Paedophile charged and remanded in custody, but court orders ban on name

A 28 year old man has been remanded in custody yesterday after he was charged with a series of lewd acts on children.

The man was arrested by the Sliema Police on Saturday, after  he was identified as the person responsible for carrying out lewd acts in front of a boy at the University sports grounds in Msida. 

The man allegedly approached three boys aged 10 and nine, turned to one of the boys and dragged him away and then masturbated in the presence of the boy. 

The man was charged in court by Inspector Anna Maria Micallef, and was remanded in custody at Corradino Prisons.

The court ordered that the accused name cannot be published.

The case came to light through MaltaToday’s website, where one of the boys who allegedly witnessed the crime, wrote in and stated: "hi i was in the act i saw the man molestering the boy i am the ten yr old boy just to know and it was very horrible this kida named **** has escaped out just to know and ps my friend was with me also i am *** and my friends name is **** and he is 9 yrs old and didnt have a knife in his pocket so that is a LIE !!" more details have come to light on the case.

During the investigations, it transpired that one of the children has been molested for over a year, while another was enticed into bringing a new boy to meet with this man at noon last Saturday.

The man had asked the boys to bring him photos of other boys so he can pick the one he wanted them to bring to him.

The real reason behind their agreement to bring the kid to the molester is yet unclear, whether it was monetary or otherwise is yet unknown.

