Updated | MEPA investigating Hexagon House odours... again

MEPA employees were sent home on Monday and Tuesday due to “unbearable smells” despite official assurances that these were being looked into months ago, says PL Environment spokesperson Leo Brincat.

Updated at 5:15pm with MEPA statement

In a statement, Brincat hit out at the way that, despite assurances by both the Prime Minister and the Malta Environmental Planning Authority that the issue of noxious smells and fumes around Hexagon House are being looked into, these remain unsolved.

He added that the problem endures even despite assurances that stricter environmental permit conditions were imposed on a company located close to the MEPA office.

 He said that while the employees in question are concerned at the on-going threat to their well-being, “will not accept in an way the apathy and indifference that the government is showing towards MEPA’s environmental division,” Brincat said.

He added that these are demanding further assurances on how well MEPA is working to ensure that the conditions of this environmental permit are being observed to the letter.

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) that an evacuation was triggered at Hexagon premises at Marsa following reports of odours earlier today.

"The Authority can confirm that when certain staff members complained of odours within the premises, employees were informed that they will be permitted to continue working from home until the odours subsided. The two Environment and Planning Commissions and several employees kept working from Hexagon House without reporting any problems."

MEPA is currently investigating the source of the odours.

Ghandek ragun siehbi. Dejjem hekk kienet il-MEPA. Mera tal-PN u Gonzipn. B'sahhithom maz-zghir u mejtin ma min hu kbir. Ir-riha ta' gass anki mill-Furjana u mill-Belt Valletta gieli tinxtamm ahseb u ara minn hdejn l-impjant taz-zejt. Gharukaza.
Anqas kapaci tiehu hsieb l-ambjent go darha ahseb u ara l-bqija ta Malta u Ghawdex!Xo pruzunzjoni kos, l-uniku haga li ghandho, bhal ta l-Ewropa hu l-paga; il-bqija duhhan, u gas u perks!