Updated | ‘We had a good laugh’ – PL on satirical mock campaign

The Labour Party’s reaction to the satirical ‘Visit Malta’ mock poster campaign was that “the issue merits not just the original touch of humour by a commentator, but serious consideration and a well thought campaign.”

The Labour Party was reacting to a satirical ‘Visit Malta’ campaign circulated through facebook sparked off by remarks by PL Leader Joseph Muscat that Malta should capitalise on unrest in Egypt and Tunisia.

A party spokesperson said “we had a good laugh and won’t accuse the authors of lacking ‘savoir faire’.”

He added that however “the issue merits not just the original touch of humour by a commentator, but serious consideration and a well thought campaign which would attract tourists to Malta instead of other destinations which are in turmoil.”

On Sunday, Muscat maintained that government should have already unleashed a massive tourism publicity campaign with the intent to draw tourists to Malta, in the light of the on-going instability in North Africa.

He said that millions of tourists were planning to go to countries such as Tunisia and Egypt - major tourism destinations - and that Malta should be “aggressively promoting” its own attractions.

The remarks have led to individuals designing and circulating pictures depicting a mock Visit Malta tourism campaign, juxtaposing the wide-spread social chaos and suffering with a cynically humorous upbeat promotional message.

See pictures below.

Reacting to Muscat’s remarks, Alternattiva Demokratika said that “tying turmoil to tourism at a political level by a political leader is cynical, silly, and disrespectful, and shows a lack of political savoir faire.”

AD spokesperson on EU and International Affairs Prof. Arnold Cassola described the remarks as shameful.

"It is unbelievable and shameful how the leader of a party that aspires to be in government can be so cynical and, in the face of events that are changing the history of the world, can only think of exploiting the suffering and misery of our North African neighbours. Is this the political vision of the so called progressive in the Labour Party?”

On a similar note Parliamentary Secretary for Tourism Mario de Marco last week pointed out that, while Malta regretted the chaos and social unrest playing itself out in neighbouring countries, major tour operators were re-directing planeloads of tourists to Malta from the UK (originally bound for Tunisia).

He was rebutting claims made by a caller during a radio broadcast phone-in show that the government was not doing enough to attract tourists that were cancelling holiday plans in Tunisia.

The Foreign Ministry reacted on Monday by describing Muscat's statements as 'intensitive' and maintained that Malta should - without any sort of paternalism - support Egypt and Tunisia as they progress along the path of reform, and not seek to profit.

[email protected]