I do take my kids out daily - SUPERVISED! A 9 year old should not be alone in a place where there is no responsible supervision... And when the kid gets home does the parent not ask - how was your day - what did you do? These children are scarred for life cause the guardian was too busy washing the floor - instead of making sure her son was ok - and noticing that something was wrong - esp since this had been going on for a long time. My 8 year old daughter is told regularly about how 'private parts' are private. Education- not from school but common sense is lacking in this country for sure!!!!!!!! And idiots like you who say we are not in a war?!?! Or locking kids up - SUPERVISION. We are responisble for our children - no one else
u lee TGV , mela qedghin fxi pajjiz li hem il-gwerra jew LOlllllllllll mela alura inti ma tistax tohrog barra triq timxi? ma nafx kif tirragunaw jien heq biex qed tiskanta , ghax tfal qedin jilghabu xim loghoba football -ezempju? kien hawn nies fid-dinja li minghalihom it-tfal OK ghax qedghin il-knisja iservu ta abbatini u spiccaw abbuzati seswalment?? qed tifhem jew le? ara dawk ma jitresqux il-qorti il-qassisin ,ghaliex l-anqas avukat generali ma ghandu dritt fuqhom HADD! dak pajjiz eh? il-knisja l-fuq mil-ligi u halluna z0* ta qassisin
no- the reason is obvious- cause our holy minister of justice is a *^%$ at least he is brought to Justice. if it was a priest he will not be in the courts of justice, cause the law cannot reach the church the church is above the law wake up Malta
Michael Gauci
Why isn't he named? Is he related to someone we know?
Finally some justice, and all is clear only one boy was asked to bring all other boys into the picture, the same boy who was molested apparently was the one who was told to organise it all. I hope he isn't released anytime soon. By the way TGV if you do not let your your kids play in a playground on the weekend in the afternoon you are the one who has issues, as keeping them locked in is not exactly the best way forward now is it.
Can I ask what 9 and 10 year old boy were doing out alone in the first place??? Where were their parents???
I am always amused by the number of big-talking, chest- beating heroes who spring up whenever a similiar news item is reported. Listening to them, you get the impression that the creator of Batman was inspired by the Maltese reality. Of course, if they were ever really to come face to face with a real viol;ent criminal they would probably change their tune ....
David Coleiro
I am not surprised to hear that such perverts exist! These people make me sick. I was lucky that my mom told me about “wierdos” when I was young, at the time I didn’t get what she meant, but when I was flashed for the first time by a pervert on a Sunday afternoon, I knew that I was seeing one of those “wierdos” that my mom was talking about! I can’t bear to remember all of the times that I was on the bus and a man would sit behind me or in the seat close by and touch himself. These bastards would look me straight in the eye, I remember when I was 14 one guy followed me home. How could I go to the police and make a report when I was young, I didn’t have the ability to describe what the guy looked like well enough, or explain to my parents that I skipped church and that is when I met this freak. I still remember one guy though and when I see him in Rabat I want to punch him – I look him straight in the eye, I know his secret. I even had a breast grabbed by a complete stranger one evening, he kept on walking I ran after him and gave him a peace of my mind and a big whack with my bag. These people make me sick. In the past they used to tell women who were getting raped to stay still so it would be over quickly and safely, I think it is important to be bold and know how to defend yourself what ever your age is and fight back!! I am sure I am not the only one on the island to have had these experiences, my best friends and I even joke about how many perverts we have come across before we used to drive. IT’S NOT A JOKE, it’s a disgusting fact. Heck by the time I was 16, fed up of these guys and I was hell bent on emasculating these men I would tell them anything I could to make them feel small. I wonder if I wasn’t so outspoken how many of them would have taken advantage of me? These people are everywhere (especially the beach in summer), they are always looking for a good opportunity to see a vulnerable person and take advantage. It’s important to educate kids to empower themselves and use their intuition because you never know when a “wierdo” is going to come along, and you never know how far something like this will go until its too late.
Dear All, Herein lies another update, the man confessed about it all, one of the kids has been molested for over a year, and the other one had planned with the first molested kid to bring the new boy to meet with this man at 12pm. The man had asked the boys to bring him photos of other boys so he can chose the one he wanted them to bring to him. The one who wrote the message on Maltatoday turns out to have been one of the kids who planned to bring the other third kid to the man. So basically two other kids were forced to bring the third kid by the molester who had chosen the third kid from some photos. The reason behind their agreement to bring the kid to the molester is yet unclear, whether it was monetary or otherwise is yet unknown. He will be arraigned in court this afternoon today. God willing justice will prevail.
it it was my child I will surly be in prison by now.
This is one of the reasons why sex education at school is very important. Sometimes kids are too young to understand what an adult is up to, and many abuses are not reported for this reason. Sex education is important; we are on the verge of becoming a "failed society" with so many kids being born out of wedlock and unknown fathers. This situation led to rampant criminality in the US because unwanted kids were not taken care off by their parents ( Read Freakonomics) and grow up with a chip on their shoulder weighing a ton. Sex education, especially the use of responsible sex, the use of condoms and other forms of contraception, are the key to a more responsible society. Although the Church has a right to teach what it deems to be right, the State, escpecially this confessional GonziPN led State,cannot abdicate its responsibility, more so, as the Church has lost all credibillity with regards to sex problems, (Pope begged forgivness). Our kids are open to the globilised virtual information; thinking that our insularity and living in a glass sphere will solve our problems is laughable. We must grow up and the State should organise itself and shed its Opus Dei grip and ideology, and start behaving like a real European secular State; we are not a fief of the Vatican. One cannot call himself a "liberal"and vote for a Party that abdicates these important sectors to the old fashioned, local, moribond Church; it has failed us in the past, and more so in the future.
if he was my son i want report police. but i take him to the police station with his spine broken
The police also know of the man and other boys have also seen this man on many an occasion near the grounds, either a) playing with himself in the car as the kids play football or b) trying to lure them in towards him. Why aren't these individuals named and shamed like in most other countries. I want to be able to tell my kids who to look out for. If you are a parent ask yourself this question: if our kids and not safe playing in public playgrounds and places where students normally play then should I keep my children locked in doors to play with their game consoles only because perverts and animals like this man are allowed to walk the streets liberally? ******************************************************** I assure you ,that you are not the only one, who said this and wishes that to happen- YES all pedophiles must be known to PUBLIC! it's the kids they are after, so the PUBLIC must be informed who are there people! you know why they never did it? because they are protected (MPs etc..) they all have body guards etc... try to do something to them,and you will see what will happen! besides the church commands this micro state! why noone from the MPs talks about The CONCORDAT THAT MALTA MADE WITH THE VATICAN IN 1993? because they want to leave that concordat- because both PN and MLP/PL don't want to fight with the church thats why! when there was a child abuse - people who was accused went staright to courts of justice. so whne one from the church is accused ,the story is different , yiou see how not all things are the same to all! MPs that we have ......... maybe one day a real politician will arise and will change all the hypocrisy all the lies that we have in this country.
Alfred Galea
I never said it wasn't...all I said was that first he's gotta have a fair trial, unless he pleads guilty, and THEN the judge/magistrate can throw the book at him....believe it or not there are numerous instances where boys lied and innocent persons were throiw in jail or even beaten to a pulp. And I ain't saying this is the case either.
For the record Joe South, it is all very real, I know one the boys well and when I asked him what he saw his reply was as follows: "No, its rude, its very very very rude, I don't want to say it, its rude" his face was blushing in red and his hands trembling. Eventually he told them what he saw the man make the other boy do, but it is rather graphic needless to say it involved a knife at the boys side and the boy was made to perform oral .......... As for fair trial, my dear friend, I think it's te justice system which should be fair in this case cos, either way his seat in hell I assure you is already made available.
Unlike many of the comments here I happen to know both boys and both sets of parents. For starters the comment received by this website was by one of the boys who saw a part of the scene not both of the boys. One boy witnessed less than the other. The boys overheard the parents talk and mention the word Maltatoday and the little wise man decided to post a comment on the website so he can get the adult recognition he thinks he deserved. That aside, the real problem herein lies on whether this man from sliema who is between 28 and 30 years and lives with his parents somewhere in Gzira, Sliema or Msida will end up in jail or not. I also believe he was lucky the kids called the police rather than the parents first because if that happened to my children, it would have ended rather differently. For all your information also, the man admitted to performing these acts with a young boy and it seems as its the norm. The other boy who these acts were performed on was meant to meet the other two boys there at 12 in the afternoon, so it seems as if one of the boys was used as bait to lure the two newer boys to this perverted pedophiles act. Fortunately for them, and their parents they turned up at 2pm because they were too busy playing another game far away from these public playgrounds. The police also know of the man and other boys have also seen this man on many an occasion near the grounds, either a) playing with himself in the car as the kids play football or b) trying to lure them in towards him. Why aren't these individuals named and shamed like in most other countries. I want to be able to tell my kids who to look out for. If you are a parent ask yourself this question: if our kids and not safe playing in public playgrounds and places where students normally play then should I keep my children locked in doors to play with their game consoles only because perverts and animals like this man are allowed to walk the streets liberally?

