PN denounces Muscat’s ‘political immaturity’ over tourism strategy

‘Shocking’ insensitivity and lack of political maturity from Joseph Muscat, PN says in statement over Opposition leader’s ‘idea’ to bring tourism over from troubled Egypt.

The Nationalist party has decried a statement by Labour leader Joseph Muscat on Sunday, that called for the capitalization over popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt by attracting more tourists over to Malta.

“As an EU member state that embraces the values of democracy, liberty and respect of human rights, we should not be trying to capitalize over the troubles of others,” the PN said in a statement.

The PN said that it was “shocking” that Muscat chose not to apologise for his statement when asked by the media. “Muscat wants to be prime minister but he comes across as even more immature and presumptuous.”

briffy@maltanet jaqaw inti jew dawn il-pensjonanti li semmejt favoriti ghax il-pensjonanti li naf jien 77 centezmu tal-euro qed jiehdu halli s-sena d-diehla il-pensjoni ma tizdiedx biz-zieda kollha tal-gholi tal-hajja imma b'77 centezmu tal-euro biss.
Paul Sammut
''we should not be trying to capitalize over the troubles of others,” the PN said in a statement. Whose' troubles? Egyptian and Tunisian people are going through a time of victory and triumph leading to freedom of which they will be proud for centuries. The ones actually in trouble are their corrupt leaders who have been propped up by the capitalizing west for so many decades. Where were the PN leaders while these peoples were deprived of their freedom? The answer is simple. They were calling them dirty Arabs, Jaqq and Tal-Habb Ghaziz. They still do. B---dy hypocrites.
Pensioners received a cost of living bonus of Eur257 in January; that's Eur5 a week paid in advance in one lump sum, not just the Euro.77 some bright spark is talking about
duncan abela
What sheer hypocrisy on the part of the PN. Where have they been for the last few years when the EU of which we form part aided and abetted the tyranny and dictatorship in Tunisia. Is anyone stupid enough to think that those thousands of tourists are going to deny themselves of their holiday and stay at home in solidarity with the Tunisian masses. They will of course book to go elsewhere and therefore what is wrong in trying to attract them here. I have no doubt that both our hotels and tourist authorithies are rightfully trying their utmost to attract them here. However in our holier than thou superficiality we must keep appearances of fulll solidarity with our Tunisian brothers or is it now also our Egyptian ones. The truth is that the North African nations are in a state of turmoil which will not evaporate tomorrow and we have to take advantage before others do . We missed badly in the Lebanese troubles with Cyprus and Turkey reaping all the benefits . It was pure incompetence not crocodile type solidarity which made us miss the boat Of course Dr Joe Muscat is right in trying to attract more tourists which will generate employment for our workers. rather than see them fill up rooms and hotel pockets in Turkey and Cyprus. Dont the strategists at PN headquarters realise that the people are intelligent enough to see with disdain right through those pretending to ride a high moral horse. Of the other hand of course the Maltese know the type of insensitivities which anger them. Perhaps those who received 77cents or a 1.16 increase can tell us what they are sensitive about. The pathetic truth is that some try to fault and find specks in whatever Dr Muscat says or does forgetting the broad beam in their eyes. The general electorate is fortunately not so foolish.
heq jekk mux hmar felu. issa mux ek jaqbilu gonzi jamel jarga liab bil morali meta irid. tafu tisthu salabtu il poplu dak mux inmoral. ftit xur fadal umbat jerga jibda il bikki tal voti. issa nizla goffa ghandek. miraklu min alla trid biex terga titilaw fil poter