Alfred Galea
[To be honest,I would have probably said the same thing he did if I was him, but then again,I am just a simple person not a potential prime minister] Peppi, you're right, you are simple.
Do you think the Tunisians give a hoot about the Maltese, if they did they would let us drill for oil right? So good on you Joseph and get a life Mr. Cassola no wonder your party if you can call it that is doomed for the wilderness. The tiny bit of respect i had for you has just evaporated.
BP, British Petroleum, has systematically looked up rogue states such as Burma and Sudan to clinch business and oil deals with them reports the Daily Telegraph: I bet the traders at Wall Street and the City in London were all crying their hearts out because of the insensitivty of citizens in those lands! And does ENEMALTA abide to Fair Trade rules and seeks to see the provenance of oil it buys! Jew taghmel il-business kif jaqblila! Halluna ha nghixu!
Joseph Muscat qal dak li suppost qalet l-MHRA. Niftakkar meta kien hemm l-inkwiet fil-balkani u ahna "gawdejna" minn dak l-inkwiet.
Mhux ta b'xejn qeghdin dizastru fil-finanzi. Lanqas meta xi hadd jigbed l-attenzjoni ta kif nistghu niggwadanjaw mis-sitwazzjoni minghajr ma naghmlu hsara lil hadd. Billi hemm suq u nippruvaw nirbhu li nisghu wkoll hazin. Warrbu ghax ghajejtu wisq; biex lanqas din ma rajtu.
Peppi, don't worry, GonziPN is "your" kind of liberal party; it will give you a choice to re-build a family if you have hit the wall with your martial relationship.; it will give you freedom to read D H Lawrence,or Mario Azzopardi. If you are gay,- you will be given rights ( PL decriminilised homosexuality in 1973)! something your kind of liberal party is presently against, and the "holier than thou" Liberal Government will see to it that the Morality Police will arrest all pole- dancers ( the source of all evil, immorality and corruption in Malta, and, all pole dancers will be sent to hell on a fast track. Dear Peppi I think you are the kind of "liberal" who likes "liberals" centuries after they are dead!
Luke Camilleri
...and they call themselves the Nationalist Party.....sic National Interest First!
Luke Camilleri
..and they call them selves the Nationalst party......sic NATIONAL INTERERST FIRST!
Jien nixtieq nistaqsi li apologisti tal PN jew ahjar lil dawk kollha li xoghlhom huwa biss biex jikkritikaw lil kull Mexxej laburista, FEJN semghu lil Joseph Muscat jghid biex naghmlu kampanja publicitarja biex ingibu turisti mil Egittu u mit-Tunezija? Ghaddew dawn is-snin kollha u ghadkhom toghxew fit Terinati. Tant intom darkhom mal hajt u mifxulin li lanqas biss tafu ma xhiex ser tedhew. Ghax ma thajrux lil gvern jaghmel kampanja publicitarja kbira biex dawk it turisti u l-investituri ewropej li qed jharsu lejn Malta minflokk lejn l-Egittu u t-Tunezija biex ma jersqux l'hawn b'rispett lejn l-inkwiet li ghandhom f'pajjizhom? Tridux thalluna kemm hsibtuna bajju lil poplu?
duncan abela
Of course Dr Joe Muscat is right in trying to attract tourists which normally would go to resorts in Tunisia and Egypt. Is anyone stupid enough to think that these group of tourists are going to cancel their holiday. They will of course book to go elsewhere and therefore what is wrong in trying to attract them here. I have no doubt that both hotels and tourist authorithies are rightfully trying their utmost to attract them here but it must be done quietly for on the surface we want to be seen as showing total solidarity with our Tunisian brothers. Forget of course the tyranny suffered for decades by Tunisians aided and abetted by the l support given by the EU, of which we form part, to the Ben ali riegime. Yet let us put aside the innate hypocrisy and love of money of some of us and reflect on our unique quest to become the most principled nation on earth. Principles reign supreme especially in the NP supporter mentality, first it was divorce and now it is tourist campaigns. Or is it that we have to fault and find a speck in whatever Dr Muscat says or does forgetting the beam in our eyes.
Muscat have a lot to learn still. He is young and inexperienced. To be honest,I would have probably said the same thing he did if I was him, but then again,I am just a simple person not a potential prime minister
I am liberal.I want more rights but PL have messed up. I cannot accept such behavior. We must be mindfulnot to upset our neighbours. These countries have ambassadors who won't forget comments such as these. They will eventually be reported back. Thank God the BBC or CNN did not pick up on it. It would have been a diplomatic disaster.
A song written by John Kellette in 1918 ( the PN is backward looking and conservative) sums up the media campaign of GonziPN till election 2013! I'm forever blowing bubbles Pretty bubbles in the air. They fly so high, Nearly reach the sky Then like my dreams They fade and die. Honesty is always hiding I.ve looked everywhere, I'm forever blowing bubbles, Pretty bubbles in the air!
Brandon Johnson
As Berlusconi bluntly put it, closer relations with Libya are about “fewer illegal immigrants and more oil.”