hi i was in the act i saw the man molestering the boy i am the ten yr old boy just to know and it was very horrible this kida named **** has escaped out just to know and ps my friend was with me also i am *** and my friends name is *** and he is 9 yrs old and didnt have a knife in his pocket so that is a LIE !!

Alfred Galea
@ lee........yeah right.
Joe Tanti
Joe South, I refered to young boys cause the offender refered to in the article attacked young boys but the same method will be metted to every offender even those of young girls and yes even if they were clergymen of any religion.
Zack Depasquale
Skuzawni L-ahwa imma kieku dak it tifel kien it tifel tieghi ic-cansijiet kienu jkunu li jien kont nitressaq il-qorti, ghax il ligi b'idi kont niehodha, mela jehded b'sikkina tifel t'10 snin u wara jimmolestah. Min hu animal selvagg ghandu jigi ittratat t'animal selvagg
first always a fair trial! than if guilty, than yes sentences must be very hard!! ror sex offenders! and yes the law must be to all the same- Excluding noone- Noone is suppose to be above the law! if not than the things are not to all the same. than justice is never made!
Alfred Galea
lee, what about "sexual offenders of young girls"?? Or was your comment a shot at priests?? Wenzu and about a fair trial FIRST?
Joe Tanti
Brand him with a hot iron on his forehead,naturally after castrating him with a dull knife.And this goes for EVERY sexual offender of young boys, and I mean EVERY one wthout exemptions.
Keith Goodlip
@ Tal Hamrija---- WITHOUT anesthetics!
Michael Gauci