Sant to boycott parliamentary sitting honouring EP President

Alfred Sant will not be present during tonight’s Parliamentary sitting - to be addressed by EP President Jerzy Buzek - following the Parliamentary Speaker's ruling that the honoraria increase was “anomalous”, yet not in contempt of parliament.

Sant’s position comes in the wake of a ruling given by Speaker Michael Frendo following accusations by Sant that the government acted in contempt of the house (parliament) when it decided to raise MPs’ honoraria in the manner it did, and how the information was eventually disclosed – two and a half years later.

This, Sant maintained, was done in a way that put MPs in a bad light.

But in his ruling, delivered late on Saturday 22 January evening, Frendo determined that Cabinet’s decision to raise MPs’ honoraria without informing neither the Speaker nor the Clerk of the House, was “anomalous” but “not in contempt of the House.”

Replying to Sant’s letter, Frendo maintained that he did not feel the matter was an act of omission which obstructed or impeded the House in the way it carries out its functions.

At the same time however, Frendo agreed with Sant that such a move should not be made again in the best interest of the continuous relation between the House and the Executive.

Reacting to Frendo’s ruling on Sunday morning, Sant said this was the first time, throughout the whole three years which he has served as an MP, that he felt embarrassed to form part of the House (of Parliament). In order to express his sentiment, Sant informed Frendo that he would not be attending today’s sitting.

In his letter, Sant maintained that he would not be doing this in disrespect towards European Parliament President Jerzy Karol Buzek, or other members addressing the House that sitting, but to express concern at how the leading Constitutional democratic institution being “undermined and shown contempt” as if nothing untoward was going on.

Like I always maintained Malta lost the chance to better itself in 2008 now we are reaping what we have sown and a government that we deserve. This also goes to those labourites who did not vote out of pique or sheer stupidity.
Alfred Galea
Sant has more integrity in his little toe than all the PN MPs AND the speaker have in their whole corrupt bodies.
Dr Alfred Sant walks tall and puts GonziPN to shame. Well, he won't lose much not meeting a non-entity like Busek. It is to be expected that Gonzi would be only too enthusiastic to meeting the likes of Busek by way of hopefully making some political mileage particularly in his quest to divert public attention from the faux-pas flavour surrounding the Cabinet's pay rise up until now very much in the sights of the Opposition and the electorate. Once again, congrats, Dr Sant on managing to keep the focus on the notorious pay rise scandal. Anomalous it is as admitted by Mr Speaker, small wonder you are embarrassed to be an MP in a parliament constantly taken for a ride by the Gonzi-Gatt-Fenech gang of three.
Ghandu ragun Dottor Alfred Sant ma jkunx presenti illejla ghad diskors ta EP PRESITEND JERZY BUZEK anzi li kien ghalija l-oppozizjoni KOLLHA IMISSHA ma tghattendiex wara dak iNEJ LI ILHOM JITNEJKU BINA TAL UE Xser ghidilna Jerzy BUZEK rigward is 6 siggu li Malta giet imweda Gonzi ghandu ragun joqod KWIET u ma ghid xejn ghax is 6 siggu ma rebhux il PN kieku kien jitkellem zgur barra min hekk il MP Ewropej taghna kif ma jitkellmu xejn fuq is 6 siggu li bi DRITT Malta sippost REBHET da zgur ghax bhal ma ghid il proverbju Malta IZ ZAQ IL MIMLIJA TIGI TITNEJJEK MIL VOJTA u hekk qedin jghamlu il 5 MP taghna ma JIMPORTAHHOMX MIN SEHIBHOM specjalment il MP Laburisti