Alfred Galea
Marktoni, imissek ittih naqra privat forsi jitghallem. Wiccu jaqilu kieku kien bhal dak il PN MP li jaccetta 500 euro zieda talli jmur jorqod il parlament. Jew bhal Austin Weasel meta jghid lin niex biex jipprezervaw l-energija imbaghasd hu ghandu Jaguar biex idur l-himm u l-hawn.
Joseph Sant
I'm sure Dr Cassola is very familiar with the Latin dictum - mors tua vita meam and therefore I will not even try to explain it. We failed to mop up the financial business we could have attracted our way in the void created by the trouble in Lebanon years ago. Not taking Dr Muscat's advice will be another such failure. Dr Muscat is not being cynical but Dr Cassola is certainly being stupid.
John Camilleri
Li miskin ma tantx hu intelligenti ilna nafuha. Issa nafu ukoll li ghandu wiccu jaqilaw.
Erfa u sorr ghal meta tigi bzonn. It would be stupid not to milk the cow when an opportunity arises. Maybe we'll have something to turn to when someone higher up pulls our strings and constrain us to fork out aid to our fellow Europeans (Greeks or whoever). Or is it always have to be us humble people to play the good samaritan? Muscat's comments were spot on and those who want to give them a different interpratation are doing so just to discredit him.
Nixtieq inkun naf dawn li jippretendu li huma qaddisin aktar mill papa fejn ikunu meta Gaddafi jitlob il-biljuni biex ma nbatux aktar bl-imigranti irregolari. Cassola, Tonio Borg, dawn qedin jghixu f'din id-dinja reali ? Ahna ma tajna l-ebda gambetta la lit-Tunezija u l-anqas lill-Egittu. U nahseb li hadd ma jiehu pjacir bid-demm li jigri pero ejja nammettu li ghandna pajjiz (b'numru ta' problemi) x'immexxu u biex immexxu ghandna bzonn il-flus. It-turizmu huwa wiehed mis-sorsi mportanti tal-ekonomija. Mela x'qal hazin Joseph Muscat. Ikkonferma dak li qal il-Ministru tat-turizmu DeMarco gimgha qablu. Nixtieq insaqsi lill dawk madwar 40,000 li huma involuti direttament jew indirettament fit-turizma x'jahsbu. Min hu qied sew affarijiet bhall dawn ma jinteressawhx imma min irid jaqla x'jiekol ragun jghatu lill kull min jiggarantilhom hobzhom. Maltin ghall darba ahsbu b'mohhkom u mhux b'qalbkom ghax il-qalb thoss imma ma tahsibx !!!!!!
I suppose American, British and European investments in Libya, China and dictatorail Africa, have one common denomentaor at in mind: the well being of the people! Halluna ha nghixu!
Spot the difference between PN and AD? The PN are conservatives, whilst the AD are closet conservatives! Actually they are the " preservativi" of PN!
Kelma ghal gid qal Dr Muscat ta!Biex jkollna it turisti!Biex ma jitkecewx in nies li jahdmu gol hotels u ma jbati hadt u ma nigux bhalom. Kemm tifilhu tkunu kattivi kontra Dr Muscat! Charity begins at home.
Well I suppose the remarks made about attracting tourists from troubled areas was a bit direct but lets admit this is not the first time we have had direct comments about tourism in Malta. Remember the statement about the tourist who cant afford a Bus ticket? Was told to stay at Home? I agreed to that and I agree now with the latest statement made by J M too. I notice this time round the MHRA did not complain. So lets cut the hypocrisy, Michael001, shall we? No one is going to give us our bread and butter for free.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
Difference between PL and AD: AD - (for 20 years) - Our environment is our biggest asset and we should be conserved. Amongst other things its the biggest tourist attraction. We should invest more in eco/agro tourism PL - (after 2 revolutions in NAfrica) - This is an opportunity. How about investing in tourism?
Alfred Galea
Michael, did you find it disgusting when DeMarco said practically the same thing when the Tunisians were protesting?? You know what I find disgusting? Gonzi saying "NIVVOTA IVA BIL QALB" for the raise in tariffs.
x'diplomazija dik! tajjeb hafna. flok nghinuhom u nipprova ma jigrilnhix bhalhom, nghidu fil-berah li rridu nisirqulhom it-turisti! tajba din
Do you believe that MPs deserved a Eur500 weekly raise? Do you agree with the drastic increase in MEPA tarrifs? Do you agree that the government spends 100million to build a new parliament and a roofless theatre? Do you agree with the drastic tax(sijsa) and VAT imposed on fuel prices? Do you agree with the increase annually in payment of car licence till the car is 19years old? Do you agree with drastic increase in Cement which surely will increase the property prices? Do you agree with the introduction of the obligatory second pillar pension which means that the NI will rise and we would have a deduction in our wages? Do you agree with the removal of energy vouchers? Do you agree that the Government stopped the subsidiaries on Water and Electricity Bills and instead introducing drastic surcharge? Do you agree to that the Children allowance be stopped? Does with your Income make ends meet? Do you agree that Air Malta workers are left in such uncertainty about their future? If you agree to the Above VOTE 1 for the present administration. Hallina Sur Cassola inti kreddibli dejjem tnaqqas il voti qieghed.
