA IL KOSTUTIZJONI kieku illum hemm il PL fil gvern u mhux IL PN Ma dawn in nies trid toqod b7 ghajnejn ghax malajr IDAHLUK FL XKORA BHAL MA DAHLU LIL PL DAK IN NHAR
Il-policy ta' dan il-Gvern dejjem kienet "Hokkli dahri u nhokk tieghek". U mbghad jiehdu ghalihom jekk jghidulhom partit tan-negozjanti. Isthu!
To capricorn. That is democracy the people have power to change government in an election. Now you know where the PN brought this country and why he used to call the PL supporters hamalli u tubi so he can keep rolling. It was the people's majority who always ate the pn carrot for the last 5 elections it's up to the people to fart it back to the PN. Your choice but this is what the real PN where always hiding the politics based on capitalism meaning I am always first and above all.
Jien nahseb mhux GONZI ghandu ghalfejn JISTHI imma Dr JOSEPH MUSCAT u il PL ghax qedin ihallu lil GOZI JIRROMBLA min fuqhom XBAQALHOM jghamlu izjed milli qedin jghamlu il PN biex forsi l-oppzzijoni TQUM MIR RAQDA LI RIEQDA kull fejn TARA u TISMA hlief immbrolji ma taqrax Mela qum mir RAQDA LI IRQAT Dr Joseph Muscat lil Mintoff iridu bhalissa ahna kieku zgur li ma jsirx dak li qied ISIR
Luke Camilleri
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