[WATCH] We asked Malta’s construction lobby why the public thinks the politicians are in their pocket
We asked Malta's developers and political party leaders why the public thinks they are in each other's pockets?
The Malta Developers Association’s annual general meeting is a yearly event that brings together the leadership and other members of both political parties, as well as an assortment of developers, businessmen and real estate agents.
Both the Prime Minister and leader of the Opposition addressed those present, as they always do, reassuring them of their importance to Maltese economy, and the country in general.
Malta’s booming economy has brought with it a bouyant real estate sector, which to many appears to be out of control. Many often complain about Malta, especially areas like Sliema and St Julian’s, looking like one big construction site with no end in site.
Similarly, a considerable proportion of the country feels helpless in knowing that, with the Planning Authority essentially acting as a political tool, and with planning policy having been designed over the years to suit developers, there is no entity that the man on the street can rely on to look out for his interest when it comes to our built environment.
MaltaToday stayed on for a while after the meeting was over, to ask those present whether our reading of the situation was correct.
Most of the people we tried to speak to, preferred not to comment, and those that did, gave responses ranging from your standard “corruption? What corruption? I have no idea what you’re talking about,” to one man in particular who was happy to quite accurately articulate what a lot of people believe.
Both party leaders refuted the notion that construction and development could influence politicians, although both implied that it was an unavoidable part of Maltese politics.
Although PN leader Adrian Delia did offer one solution to the problem: state funding of political parties based on each parties performance in general elections.