Esteban Hernandez
lil dawk l imbicili li qedin jikritikaw li kap tal pl. buisness is buisness!!!!! u jek ma narawx kif se nhadmu mohna il hofra( li xi darba kinet hrafa) ma timtela qat. taghlmu ahsbu b mohkom mux b qalbkom!!
mela issa sur cassola u forgien ministry, nohorgu mil EU li dahaltuna fija! ax l-EU u l-America tissaportja bil kbir ir-regime ta ben ali u ta mubarak habba li-stabillita u attivitajiet ekonomici fi regjun!! insejt cassola kemm tkellimt favur l-eu? mela tkunx pupazz u thalijom juzawk tibqax laqi ta min ried jitfa il sihbek harry vassallo il habs! insejtu kemm edtu favura l-eu mintom xej differenti ax dahaltuna fi club fejn protegga kriminali korroti bhal mubarak u ben ali. mbad tigu tapparsi tithasru li nies???? funny clowns!
Albert Zammit
I agree completely with what AD said. I, too, found it very disgusting for Joseph Muscat to come out with that stupid idea of grabbing the tourists that these two countries are losing due to internal strife - instead of trying to help them out as best we can. It shows the immaturity of the chap.
Albert Zammit
Martin Borg - you know that you can write in Maltese, if you want. Perhaps you had better.
If anybody is insensitive it is the hon. minister himself who had no qualms to lie about Justyne Caruana and to top it all she was pregnant. Has any apology been made the by hon. gentleman (?)
If anybody is insensitive it is the hon. minister himself who had no qualms to lie about Justyne Caruana and to top it all she was pregnant. Has any apology been made the hon. gentleman (?)
I find it faintly amusing how the AD spokespersons jump in and try to remind us that they are still around. And that they are relevant to anything.
@lola Are also naive do you think if it was us these countries would give a hoot. They'd do the same. It is simply like somebody already said you moaners simply couldn't accept the fact that JM came up with the sdvice instead of some gonziPN lackey.
@mickey What if JM said out loud are so naive to believe the protestors in Eygpy and Tunisian are going to stop for the sake of tourism. gonziPN should thank God that the Maltese are a bunch of wussies.
i have been commenting about ad stand on different aspects and all of them leads me to believe that ad is inadvertedly being used as a fifth column by pn. they have not learnt the less of their stand on eu in 2006. they though they could forge an alliance with the nationalist party at that time but came election day and look what happened. they were dumped overboard by fenech adami. they will be used again this time round by gonzi and then will end up in the garbage bin. mark my words.
Jessica Chetcuti
Hang on a minute, lets put things into perspective here. Everyone seems to lambast Joseph Muscat for being too insensitive, but a few days earlier Mario de Marco said nobody liked to hear of trouble in neighbouring countries but denied the MTA was doing nothing, pointing out that tourists booked for Tunisia with a major UK tour operator were instead brought to Malta last week on three planes. He went on to say that (ALL) competing destinations, including Spain and Turkey, were seeking to attract tourists who would have had to cancel their holidays because of the trouble in Tunisia. So whats so different about Malta?.....Is it too sensitive an issue to deal with? ..........Off course not, it's a cut throat business, and we should be at the front.
Esteban Hernandez
ilni ninota u nisuspeta li l AD reget giet pupaz f idejn il gvern ta gonzi!!!!
Yes he was a radical in Italy, and a conservative in Malta! In between the Malta channel he was politically neutral!
If i remember correctly Arnold Cassola crossed over to the Italian electorate when the Maltese one rejected him. Please Profs, go and lecture the Italians!!!
Priscilla Darmenia
@Car u tond I agree with you on the behaviour of ”The Times”. They never publish my comments when I criticise the PN government. However they do sometimes publish my comments when I write something in favour of the PN government.
Reaction from the Foreign Ministry: Laghqizmu sfrenat! Mhux ta b'xejn li il-Griegi jghadduna biz-zmien fuq iz-zejt ( u nibaghtulhom il-miljuni) u it-Tunezini jidhku bina, ghax skond Tonio Borg, Muscat insettittiv! Minn hu pragamatiku kien qal li id-diplomazija hi gwerra bil-kliem, ghal GONZIPN's Foreign Ministry, id-diplomazija hi biss, ornament, bhal vaz fjuri: kulhadd jigustah!
Alfred Galea
[The Foreign Ministry reacted on Monday by describing Muscat's statements as 'intensitive' and maintained that Malta should - without any sort of paternalism - support Egypt and Tunisia as they progress along the path of reform, and not seek to profit.] So what is the foreign ministry suggesting?? That we turn those tourists who were going to Tunisia back?? And where does it say that Muscat is not supporting Tunisia and Egypt as they progress along the path of reform?? And is there anyone left in Malta who still cares about Cassola or the AD??
Priscilla Darmenia
