Malta with second lowest unemployment rate in the EU
Figures released by the NSO for the month of October show Malta leapfrogging Germany, leaving the Czech Republic as the only EU country with a lower unemployment rate

Unemployment figures fell to 3.5% of the population in the month of October, a drop of 26.8% since the same month last year. The latest figures mean Malta has leapfrogged Germany to second place in the EU’s unemployment ranking. The Czech Republic is the only country with a lower unemployment rate at 2.7%.
Overall, the number of individuals seeking work stood at 3,166 in October 2016, falling to 2,319 by October of this year. A decrease was registered among all age groups, with the largest drop registered among 25-29 year-olds – a 44% decrease.

A breakdown of the figure by the duration of unemployment indicates that while progress was made in all categories, those registered as unemployed for over a year, showed the lowest decrease, at 6% compared to 41% drop among those who have been registered as unemployed for 21 to 52 weeks.
The number of individuals with a disability who were unemployed fell by 19.5% from 367 to 295 since October last year.
Among the most commonly sought occupations by those registering for work were clerical support workers (24%), service workers and sales workers (16%) and technicians and associate professionals (14%).