Gonzi warns MP of meeting John Dalli

A number of Nationalist MPs, including Jean-Pierre Farrugia, have reportedly met with European Commissioner John Dalli during the ‘honorarium’ saga.

The meeting with Dalli was leaked to the Prime Minister and PN leader Lawrence Gonzi, who in a closed and secret meeting with Jean-Pierre Farrugia let him know that he knew of the meeting.  Gonzi also told his parliamentary group last Wednesday that it was imperative to keep things “closer to home.”

EU Commissioner John Dalli, was forced to resign fromCabinet in 2004 but kept his seat on the PN backbench for four years.  He was forced to resign because of a false report that alleged that Dalli took kickbacks during thr construction of the Mater Dei hospital.  The accusations were found to be false and concocted by former WE employee and Lorry Sant henchman Joe Zahra.

The report was discovered to be a complete  fabrication and Zahra was later convicted to two years incarceration.

Dalli has always insisted that Gonzi should be held responsible for the actions taken against him in 2004.

John Dalli was re-elected to Parliament in 2008 and reluctantly appointed minister for social policy by Gonzi.

Yet he remained a critic of Gonzi’s sao called ‘exclusive policies.’  He was offered the position of Commissioner by Gonzi, which he accepted.

Dalli – who claimed to be a ‘father confessor’ for disgruntled Nationalist MPs – was appointed European Commissioner in 2010, and although in Brussels he has refused to give up on local politics. 

The independent Sunday newspaper ‘Illum’yesterday reported that John Dalli is eyeing his chances to contest the next general elections, and also the PN leadership, should the PN lose the next general election.

