Politicians ‘treated like prostitutes’: former MP Luciano Busuttil calls it a day
Luciano Busuttil says he will never run for politics again: ‘To be good in politics you need to neglect your family’

A former Labour MP has described politicians as being akin to prostitutes, soliciting for votes while being threatened by constituents.
Luciano Busuttil, a former mayor of Hamrun whose career as MP lasted from 2008 and 2017, told The Commercial Courier that as MP he had sacrificed his family life, and that he will not run again.
“Many believe you have to be crazy to run for politics… but even though I miss a good sharp-tongued debate, I will never go back.”
“Nothing feels important anymore. Not being able to see your children grow; being treated with disdain by all as being a politician is perceived to be tantamount to being a crook having to endure lies about yourself and worst of all about your family being treated like a prostitute for votes with continuous threats from constituents, to mention a few, makes you realise that life is worth more than that uncomfortable green chair.”
Busuttil was recently politically-appointed as chairman of SportMalta, the national agency for sports.
“Losing over €30,000 a year overnight is no joke,” the lawyer said on returning to private employment and losing his MP’s honorarium. “Now I have more time for [clients’] cases.”
Busuttil also defended politicians and said that money was not the driver for their career. “People do not realise what sacrifice one has to endure to have the honour of serving your country.”
“What drives you [is] an inner voice that tells you that you can change the world. But it is the world that changes you, and if you are not ready to let it change you, then there is only one way – out.”
Busuttil said Malta’s MPs, who balance their part-time career with full-time jobs, were at the public’s beck and call 24 hours a day.
“To be good in politics you have to neglect your family,” Busuttil said, recalling the death of Labour MP Karl Chircop and the aftermath of his funeral. “Though thousands attended his funeral, at the end of the day the crowds were all gone and the people who were left at a loss were his wife and children. I did not want to pay that price myself.”