Father and son accused of importing cocaine

Anthony Tanti, 64 from St Julians, and his son Kevin, 35, stood accused on Wednesday of importing cocaine for a year and a half.

Standing before Magistrate Consuelo, they also faced charges of associating with persons in the trafficking of cocaine, and of having held such substance in their possession.

Kevin Tanti was also accused of intending to use the drugs other than for his own personal use and of also having an amount of heroin in his possession as well as a cannabis plant and resin.

In so doing, he was found to be in violation of an order given to him by the Court of Magistrates presided by Magistrate Giovanni Grixti on 18 November 2009.

Both the accused were found to be recidivists following a number of sentences awarded by the Courts. They were not granted bail. Stephen Tonna Lowell and Gianluca Caruana Curran led the defence.