Underwater tunnel could cost half billion, not €150 million - former PN roads minister

Architect and former PN minister Jesmond Mugliett expressed his reservations about the proposed under-water tunnel linking Malta to Gozo, a move considered by many as a pre-general elections feat.

“I think the €150 estimate is very low,” Mugliett said when asked by sister newspaper Illum whether the circulating figure is realistic or not.

“From preliminary research I’ve made I estimate that a tunnel between Malta and Gozo will cost around €500 million.”

Two architects contacted by this newspaper have serious doubts on whether it should be underwater in the first place and whether the cost proposed by government is far too low and unrealistic compared to the real potential cost.

Architect Charles Buhagiar said “With a project of this magnitude you cannot just shoot figures and estimates around.”

“The cost is linked to a number of important factors…and depends on the design and geological conditions that one faces when digging under water.”

Read more on Illum

Hbieb tinsewx li Malta qeghdin. Meta naghmlu progett, naghtlu stima mod u meta jitlesta x-xoghol l-ispiza tkun 10 darbiet aktar, tipo Mater Dei jew il-progett tac-Cirkewwa. Ta- l-ahhar ghadu mhux lest u l-ispiza tiegh sparat il-fuq. Jekk it-tunnel huwas stmat Euros 150m, allura l-ispiza fuqu se tkun Euros 1500m.
The estimates quoted at €150 million are purely facical and totally and wholly inadequate. Such a tunnel will cost nearer €1,200 million (8 times that of the figure banded around) and at that figure a bridge would be just as good a solution. What seems to be missed is the fact that either a bored tunnel or a submerged tube equivalent would be under 50 plus metres of water and to get to that depth would entail a road with a common gradient of around 6% which would mean that at each end a graded entry of at leat 750 metres. As outlandish as it may seem the potential of a semi-submersed floating tubular tunnel would work provided the ground works were sorted out to anchor the tube. Outlandish, unrealistic hardly these are the current thinkings of tunnel Engineers at the forefront of technology and it would be very appropriate to this location.
Judging by the Mater Dei precedent, this thing would cost a trillion before anyone walks or drives on it from Cirkewwa to Mgarr or wherever. Considering the tiny population of this archipelago and even if one counts tourists, the mega-project is a chimera. When so many other more important things need financing, I can't believe anyone would come up with this nightmare. The toll payable to cross over, when costings are done, would probably be so prohibitive that the majority would continue to use the ferry-boat. Besides, part of the charm associated with Gozo is the boat-trip which many tourists regard as a treat. Gozo would also lose much of its attractiveness, assuming the tunnel would ever be economical, as it would become simply an extension of Mellieha. In my opinion, an efficient all-weather berthing and efficient trips are all that is needed. By all means, make the boat trip as easy and as cheap as possible to Gozitans working in Malta but do not ruin what's left of Gozo's distinctive charm.
wasal izmien li jew nitkecew mil e.u jew jigu il baranin jihdu hsiebna ghax balla nies bla mohh
I think the €150 estimate is very low,” Mugliett said when asked by sister newspaper Illum whether the circulating figure is realistic or not. “From preliminary research I’ve made I estimate that a tunnel between Malta and Gozo will cost around €500 million.” lollllllllllll forsi min qal 150 miljun euro qed jghid ghal progett u kif qal mr.jesmond mugliette 500 million euro ghal progett iehor- u leeeeee forsi madwar it- tunnel tal -proget ,ha nara ta, jista jaghmel tourist attraction. jaghmel underwater aquarium - lolllllllllllllllllllllllll -kont ghadni tifel l-iskola meta kienu jsemmu ghalmenu bridge- imma qatt ma sar xejn- ;-)
laqas kienu kapacci jamlu 4 toroq ahseb u ara kemm kapacci jamlu undersea tunnel
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
@Martin Borg Agree with the first part of your comment. However on the second, it's actually the other way round. Other issues (such as divorce) are being used to alienate the public from taking a good look at these projects and the corruption they entail.
Looks like another way to line some undeserving pockets before losing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Apart from being shameful even to think about it this project cropped up simply as a diversive to the other problems hitting us in the face.
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
When 15% of the population are on the poverty line, I do not believe this white elephant is being done for the sake of Gozitans. Some contractors must be behind this. Obviously we don't want to make political party financing transparent, do we?
The estimated cost per kilometre of a tunnel proposed between South Korea and Japan came in at US$1.8 Billion per kilometre. Both the Japanese and South Korean Governments aborted the projected after they were made aware of the price tag. Instead of trying to divert public attention from other more pressing matters and appeasing Gozitan voters. Government needs to plant its feet firmly on planet Earth. Have a look at the pitiful state our road network finds itself in and then decide for yourselves where €150 Million should be spent.
Underwater tunnel? What? Is this Government insane? Who needs a tunnel for Gozo? Only PN contractors are to benefit from such an endeavor. Someone has to topple this administration as soon as possible before it is too late.