No bicycle fatalities in 2017, yet accident rate on the rise
The worst accident areas were Birkirkara, Msida and Zabbar, with 10 other localities registering three or more accidents a year, the Bicycling advocacy Group have said

No bicycle fatalities were reported in 2017, yet the number of accidents rose to roughlt 0.19 accidents per day in 32 different localities.
The Bicycling advocacy Group (BAG) announced accident statistics for 2017, but said it was deeply concerned by the lack of bicycle accident statistics from the NSO.
The worst accident areas were Birkirkara, Msida and Zabbar, with 10 other localities registering three or more accidents a year, BAG said.
“Cyclists have had to contend with the relaxation of traffic regulations, which coincided with an unseasonal spike in March,” BAG said.

“Relaxed parking laws made junctions especially dangerous for people on bicycles. While traffic easing projects also failed the needs of vulnerable road users.”
The group said that the rise in accidents seemed to be within trends of previous years. BAG said that transport authorities had to further ensure that roads were safer for all road users, not just drivers.
The group also noted that while previous Transport Minister Joe Mizzi was committed to doubling cycling each year, there were no indications that the number of cyclists on the road was being measured. This, BAG said, would make it easier to judge the accident rate.