Kulħadd - Prime Minister to announce divorce referendum for this year

In the coming days, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi will be announcing that the divorce referendum is to take place this year.

The Labour organ Kulħadd reports that the decision was taken in a bid to deviate the public’s attention from the controversy surrounding government and the Minister’s pay rise. Apparently, Gonzi’s original plan was to announce the referendum with the general election but has now been given the advice to move the referendum to this year.

Dear SAINT GONZI the more you hear that people wants the devorce the more you rub your hands with pleasure,you IPOCRET, cause i m sure u do agree with devorce but you're AFRAID that you might loose VOTES.i do agree with devorce but no i m not going 2 vote because i don't want to be part of your IPOCRECY. If everybody do it my way then the problem would still hang on your shoulders. maybe then you 'll need the HELP of your famious cabinette SAINT GONZI and his ANGELS
Confucius say: It's much easier to announce decision on divorce between two persons than divorce from the enjoyment of power.
Keep smiling Gonzi. Of course you are all smiles with the money you are stealing from the people with your two salaries and perks and the €500 increase per week, but you shall not smile after the next election because we shall make you bite the dust as no politician in Malta or the world has ever bitten.
WHAT A TRAVESTY... so ppl who are 50+, whose interests are completely different from those of the modern generation are going to be given the power to decide for the whole country... another SHAM from our leaders... I can already see it playing out, the older generation going to church, getting brainwashed by Father this and Monsieur that... playing on the vulnerable emotions of older citizens with the threat of eternal damnation (done subtly, but still there)... No offense to the older generation (sorry nan!) but it is seriously unfair that their views are imposed on all.... we will outlive you, so grant us a better future please!!! we are stuck with sorry place forever!! Thanks Mr. Gonzi. Your leadership is sooooo inspiring!! the way you feel the pulse of the nation, hearing the views of all the young ppl who trusted you, the way you take informed, unbiased decisions which do not seek to favour and forward your family's views... truly exemplary!! I would give myself a raise if I were you... over and above the one you received, yeah... backdate it, why not!
Please correct me if wrong. But I believe that if divorce becomes legal all couples married by church will not be entitled to make use of it am I right Mr Balzan?
So it seems that the coward of the country will chicken out again.
Yes this is my user name
Priscilla Darmenia
Dear Editor, permit me to take a writing in another section of the media which reflects my opinion and my position also. - Quote First of all I would like to state that I am a happily married person and has been a PN sympathiser most of my life. Today Dr Gonzi made me make my irrevocable decision how to vote in the next general election. We elect members in parliament to legislate and where necessary legislate to the benefit and protection of minorities. With his statement that the divorce matter shall be settled in a referendum, in my opinion he is shedding his responsibility both as a prime minister and as a member of parliament. In a referendum the majority will always impose on the minority. What would happen if tomorrow I would be in a minority and want parliament to legislate to protect me? I was toying with the idea to vote AD in the next general elections; however Dr Gonzi helped me with a final decision to vote PL. Voting wise it means -1+1 instead of -1 only. The gurus of the electoral section in the parties know these mathematics too well. Unquote
** So what? do you think ,that they *care*what you will call them?***
I like to hear from the *kulhadd* more from Mr.Joseph Muscat about the divorce law, I know it was him that started all ,than mr. jeffrey pulicino orlando made the private bill- But I wish to hear more and see him put all his efforts, more enthusiastic hmm he seems catious ,well i think he is studying maybe our prime minister- so i think he is waiting for the PN to see their startegies as the prime minister made one of his worst mistakes that he is against the divorce law- *********************************************** I say this" the divorce law will not change anything or will cause more broken marriages, I wonder how much an ignorant a person can be and you know why? Cause the seperations waht they do? make marriages more strong? thousands are allready seperated by law and others will continue to seperate with the divorce law or not? so what is the reason or all the fuss of the no to divorce law? maybe a bunch of hypocrites can call those couple"POGGUTI" ?! So what? do you think that they what you will call them? does that makes you feel better? I say if you don't agree with the divorce law ,why are you worrying much about it? if you are not afraid why are you worrying? don't use it thats all , and remember if your husband or your wife wants to leave you she/he stil can do it , no need for divorce law.