No wonder our country is going to the dogs. Minister Borg is loosing a golden opportunity not to take up Dr Muscat’s suggestion. Facts are facts and being sensitive will not change the situation. However Malta stands to gain if the tourists who were going there would come here instead. Did Dr Borg consult with the hoteliers? I am sure the hoteliers would agree with Dr Muscat. I remember many years ago in the Mintoff administration when there was trouble in Lebanon and someone suggested that we should legislate and offer financial services so those foreigners operating through Lebanese financial vehicles who were fleeing Lebanon may come and operate from Malta. It was a lost opportunity. Dr Borg, let us learn from past mistakes. We lost years of opportunity until the framework for financial services was introduced by your PN previous government in the late 80’s It is said that good businessmen see an opportunity from every crisis. There is a crisis for a fact, the opportunity has been suggested. Are we going to loose it? For those who are mocking Dr Muscat, perhaps they should ask the hoteliers what they think about this proposal. It is they who are loosing money because of lack of tourists.
“The Foreign Ministry reacted on Monday by describing Muscat's statements as 'intensitive' and maintained that Malta should - without any sort of paternalism - support Egypt and Tunisia as they progress along the path of reform, and not seek to profit.” Yes of-course just like the support we got when we tried to profit and explore for oil, i suppose. Our neighbours never gave us the support that we really needed. Wait and see, it will get worse.
Mark Fenech
Qisu qal xi ħaġa ħażina dwar it-Turiżmu Dr. Muscat. Tgħid mhux kulħadd jaf li s-sena l-oħra kellna rekord ta' turisti mħabba l-inkwiet ġol Greċja. Tgħidx kemm qiegħdin ngħinuhom lit-Tuneżini, meta għidnilhom aħna nimxu skont kif imexxuna ta' Brussels, għax aħna pajjiżżna mhux f'idejna qiegħed.
Let us just say that Muscat's comment will not win him any kudos with the liberals.
Some people never change: issa nieklu' bis-sovoir faire' tal-Professur Cassola ! X'tahseb li qeghdin jippjanaw ghat-Turizmu pajjizi kompetituri tal-Maghreb? Qeghdin jippjanaw marketing u business plan "tas-sovoir faire"? AD is forever blowing bubbles; blowing bubbles in the air! No wonder your votes are disappearing at an exponential rate! Kellu ragun Dr Fenech Adami ma jafdakomx!
Alfred Galea
Lola, what "plight of these people" are you talking about?? Muscat wants the govt. to take advantage of the situation in Egypt and Tunisia to attract more tourists to the SAFE island of Malta. Like they take advantage od the cold and dampness of the UK or the freezing temperatures of Scandinavia to attract tourists from there. What is it about PL leaders that make you and others like you, to hate them and whjatever they say so much?? Same goes for the editorial board of the PN Times.
The local Times is playing along Castille's spinning and weaving; no comments in favour of Muscat have been shown since yesterday. Thank you Malta Today for practicing what you believe in "Freedom of speech".
The local Times is playing along Castille's spinning and weaving; no comments in favour of Muscat have been shown since yesterday. Thank you Malta Today for practicing what you believe in "Freedom of speech".
Muscat has made a boo boo on tbis one. Best he stays silent on this. I think that te plight of these people should not be exploited at this time.It is insensitive.
Paul Sammut
What is wrong with these moaners? Is it that their somnambulist party failed to air this idea first? In the past Malta managed to grab such opportunities in times of instability as in Lebanon and Yugoslavia and did well.If we do not make hay while the sun shines others surely will. At least, this way we may make good for the pitiful state the island's economy has been reduced to by an overpaid chihuahua of a finance minister we are lumbered with. May entrepreneurship rise to the occasion.
Alfred Galea
Mikey, how about when voting FOR the obscene raise in the water and electricity tariffs?? Would you say NIVVOTA IVA BIL QALB out loud even if you mean it?? Or how about trying to justify a 600 euros a week raise in your salary?? Would you say it out loud??
Alfred Galea
Wasn't some minister gloating about how cruiseships were directed to Malta when the Tunisian demonstrations began??
Albert Zammit
The point is that you don't go around, waiting to be PM and in the meantime say that if you were PM right now, you would be doing your maximum best to attract the tourism that two of your neighboring countries are losing! Even if you mean it: you don't say it out aloud!!
Of course like the saying goes "fools are born every minute" and those commenting on Joseph's remarks are no better. Remember when way back Mintoff wanted to promote the cultivation and canning, bottling or whatever of capers (Kappar) how he was rediculed, go today and see the products products imported from oter euro countries. Yes there are a lot of wise guys out there and most of them are blue bloods.