Alfred Galea
Dalli is the tallest man in a room full of midgets.
John Dalli is a compulsive liar and a hypocrite. He failed to declare all his financial interests to Brussels when he was appointed commissioner. The entire Maltese nation knows that he had become a multi millionaire during the years he was a minister. Not bad when one considers his humble beginnings. For those who have a short memory they should remember all the political scandals he was involved in and was never held accountable for his corrupt practices. The following are just a few of the political scandals he was connected to: AMS, Daewoo scandal (allegedly he received a backhander of €1.3 million), Mid Med Bank Privatisation scandal. MIA privatisation, Mater Dei hospital accounting and concrete tenders, the anonymous letters scandal and many more. No one should think that this hypocrite has the nation’s interest at heart. The only interest he has is his ego and to vindicate himself by getting back at Dr. Gonzi. Dr. Gonzi is not perfect but John Dalli stinks of corruption, vindictiveness and unaccountability.
Guvni likes EFA , a man who got us into this mess , a proven liar and a job in the circus would have suited him better then being the president of a minority. Get a life guvni how could you be so out of touch with what is happening? The pn did only one good thing, they confirmed to us what a bunch of hypocrites they really are.
You bunch of geniuses are discussing about the merits of choosing between a rock and a hard place. So some of you prefer to be hung by Dalli and some of you prefer to to be crucified by Gonzi. Grow-up, wake up or whatever else its gonna take to get you to break out of the mould. You think Gonzi or Dalli give a toss about YOU or your CHILDREN. Dalli managed to become a multi-millionaire while being so busy 'serving' his country. And Gonzi can go to hell. Look at Tunisia think you are any better? What makes you better - Europe or some racial superiority. Grow up, and get some brain cells grafted inside your skulls - maybe they multiply.
John Dalli deserved to be the PN leader. He has the qualities and was also one of the best men in Fenech Adami's cabinet. John Dalli has been re-elected in five successive elections: in 1992, 1996, 1998, 2003 and 2008. This proves Malta has lost a big Asset when appointing Gonzi instead of John Dalli.Dalli is best remembered for his modernization of the taxation system through the introduction of Vat in 1994 and 1998. No nationalist cannot demonize Dr Dalli great work in the party. My family, friends and I have always supported Dr Dalli but this time we will vote PL so that our beloved will become PN leader because he truly merits and deserves it. Dalli resigned after serving for only three months from April to July 2004, citing attacks by members of his own party following investigations into awards of contracts for medical equipment and airline ticketing which in the end proved wrong. Against my heart in the next election I will note for John because a vote for him means re-electing Dr Gonzi.
Gonzi will go down in history of Maltese politics in leading the Nationalist party to the worst electoral defeat ever recoded come 2013 and possibly before. Gonzi should resign immediately in order for the PN to stem the hermorage of its voters including myself and thousands of other PN supporters who are fed up even with seeing Gonzi's face on TV. Simon Busuttil should be appinted leader asap.
An idiot signing "Maryanne" just wrote in to the Bidnija Witch: "And of course, Malta Today is always ready to help." S/he directed readers of that putrid blog to have a look at: "Gonzi warns MP of meeting John Dalli ww.maltatoday.com.mt/" How telling! The Bidnija Gang of Four would like to control the entire media. They are so desperate and frustrated that the coming elections will prove to be the graveyard of GonziPN, they do not demur at the thought that they are allowing everybody to witness their envy of the present blog.
Gonzi is a dead man walking. He has split the Nationalist party in pieces as his stooges at Castille are contributing to his demise at a very fast rate. What a difference when the party was lead by the great Eddie Fenech Adami. Eddie used to listen to every Nationalist's plight while Gonzi does not give a hoot. Labour will be elected by default as the number of nationalists not voting in the next election will be bigger. VIVA EFA.
@Karl StagnoNavarra Why did you have to name Lorry Sant, who's dead and cannot answer back, after all it was gonzi's henchmen who plotted against Dalli as had revealed himself.
@Navarro John Dalli is also to blame for Malta's high national debt of €4 billion+, at least part ofit. To his credit he did warn his colleagues of the high debt prior to the 1996 elections but then went and ruined his credibility by agreeing with EFA on the HOFRA HRAFA cliche after it was his own email that had uncovered the reality about Malta's finances. But then I think ............... yes he would have done betterb than gonzi or galea.
Keith Goodlip
It is ever more appearing- thank goodness- that Gonzi's days are numbered.
If John Dalli was our Prime Minister, the government would not be in this situation. Dr Gonzi made an increase of 195% in the Water and Electricity bills, a drastic increase in the car licences which are increasing every year till the car have 19years,followed by a drastic increase in the gas cylinders. In this budget the Government made a drastic increase tax(sijsa) on the Fuel, alcohol, Cigarettes, and instead of giving the energy vouchers he deducted these vouchers which amount to 11million a year. The government also made a first time buyer suffer most with the drastic increase in MEPA tarrifs followed by a drastic increase in Cement which surely will increase the property prices. After the Budget we had a drastic increase in the National Insurance. A drastic rise in fuel prices and gas cylinders where the Ministers and the Prime Minister were given a Eur500 weekly increment-in their wages. The Prime Minister committed himself to make a new Parliament and an open roof theatre and paid 100 million to Renzo Piano. Now Gonzi wants to introduce the Second Pillar Pension next year which means that we have to pay an extra free apart from our National Insurance thus decreasing our Net Wage. Can we afford it from our low wage? Do you agree with the direction our country has been taking? Can you identify yourself with the present administration? Do you feel that the government is acting according to your needs? I am sure that like me are there hundreds of nationalist supporters who will not vote for the present adminstaration.Do you know the wages that Arriva is offering to the Maltese workers? It is shocking! In Malta there will be quantity of work but really lacks quality. Can the Maltese afford to work 46hours weekly and earn Eur180 and from these the National Insurance will be deducted. Honestly every one deep in his heart knows that in Malta the wages are very low and cannot compete with the cost of living. Can any worker who works at Lufthansa Technik Malta be proud when he has a very low wage. Can any worker who works as a Security be proud when he gains minimum wage. Can anyone who works as an LSA be proud when he have such a low wage. Can anyone who works as a policeman be proud when having such conditions. Can anyone who works at Air Malta be proud with such an incertainty. Can anyone who work as a sales assistant be proud of their remuneration. Can anyone who lives on his pension make ends meet. Are we having a good quality jobs?
This is the "open society party"; the Liberal Party! PN is not the personal fief of Gonzi and its stooges. Dalli has no plague and has contributed more to our society than the current Prime Minister. At least Dalli has never lined his pockets ( with 600 euros per week) behind our back!
Maureen Attard
I always said like father like son, but this time like his uncle who in the 1960's has put the deadly sin on those who voted labour. This time GonziPN is putting the deadly sin against his deputies. Shame on you.
John Dalli - Gonzi's nemesis. The day of reckoning is not too far. Beware the Ides of March 2013.
Isthi Sur Gonzi. Gib il-partit fi stat tal-biki. Qed tmexxi fi stil faxxista. Il-veru tixbah lill-zijuk. Isthi jekk ghandek zejt fuq wiccek. Qed titlef hafna voti b'dan l-ghemil. Grazzi
Bhal Guda ser jghamillek Dr Gonzi John Dalli int TFAJTU go UE biex minghalik TEHLES minnu imma John Dalli qed jjjjjerga jithollok INKIS INKIS u is siegha tieghek TASAL ukoll bhal ma kienet waslet ta ZIJUK l-isqof Gonzi tidher li INT mil l-istess PEZZA ta ZIJUK l-isqof ghax lil poplu MALTI HLIEFT HQARTU ma ghamiltlux