Caruana Galizia family objects to minister’s ‘degrading’ statement
The family of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has taken issue with the way a minister publicised a letter they sent him, in a government statement

The family of assassinated journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia has again written to Home Affairs minister Michael Farrugia, taking issue with the way he publicised a letter they sent him, in a government statement.
“We find your reaction to our private letter dated 27 Novemeber 2017 both degrading to us as a family and degrading to your position as our country’s Minister of Home Affairs and National Security,” the family said.
In the 27 November letter, the family accused Farrugia of jeopardising the investigation through comments he made in parliament in reply to a parliamentary question. On his part, the minister dismissed the letter, pointing out that it interfered with his ministerial and parliamentary responsibilities.
The second letter sent to the press today states that the family's concern was not with Farrugia as an MP, but with how he “chose” to use his actions as their minister of home affairs.
“We remind you that a defect in the procedural actions required of the state resulting in an ineffective investigation may lead the European Court of Human Rights to find the state responsible both for a violation of the substantive right to life and for failure to comply with its procedural obligation. When the lack of an effective investigation affects the family of the victim, it may in addition amount to inhuman and degrading treatment,” the family said.
They said that it was highly “inappropriate and irregular that the Maltese government publishes a citizen’s private letter to their minister”.
This was further compounded by the fact that the minister had tweeted the statement, which was subsequently re-tweeted by the Prime Minister.
The family said it was surprised that the government had found the time to publish its letter but not to address its concerns about the effectiveness and independence of the investigation. "We urge you to respect the rights of citizens and conduct yourself with the integrity required of your position. Perhaps then people will think twice before blowing up a journalist in broad daylight on your watch," concluded the family.