[WATCH] Restored Triton fountain reveals its glory
In the run up towards Valletta 2018, the restored fountain is now surrounded by a paved expanse that will be occupied by people and not buses

Workers dismantled the hoarding around Triton Fountain on Friday, revealing the restored fountain just in time for Christmas.
The new approach to Valletta's entrance features a paved square with trees around it. Where buses once parked, people will now walk and the crowning piece is the fully-restored Triton fountain that was never officially inaugurated by any government minister since its inception in the late 1950s.
In the run up to Valletta 2018, the bronze statues and the plate that form part of the fountain were taken to Florence for restoration. The restoration works cost €4 million.
They formed part of the bigger project to pedestrianise the whole area outside City Gate, which is expected to be ready by the end of the year.
MaltaToday videographer James Bianchi visited the site as workers were removing the metal hoarding.